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Created January 29, 2017 11:41
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module Line (Line(..), extract, left, right, allfocuses, neighbourhood, mean, onsides, makelist, st_makelist, smoothmean, smoothwith) where
import Data.Maybe
data Line a = Line [a] a [a] deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Line where
fmap f (Line ls a rs) = Line (map f ls) (f a) (map f rs)
extract :: Line a -> a
extract (Line _ a _) = a
left :: Line a -> Maybe (Line a)
left line@(Line [] x rs) = Nothing
left (Line (l:ls) x rs) = Just $ Line ls l (x:rs)
right :: Line a -> Maybe (Line a)
right line@(Line ls x []) = Nothing
right (Line ls x (r:rs)) = Just $ Line (x:ls) r rs
allfocuses :: Line a -> Line (Line a)
allfocuses line = Line (tail $ makelist left line) line (tail $ makelist right line)
neighbourhood :: Int -> Line a -> Line a
neighbourhood n (Line ls x rs) = Line (take n ls) x (take n rs)
mean :: Fractional a => Int -> Line a -> a
mean n line = go $ neighbourhood n line
where go (Line ls x rs) = (sum (ls ++ [x] ++ rs)) / (fromIntegral $ length (ls ++ [x] ++ rs))
onsides :: (a -> Maybe a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> [b]
onsides next f = tail . map f . makelist next
makelist :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> [a]
makelist next x = x : case next x of
Nothing -> []; Just y -> makelist next y
st_makelist :: s -> (s -> Maybe (a, s)) -> [a]
st_makelist s f = case f s of
Nothing -> []; Just (x, y) -> x : st_makelist y f
smoothmean :: Fractional a => Int -> Line a -> Line a
smoothmean n line@(Line ls x rs) = mean n <$> allfocuses line
smoothwith :: (Line a -> a) -> Line a -> Line a
smoothwith f line = f <$> allfocuses line
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