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Created November 29, 2012 16:34
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simple neural network
open Printf
type 'a io = { i: 'a; o: 'a }
type vec = float array
type mat = vec array
type neuralNet = { a : vec io; ah : vec; w : mat io; c : mat io }
let vector = Array.init
let matrix m n f = vector m (fun i -> vector n (f i))
let neuralNet ni nh no =
let init fi fo = { i = matrix (ni + 1) nh fi; o = matrix nh no fo } in
let rand x0 x1 = x0 +. Random.float(x1 -. x0) in
{ a = { i = vector (ni + 1) (fun _ -> 1.0);
o = vector no (fun _ -> 1.0) };
ah = vector nh (fun _ -> 1.0);
w = init (fun _ _ -> rand (-0.2) 0.4) (fun _ _ -> rand (-2.0) 4.0);
c = init (fun _ _ -> 0.0) (fun _ _ -> 0.0)
let sigmoid x = 1.0 /. (1.0 +. exp(-. x))
let sigmoid' y = y *. (1.0 -. y)
let rec fold2 n f a xs ys =
let a = ref a in
for i=0 to n-1 do
a := f !a (xs i) (ys i)
let dot n xs ys = fold2 n (fun t x y -> t +. x *. y) 0.0 xs ys
let length = Array.length
let get = Array.get
let update net inputs =
let ni, nh, no = length net.a.i, length net.ah, length net.a.o in
assert(length inputs = ni-1);
let ai i = if i < ni-1 then inputs.(i) else net.a.i.(i) in
let ah j = sigmoid(dot ni ai (fun i -> net.w.i.(i).(j))) in
let ah = vector nh ah in
let ao k = sigmoid(dot nh (get ah) (fun j -> net.w.o.(j).(k))) in
{net with a = { i = vector ni ai; o = vector no ao }; ah = ah }
let backPropagate net targets n m =
let ni, nh, no = length net.a.i, length net.ah, length net.a.o in
assert(length targets = no);
let od k = sigmoid' net.a.o.(k) *. (targets.(k) -. net.a.o.(k)) in
let od = vector no od in
let hd j = sigmoid' net.ah.(j) *. dot no (get od) (fun k -> net.w.o.(j).(k)) in
let hd = vector nh hd in
let co j k = od.(k) *. net.ah.(j) in
let wo j k = net.w.o.(j).(k) +. n *. co j k +. m *. net.c.o.(j).(k) in
let ci i j = hd.(j) *. net.a.i.(i) in
let wi i j = net.w.i.(i).(j) +. n *. ci i j +. m *. net.c.i.(i).(j) in
let init fi fo = { i = matrix ni nh fi; o = matrix nh no fo } in
{ net with w = init wi wo; c = init ci co },
0.5 *. fold2 no (fun t x y -> t +. (x -. y) ** 2.0) 0.0
(get targets) (get net.a.o)
let rec train net patterns iters n m =
if iters = 0 then net else
let step (net, error) (inputs, targets) =
let net, de = backPropagate (update net inputs) targets n m in
net, error +. de in
let net, error = Array.fold_left step (net, 0.0) patterns in
if iters mod 10000 = 0 then printf "Error: %g:\n%!" error;
train net patterns (iters - 1) n m
let print_array ff print xs =
let n = Array.length xs in
if n = 0 then fprintf ff "[||]" else begin
fprintf ff "[|";
for i=0 to Array.length xs-2 do
fprintf ff "%a; " print xs.(i)
let test patts net =
let aux (inputs, _) =
let print ff = print_array ff (fun ff -> fprintf ff "%g") in
let outputs = (update net inputs).a.o in
printf "%a -> %a\n" print inputs print outputs in
Array.iter aux patts
let patts =
[|[|0.0; 0.0|] , [|0.0|];
[|0.0; 1.0|] , [|1.0|];
[|1.0; 0.0|] , [|1.0|];
[|1.0; 1.0|] , [|0.0|]|]
let () =
let t = Sys.time() in
let net = neuralNet 2 2 1 in
test patts (train net patts 100000 0.5 0.1);
printf "Took %gs\n" (Sys.time() -. t)
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