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# Source:
# How To Manage Production-Grade Kubernetes Clusters With Rancher #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - Rancher:
# - Rancher Fleet: GitOps Across A Large Number Of Kubernetes Clusters:
iomarian / gist:3c372df78b085237136ca18f6ec66184
Created April 6, 2021 18:01 — forked from trongthanh/gist:2779392
How to move a folder from one repo to another and keep its commit history
# source:
# First of all you need to have a clean clone of the source repository so we didn't screw the things up.
git clone git://
# After that you need to do some preparations on the source repository, nuking all the entries except the folder you need to move. Use the following command
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter your_dir -- -- all
# This will nuke all the other entries and their history, creating a clean git repository that contains only data and history from the directory you need. If you need to move several folders, you have to collect them in a single directory using the git mv command.
iomarian /
Created January 30, 2021 08:48 — forked from haisum/
Automated bash script to setup dovecot postfix mysql email server on ubuntu 14.04
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script to install postfix
iomarian /
Created January 19, 2021 11:58 — forked from ibqn/
Email server based on Dovecot, Postfix, MySQL, Rspamd and Debian 9 Stretch

Email server based on Dovecot, Postfix, MySQL, Rspamd and Debian 9 Stretch

MySQL database setup

Install MariaDB as a database management system DBMS

sudo apt install mariadb-server

Create a new database named srvmail for a mail server:

iomarian /
Created June 2, 2020 06:35 — forked from ruanbekker/
Install k3s on Alpine Linux
$ apk add --no-cache curl
$ echo "cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

$ cat > /etc/cgconfig.conf <<EOF
mount {
  cpuacct = /cgroup/cpuacct;
  memory = /cgroup/memory;
  devices = /cgroup/devices;
  freezer = /cgroup/freezer;
iomarian /
Created May 29, 2020 15:37
Install Rancher on RHEL 7

RHEL 7 Docker Rancher

Install Docker on all of the host machines:

yum upgrade -y

subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
yum install -y docker
iomarian /
Created January 17, 2020 18:37 — forked from ruanbekker/
Mail Server Virtual Users with MySQL Postfix Dovecot on CentOS
# blog:
# dependencies
yum update -y
yum --enablerepo=centosplus install postfix mailx mutt -y
yum install dovecot mysql-server dovecot-mysql cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-devel -y
# mysql configuration
chkconfig mysqld on