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Created September 27, 2016 04:52
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Demo script menggunakan zmpython pada kopdar python-ID Jogja 240916
__author__ = ('Imam Omar Mochtar', ('', ''))
from com.zimbra.common.soap import AccountConstants, AdminConstants
from com.zimbra.cs.account import Provisioning
from com.zimbra.cs.account.soap import SoapProvisioning
from com.zimbra.client import ZMailbox
from com.zimbra.common.account.Key import AccountBy
KBYTES = 1024
MBYTES = 1024*1024
GBYTES = 1024*1024*1024
def formatter(size):
size = float(size)
if size > GBYTES:
return "%.2f GB"%(size/GBYTES)
elif size > MBYTES:
return "%.2f MB"%(size/MBYTES)
elif size > KBYTES:
return "%.2f KB"%(size/KBYTES)
return "%d B"%(size)
path = AccountConstants.USER_SERVICE_URI
sslport = Provisioning.getInstance().getLocalServer().getIntAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraMailSSLPort, 0)
# provme
prov = Provisioning.getInstance()
domain = prov.getDomain( prov.getAccount('admin') )
# mendapatkan admin auth token
sp = SoapProvisioning()
sp.soapSetURI("https://localhost:7071" + AdminConstants.ADMIN_SERVICE_URI)
token = sp.getAuthToken()
soapurl = "https://localhost:%s%s"%(sslport, path)
options = ZMailbox.Options(token, soapurl)
for user in prov.getAllAccounts(None):
mail = user.getMail()
mbx = ZMailbox.getMailbox(options)
info = mbx.getAccountInfo(True)
rsize = info.getMailboxQuotaUsed()
size = formatter( rsize )
print "[JYT] Mailbox size of %s = %s"%(mail,size)
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