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Created March 27, 2023 05:47
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Morse code encoder & decoder c#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MorseEncoder
internal class Program
private static void Main()
var text = "welcome to the new age";
var morse = new MorseEncoder();
string morseCode = morse.Encode(text);
internal class MorseEncoder
private readonly Dictionary<char, string> _morseCode = new Dictionary<char, string>()
{'A', ".-"},
{'B', "-..."},
{'C', "-.-."},
{'D', "-.."},
{'E', "."},
{'F', "..-."},
{'G', "--."},
{'H', "...."},
{'I', ".."},
{'J', ".---"},
{'K', "-.-"},
{'L', ".-.."},
{'M', "--"},
{'N', "-."},
{'O', "---"},
{'P', ".--."},
{'Q', "--.-"},
{'R', ".-."},
{'S', "..."},
{'T', "-"},
{'U', "..-"},
{'V', "...-"},
{'W', ".--"},
{'X', "-..-"},
{'Y', "-.--"},
{'Z', "--.."},
{'0', "-----"},
{'1', ".----"},
{'2', "..---"},
{'3', "...--"},
{'4', "....-"},
{'5', "....."},
{'6', "-...."},
{'7', "--..."},
{'8', "---.."},
{'9', "----."},
{'.', ".-.-.-"},
{',', "--..--"},
{'?', "..--.."},
{'\'', ".----."},
{'!', "-.-.--"},
{'/', "-..-."},
{'(', "-.--."},
{')', "-.--.-"},
{'&', ".-..."},
{':', "---..."},
{';', "-.-.-."},
{'=', "-...-"},
{'+', ".-.-."},
{'-', "-....-"},
{'_', "..--.-"},
{'\"', ".-..-."},
{'$', "...-..-"},
{'@', ".--.-."},
{' ', "/"}
public string Encode(string message)
message = message.ToUpper();
string encodedMessage = "";
foreach (char character in message)
if (_morseCode.ContainsKey(character))
encodedMessage += _morseCode[character] + " ";
encodedMessage += character + " ";
return encodedMessage.Trim();
public string Decode(string message)
string[] words = message.Split('/');
string decodedMessage = "";
foreach (string word in words)
string[] letters = word.Split(' ');
foreach (string letter in letters)
foreach (KeyValuePair<char, string> kvp in _morseCode)
if (letter == kvp.Value)
decodedMessage += kvp.Key;
decodedMessage += " ";
return decodedMessage.Trim();
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