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Created June 11, 2020 14:30
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"Einstein's Riddle" in Ersatz
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--resolver lts-15.15
--package ersatz
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main (main) where
import Prelude hiding ((&&), and, any, all, true)
import Control.Monad
import Ersatz
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data House = House { hNationality :: Nationality
, hWallColor :: WallColor
, hCigar :: Cigar
, hBeverage :: Beverage
, hAnimal :: Animal
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
data BitHouse = BitHouse { bhNationality :: BitEnum Nationality
, bhWallColor :: BitEnum WallColor
, bhCigar :: BitEnum Cigar
, bhBeverage :: BitEnum Beverage
, bhAnimal :: BitEnum Animal
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance Codec BitHouse where
type Decoded BitHouse = House
decode s BitHouse{..} =
House <$> decode s bhNationality <*> decode s bhWallColor
<*> decode s bhCigar <*> decode s bhBeverage <*> decode s bhAnimal
encode House{..} =
BitHouse (encode hNationality) (encode hWallColor) (encode hCigar)
(encode hBeverage) (encode hAnimal)
instance Equatable BitHouse
instance Orderable BitHouse
instance Variable BitHouse
data Nationality = Dane | Brit | German | Norwegian | Swede
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
data WallColor = Blue | Green | Red | White | Yellow
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
data Cigar = Blends | BlueMaster | Dunhill | PallMall | Prince
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
data Beverage = Coffee | Milk | RootBeer | Tea | Water
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
data Animal = Bird | Cat | Dog | Fish | Horse
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
newtype BitEnum t = BitEnum Bits
deriving (Show, Equatable, Orderable)
instance (Enum t) => Codec (BitEnum t) where
type Decoded (BitEnum t) = t
decode s (BitEnum b) = toEnum . fromInteger <$> decode s b
encode = BitEnum . encode . toInteger . fromEnum
instance (Bounded t, Enum t) => Variable (BitEnum t) where
literally m = do
let beMaxBound = encode maxBound
numBits = case beMaxBound of BitEnum (Bits bs) -> length bs
be <- BitEnum . Bits <$> replicateM numBits (literally m)
assert (be <=? beMaxBound)
pure be
main :: IO ()
main = do
~(Satisfied, Just houses) <- solveWith anyminisat problem
mapM_ print houses
problem :: MonadSAT s m => m [BitHouse]
problem = do
houses <- replicateM 5 exists
assert . and $
[ unique (map bhNationality houses)
, unique (map bhWallColor houses)
, unique (map bhCigar houses)
, unique (map bhBeverage houses)
, unique (map bhAnimal houses)
, any (\h -> nationality h Brit && wallColor h Red) houses
, any (\h -> nationality h Swede && animal h Dog) houses
, any (\h -> nationality h Dane && beverage h Tea) houses
, any (\(hl, hr) -> wallColor hl Green && wallColor hr White) (neighborsLR houses)
, any (\h -> wallColor h Green && beverage h Coffee) houses
, any (\h -> cigar h PallMall && animal h Bird) houses
, any (\h -> wallColor h Yellow && cigar h Dunhill) houses
, beverage (houses !! 2) Milk
, nationality (houses !! 0) Norwegian
, any (\(h, hn) -> cigar h Blends && animal hn Cat) (neighbors houses)
, any (\(h, hn) -> animal h Horse && cigar hn Dunhill) (neighbors houses)
, any (\h -> cigar h BlueMaster && beverage h RootBeer) houses
, any (\h -> nationality h German && cigar h Prince) houses
, any (\(h, hn) -> nationality h Norwegian && wallColor hn Blue) (neighbors houses)
, any (\(h, hn) -> cigar h Blends && beverage hn Water) (neighbors houses)
pure houses
nationality bh x = bhNationality bh === encode x
wallColor bh x = bhWallColor bh === encode x
cigar bh x = bhCigar bh === encode x
beverage bh x = bhBeverage bh === encode x
animal bh x = bhAnimal bh === encode x
unique :: Equatable a => [a] -> Bit
unique (x:xs) = all (x /==) xs && unique xs
unique [] = true
neighborsLR, neighbors :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
neighborsLR xs = zipWith (,) xs (drop 1 xs)
neighbors xs = do
(l, r) <- neighborsLR xs
[(l, r), (r, l)]
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