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Created March 1, 2010 19:46
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Save ion1/318731 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
”The first line is required because RubyGems currently can’t mix prerelease
and regular release gems (someone please fix that!).”
Asennetaan tuon vuoksi Rails Bundlerilla:
% export PATH="$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin"
% sudo gem install bundler --version=0.9.9
(0.9.10 vaatii uudemman RubyGemsin kuin Debianissa/Ubuntussa on.)
% cd your-project-directory
% vi Gemfile
# Temporary Gemfile just to get Rails 3 beta installed
source ''
gem "rails", "3.0.0.beta"
gem "bundler", "0.9.9" # Prevent the installation of 0.9.10
% bundle install
% bundle exec rails --skip-testunit --skip-prototype
(Käytetään RSpeciä TestUnitin sijaan ja jQueryä Prototypen sijaan.)
(bundle exec... suorittaa rails-binäärin ~/.bundlen alta.)
% cd
% cp config/database.yml{,.example}
% echo config/database.yml >>.gitignore
% git config"Foo Bar"
% git config""
(Nämä ajetaan vain kerran.)
% git init
% git add .
% git commit -m 'Initial import'
% vi Gemfile
group :test do
gem "rspec", "2.0.0.a10"
gem "rspec-rails", "2.0.0.a10"
gem "webrat"
gem "cucumber"
gem "cucumber-rails"
% bundle install
% script/rails generate cucumber:skeleton
% git add .
% git commit -m 'Add cucumber skeleton'
% vi features/manage_projects.feature
Feature: Manage projects
In order to manage projects
As a user
I want to be able to add and remove projects
Scenario: Add a new project
Given ...
When ...
Then ...
% git add features
% git commit -m 'Add initial manage_projects feature'
% sudo gem install rake
% rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
$ rake cucumber:wip
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