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Created May 23, 2018 15:09
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using Clarity;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Sample.Calculator
public class App : Application {
public App() => MainPage = new Calculator().MainPage();
public class Calculator : ClarityBase
delegate double CalcOp(double accu, double val);
public ContentPage MainPage()
var initOp = new CalcOp((_, val) => val);
var currentValue = CreateBindableValue(0.0);
var queuedValue = 0.0;
var queuedOp = initOp;
var isOperatorQueued = false;
void appendNumber(int number)
if (isOperatorQueued) {
currentValue.Value = number;
isOperatorQueued = false;
} else {
currentValue.Value = currentValue.Value * 10 + number;
void applyOperator(CalcOp op)
queuedValue = currentValue.Value = queuedOp(queuedValue, currentValue.Value);
queuedOp = op;
isOperatorQueued = true;
void clear()
queuedValue = 0;
queuedOp = initOp;
currentValue.Value = 0;
return ContentPage.Content(
.Padding(new Thickness(10))
.Text(currentValue, v => v.ToString()),
Button.Text("/").Grid_RowCol(1, 3).Command(() => applyOperator((accu, val) => accu / val)),
Button.Text("*").Grid_RowCol(2, 3).Command(() => applyOperator((accu, val) => accu * val)),
Button.Text("-").Grid_RowCol(3, 3).Command(() => applyOperator((accu, val) => accu - val)),
Button.Text("+").Grid_RowCol(4, 3).Command(() => applyOperator((accu, val) => accu + val)),
Button.Text("C").Grid_RowCol(5, 0).Command(clear),
Button.Text("=").Grid_RowCol(5, 1).Command(() => applyOperator((accu, _) => accu)).Grid_ColumnSpan(3)
IEnumerable<Button> BuildNumberPad(Action<int> appendNumber) =>
Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => {
return Button.Grid_RowCol(i == 0 ? 4 : 4 - ((i + 2) / 3),
i == 0 ? 0 : (i + 2) % 3)
.Grid_ColumnSpan(i == 0 ? 3 : 1)
.Command(() => appendNumber(i))
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