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Mihhail Maslakov ionoy

  • Estonia
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Install LiveSharp extension:
Install LiveSharp NuGet package:
1) add [assembly:LiveSharpInjectRuleBaseClass("Xamarin.Forms.ContentPage", "Xamarin.Forms.ContentView")] attribute to App.xaml.cs
2) add [LiveSharpStart] attribute to App constructor
3) add this code to the end of App constructor
LiveSharpContext.AddUpdateHandler(ctx => {
var instances = ctx.UpdatedMethods
.SelectMany(method => method.Instances)
using Clarity;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Sample.Calculator
using CalcOp = Func<double, double, double>;
class MyView : View, IElementController
public static BindableProperty HostedPageProperty = BindableProperty.Create("HostedPage", typeof(Page), typeof(MyView), propertyChanged: OnHostedPageChanged);
ReadOnlyCollection<Element> _logicalChildrenInner = new ReadOnlyCollection<Element>(new List<Element>());
ReadOnlyCollection<Element> IElementController.LogicalChildren => _logicalChildrenInner;
public void SetHostedPage(Page page)
_logicalChildrenInner = new ReadOnlyCollection<Element>(new List<Element>(new[] { page } ));
using Clarity;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Sample.Calculator
public class App : Application {
public App() => MainPage = new Calculator().MainPage();
public class CodedUiTest : ContentView
public CodedUiTest ()
public void InitializeContentLive()
var grid = new Grid();
// Attribute can be omitted if method name is exactly `InitializeContent`
public void InitializeContent() {
Content = new Grid {
[Name("Mouse processor")]
internal sealed class QuickInfoSourceProvider : IQuickInfoSourceProvider
SVsServiceProvider serviceProvider;
public IQuickInfoSource TryCreateQuickInfoSource(ITextBuffer textBuffer)
extend syntax Expression
| Parenthesized = "(" Expression ")";
syntax Binding = "bind" s Path=BindingPath? Source=("from" s BindingSource)? Converter=("convert" s LambdaExpr s)? ConverterBack=("convertback" s LambdaExpr s)? Settings=("set" s "[" s (!"set" NodeMember; ContentDelimiter)* s "]")?;
syntax BindingPath
| StringLiteral
| Parameter = "$" Key=Reference
| QRef = Key=QualifiedReference
public static int _#_NotEscs_(int pos, string text)
int okPos = -1;
if (pos < text.Length)
int curPos = pos + 1;
while (true)
okPos = curPos;