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Created April 19, 2017 03:37
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user_event schema
Table "public.user_event"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('user_event_id_seq'::regclass)
user_id | integer | not null
latitude | numeric(9,6) |
longitude | numeric(9,6) |
active | boolean | not null default true
poi_id | integer |
deal_id | integer |
category_id | integer |
what | character varying(32) | not null
locale | character varying(8) |
created_at | timestamp without time zone | not null
parameters | jsonb |
"user_event_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"index_user_event_for_calls" btree (poi_id, created_at) WHERE what::text = 'profile_call'::text
"index_user_event_for_nearby_polls" btree (created_at, latitude, longitude) WHERE what::text = ANY (ARRAY['location_change'::character varying, 'poll'::character varying, 'midnight_location'::character varying]::text[])
"index_user_event_for_profile_views" btree (poi_id, created_at) WHERE what::text = 'poi_profile_shown'::text
"index_user_event_for_profile_views1" btree (poi_id, created_at, what) WHERE what::text = 'poi_profile_shown'::text
"index_user_event_for_profile_views2" btree (created_at, poi_id, what) WHERE what::text = 'poi_profile_shown'::text
"index_user_event_for_suggestion_notification" btree (((parameters ->> 'suggestion_id'::text)::integer), what) WHERE (parameters ->> 'suggestion_id'::text) IS NOT NULL
"index_user_event_for_visits" btree (poi_id, created_at, latitude, longitude) WHERE what::text = 'location_change'::text
"index_user_event_for_visits_3" btree (created_at, latitude, longitude, user_id) WHERE what::text = ANY (ARRAY['location_change'::character varying, 'poll'::character varying, 'midnight_location'::character varying]::text[])
"index_user_event_for_web_clicks" btree (poi_id, created_at) WHERE what::text = 'profile_weblink'::text
"index_user_event_on_created_at" btree (created_at)
"index_user_event_on_user_id_and_created_at_and_what" btree (user_id, created_at, what) WHERE what::text = ANY (ARRAY['location_change'::character varying, 'menu_tap'::character varying, 'poi_profile_shown'::character varying]::text[])
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Here is the details of the table before:

geozone_data_production=> \d+
                                       List of relations
 Schema |                  Name                  |   Type   | Owner |    Size    | Description
 public | ar_internal_metadata                   | table    | http  | 16 kB      |
 public | poi                                    | table    | http  | 1966 MB    |
 public | poi_id_seq                             | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | region                                 | table    | http  | 40 kB      |
 public | region_id_seq                          | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | region_range                           | table    | http  | 120 kB     |
 public | region_range_id_seq                    | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | schema_migrations                      | table    | http  | 16 kB      |
 public | suggestion                             | table    | http  | 48 kB      |
 public | suggestion_conversion                  | table    | http  | 2328 kB    |
 public | suggestion_conversion_aggregate        | table    | http  | 40 kB      |
 public | suggestion_conversion_aggregate_id_seq | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | suggestion_conversion_id_seq           | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | suggestion_id_seq                      | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | user                                   | table    | http  | 101 MB     |
 public | user_event                             | table    | http  | 102 GB     |
 public | user_event_id_seq                      | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | user_id_seq                            | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
(18 rows)

geozone_data_production=> \di+
                                                             List of relations
 Schema |                          Name                          | Type  | Owner |              Table              |  Size   | Description
 public | ar_internal_metadata_pkey                              | index | http  | ar_internal_metadata            | 16 kB   |
 public | index_region_range_on_region_id                        | index | http  | region_range                    | 64 kB   |
 public | index_suggestion_conversion_aggregate_on_suggestion_id | index | http  | suggestion_conversion_aggregate | 16 kB   |
 public | index_suggestion_conversion_on_suggestion_id           | index | http  | suggestion_conversion           | 1512 kB |
 public | index_suggestion_conversion_on_user_id                 | index | http  | suggestion_conversion           | 1488 kB |
 public | index_suggestion_on_poi_id                             | index | http  | suggestion                      | 16 kB   |
 public | index_suggestion_on_region_id                          | index | http  | suggestion                      | 16 kB   |
 public | index_user_event_for_calls                             | index | http  | user_event                      | 7312 kB |
 public | index_user_event_for_nearby_polls                      | index | http  | user_event                      | 21 GB   |
 public | index_user_event_for_profile_views                     | index | http  | user_event                      | 2405 MB |
 public | index_user_event_for_profile_views1                    | index | http  | user_event                      | 4449 MB |
 public | index_user_event_for_profile_views2                    | index | http  | user_event                      | 3665 MB |
 public | index_user_event_for_suggestion_notification           | index | http  | user_event                      | 8280 kB |
 public | index_user_event_for_visits_3                          | index | http  | user_event                      | 21 GB   |
 public | index_user_event_for_web_clicks                        | index | http  | user_event                      | 20 MB   |
 public | index_user_event_on_created_at                         | index | http  | user_event                      | 23 GB   |
 public | index_user_event_on_user_id_and_created_at_and_what    | index | http  | user_event                      | 20 GB   |
 public | poi_pkey                                               | index | http  | poi                             | 523 MB  |
 public | region_pkey                                            | index | http  | region                          | 16 kB   |
 public | region_range_pkey                                      | index | http  | region_range                    | 56 kB   |
 public | schema_migrations_pkey                                 | index | http  | schema_migrations               | 16 kB   |
 public | suggestion_conversion_aggregate_pkey                   | index | http  | suggestion_conversion_aggregate | 16 kB   |
 public | suggestion_conversion_pkey                             | index | http  | suggestion_conversion           | 1544 kB |
 public | suggestion_pkey                                        | index | http  | suggestion                      | 16 kB   |
 public | user_event_pkey                                        | index | http  | user_event                      | 18 GB   |
 public | user_pkey                                              | index | http  | user                            | 19 MB   |
(26 rows)

and after

geozone_data_production=> \d+
                                       List of relations
 Schema |                  Name                  |   Type   | Owner |    Size    | Description
 public | ar_internal_metadata                   | table    | http  | 16 kB      |
 public | poi                                    | table    | http  | 1966 MB    |
 public | poi_id_seq                             | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | region                                 | table    | http  | 40 kB      |
 public | region_id_seq                          | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | region_range                           | table    | http  | 120 kB     |
 public | region_range_id_seq                    | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | schema_migrations                      | table    | http  | 16 kB      |
 public | suggestion                             | table    | http  | 48 kB      |
 public | suggestion_conversion                  | table    | http  | 2344 kB    |
 public | suggestion_conversion_aggregate        | table    | http  | 40 kB      |
 public | suggestion_conversion_aggregate_id_seq | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | suggestion_conversion_id_seq           | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | suggestion_id_seq                      | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | user                                   | table    | http  | 101 MB     |
 public | user_event                             | table    | http  | 96 GB      |
 public | user_event_id_seq                      | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
 public | user_id_seq                            | sequence | http  | 8192 bytes |
(18 rows)

geozone_data_production=> \di+
                                                             List of relations
 Schema |                          Name                          | Type  | Owner |              Table              |  Size   | Description
 public | ar_internal_metadata_pkey                              | index | http  | ar_internal_metadata            | 16 kB   |
 public | index_region_range_on_region_id                        | index | http  | region_range                    | 64 kB   |
 public | index_suggestion_conversion_aggregate_on_suggestion_id | index | http  | suggestion_conversion_aggregate | 16 kB   |
 public | index_suggestion_conversion_on_suggestion_id           | index | http  | suggestion_conversion           | 1536 kB |
 public | index_suggestion_conversion_on_user_id                 | index | http  | suggestion_conversion           | 1488 kB |
 public | index_suggestion_on_poi_id                             | index | http  | suggestion                      | 16 kB   |
 public | index_suggestion_on_region_id                          | index | http  | suggestion                      | 16 kB   |
 public | index_user_event_for_calls                             | index | http  | user_event                      | 6888 kB |
 public | index_user_event_for_profile_views                     | index | http  | user_event                      | 2200 MB |
 public | index_user_event_for_suggestion_notification           | index | http  | user_event                      | 7936 kB |
 public | index_user_event_for_web_clicks                        | index | http  | user_event                      | 20 MB   |
 public | index_user_event_on_created_at                         | index | http  | user_event                      | 16 GB   |
 public | index_user_event_on_location_changes_user_id           | index | http  | user_event                      | 17 GB   |
 public | index_user_event_on_user_id_and_created_at_and_what    | index | http  | user_event                      | 19 GB   |
 public | poi_pkey                                               | index | http  | poi                             | 523 MB  |
 public | region_pkey                                            | index | http  | region                          | 16 kB   |
 public | region_range_pkey                                      | index | http  | region_range                    | 56 kB   |
 public | schema_migrations_pkey                                 | index | http  | schema_migrations               | 16 kB   |
 public | suggestion_conversion_aggregate_pkey                   | index | http  | suggestion_conversion_aggregate | 16 kB   |
 public | suggestion_conversion_pkey                             | index | http  | suggestion_conversion           | 1552 kB |
 public | suggestion_pkey                                        | index | http  | suggestion                      | 16 kB   |
 public | user_event_pkey                                        | index | http  | user_event                      | 16 GB   |
 public | user_pkey                                              | index | http  | user                            | 19 MB   |
(23 rows)

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After doing the alter table, it wouldn't do the index only scan. Found out you need to vacuum analyze user_event from

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