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Created October 1, 2008 03:29
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advancedsettings.xml for plex
<!--- Any settings detonted with a * in the comments can be removed from here and will appear in the GUI. --->
<!--- Please be careful while editing this file as it is very possible to break things! --->
<!--- Some text taken from which is available under -->
<!--- Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 --->
<!--- Version --->
<enableopticalmedia>false</enableopticalmedia> <!--- Set to true to enable DVD playback --->
<fakefullscreen>true</fakefullscreen> <!--- Set to false to enable absolute full screen mode --->
<cddbaddress></cddbaddress> <!--- The address of the online CDDb database to use. --->
<!--- Default extentions added are:
.png|.jpg|.jpeg|.bmp|.gif|.ico|.tif|.tiff|.tga|.pcx|.cbz|.zip|.cbr|.rar|.m3u -->
<add></add> <!--- A list of additional file-extensions to allow (add) seperated by | --->
<remove></remove> <!--- A list of additional file-extensions to exclude (add) seperated by | --->
<!--- Default extentions added are:
.nsv|.m4a|.flac|.aac|.strm|.pls|.rm|.mpa|.wav|.wma|.ogg|.mp3|.mp2|.m3u|.mod|.amf|.669|.dmf|.dsm|.far|.gdm|.imf|.it|.m15|.med|.okt|.s3m|.stm|.sfx|.ult|.uni|.xm|.sid|.ac3|.dts|.cue|.aif|.aiff|.wpl|.ape|.mac|.mpc|.mp+|.mpp|.shn|.zip|.rar|.wv|.nsf|.spc|.gym|.adplug|.adx|.dsp|.adp|.ymf|.ast|.afc|.hps|.xsp -->
<add></add> <!-- A list of additional file-extensions to allow (add) seperated by | --->
<remove></remove> <!-- A list of additional file-extensions to exclude (remove) seperated by | --->
<!--- Default extentions added are:
.m4v|.3gp|.nsv|.ts|.ty|.strm|.rm|.rmvb|.m3u|.ifo|.mov|.qt|.divx|.xvid|.bivx|.vob|.nrg|.img|.iso|.pva|.wmv|.asf|.asx|.ogm|.m2v|.avi|.bin|.dat|.dvr-ms|.mpg|.mpeg|.mp4|.mkv|.avc|.vp3|.svq3|.nuv|.viv|.dv|.fli|.flv|.rar|.001|.wpl|.zip -->
<add></add> <!-- A list of additional file-extensions to allow (add) seperated by | --->
<remove></remove> <!-- A list of additional file-extensions to exclude (remove) seperated by | --->
<short>alt</short><long>Alternate</long> <!-- Translation table for subtitle and audio names. Contains entries of the form -->
<token>the</token> <!---Allows you to specify additional tokens that will be ignored at the start of lines during sorting. --->
<playcountminimumpercent>90</playcountminimumpercent> <!--- Video: Minimum percentage that has to be played before it is marked as watched. Music: Minimum percentage that has to be played before it is considered for incrementing in the Top 100 database view, or for submittal. --->
<doscodepage></doscodepage> <!-- code page to use for filenames -->
<clienttimeout>10</clienttimeout> <!-- timeout (in seconds) -->
<!--- <moviestacking> Contains regular expressions for use in matching filenames in a "stack" of video files. The regular expression must have a (...) surrounding the volume label portion. Text matching is compared case-insensitive. Anything matched by the regular expression will be removed from the titlename. If more than one (...) section is used, the first one will be the prefix, the second one the volume label, and the third one (if it exists) will be the suffix. Use this to keep extensions after matching. If more than one expression matches a particular filename, the first one will be used. --->
<!--- Example: <regexp>[ _\\.-]+cd[ _\\.-]*([0-9a-d]+)</regexp> <!--- foo cd1.mkv foo cd2.mkv, foo_cd1.mkv foo_cd2.mkv--->
<!--- <tvshowmatching> Contains regular expression to match the season and episode numbers in filenames. NOTE: for multi-episode matching to work, there needs to be a third set of parentheses on the end. This part is fed back into the regexp engine.--->
<!--- Example: <regexp>\\[[Ss]([0-9]+)\\]_\\[[Ee]([0-9]+)\\]?([^\\\\/]*)$</regexp> <!-- foo_[s01]_[e01] -->
<!--- Example Exclude from scan: <regexp>[-\._ ](sample|trailer)[-\._ ]</regexp> <!--- Contains regular expressions to match filenames which should be excluded from a library scan. --->
<playlistretries>100</playlistretries> <!--- The default number of retries if for example a source is offline is 100. With this control you can alter the number of consecutive failed items before a playlist fails. --->
<playlisttimeout>20</playlisttimeout> <!--- The default timeout before item failure is 20 sec. It can be changed with this control. --->
<controllerdeadzone>0.2</controllerdeadzone> <!--- Deadzone for controller thumb sticks. 0 indicates no deadzone at all. 1 indicates all deadzone (ie no movement will be detected). --->
<thumbsize>512</thumbsize> <!--- Size of the square in pixels that Plex will use to cache thumbnail images. If the thumb is smaller than this size it will be cached as-is. If it is larger it will be scaled to within this square. Default is 512 (192 on xbox), which refers to 512x512 = 262144 (for XBox 192x192 = 36864) pixels in total. The thumbnail will be cached at using the same aspect ratio as the original image, using up to 262144 (for XBox 36864) pixels. --->
<remove></remove> <!--- Add folder.jpg here to NOT use folder.jpg --->
<add>folder.jpg</add> <!--- A list of additional files to try when searching for music thumbnail images. --->
<!--- <musicfilenamefilters> Contains filters to match music information (artist, title etc.) from a tagless music filename. The first <filter> to match completely is used. Uses the following variables:
%A - Artist %T - Title %B - Album %N - Track number %S - Part of set (disk number) %D - Duration %G - Genre %Y - Year %R - Rating --->
<filter>%A - %T</filter>
<!--- <musiclibrary> uses the following variables:
%A - Artist %T - Title %B - Album %N - Track number %S - Part of set (disk number) %D - Duration %G - Genre %Y - Year %R - Rating --->
<hideallitems>true</hideallitems> <!-- removes the "*All" items from the music library -->
<allitemsonbottom>true</allitemsonbottom> <!-- sorts the "*All" items at the bottom of the list when in Ascending order -->
<hidecompilationartists>true</hidecompilationartists> <!-- only shows primary album artists when at the unfiltered artist listing -->
<albumssortbyartistthenyear>true</albumssortbyartistthenyear> <!-- at an albums listing, when you sort by artist, secondary sort will be year. -->
<albumformat>%B</albumformat> <!-- album label template -->
<albumformatright>%A</albumformatright> <!-- album label template for right column, default -->
<prioritiseapetags>false</prioritiseapetags> <!-- prioritise APEv2 tags over ID3v1/2 tags, default is false. -->
<itemseparator> / </itemseparator> <!-- separator used for multiple artists/genres in tags. -->
<defaultscraper>Allmusic</defaultscraper> <!--- *Default scraper, there is only 1 ATM --->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--- *Enable music library --->
<!--- <musicfiles> uses the following variables:
%A - Artist %T - Title %B - Album %N - Track number %S - Part of set (disk number) %D - Duration %G - Genre %Y - Year %R - Rating --->
<findremotethumbs>true</findremotethumbs> <!--- *Look for thumbs on remote shares --->
<trackformat>[%N. ]%A - %T</trackformat> <!--- *Track naming template --->
<trackformatright>%D</trackformatright> <!--- *Track naming Template Right --->
<sortmethod>1</sortmethod> <!--- *Default sort method --->
<sortorder>1</sortorder> <!--- *Default sort method --->
<savefolderviews>true</savefolderviews> <!---*Remember views for different folders --->
<viewmode>589824</viewmode> <!--- *Default view mode --->
<usetags>true</usetags> <!--- *Enable tag reading --->
<autoplaynextitem>true</autoplaynextitem> <!--- *Automatically play next song --->
<songinfoduration>10</songinfoduration> <!--- This controls how long the song information will remain onscreen when the song changes during visualisations. The valid range is 1 to 15, in seconds. This does not include the duration of any transition effects. --->
<headroom>0</headroom><!-- Amount of headroom Plex should use above the maximum volume level, in decibels. Defaults to 0, valid values 0, 6, 12. -->
<karaokesyncdelay>0</karaokesyncdelay> <!-- Delay in sync to karaoke in seconds. Valid values are -3.0...3.0. -->
<encoder>0</encoder> <!--- *Set which encoder to use 0=lame, 1=Vorbis, 2=Wav --->
<subsdelayrange>10</subsdelayrange> <!-- Delay range for subtitles, in seconds. -->
<audiodelayrange>10</audiodelayrange> <!-- Delay range for audio/video sync, in seconds. -->
<smallstepbackseconds>7</smallstepbackseconds> <!-- Length of the small skip back (normally the BACK button) when playing a video -->
<usetimeseeking>true</usetimeseeking> <!-- Whether to use time based or percentage based seeking. -->
<timeseekforward>30</timeseekforward> <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a short seek. -->
<timeseekbackward>-30</timeseekbackward> <!-- Time to seek backward in seconds when doing a short seek. -->
<timeseekforwardbig>600</timeseekforwardbig> <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek. -->
<timeseekbackwardbig>-600</timeseekbackwardbig> <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek. -->
<percentseekforward>2</percentseekforward> <!-- Amount to seek forward as a percentage, when doing a short seek. -->
<percentseekbackward>-2</percentseekbackward> <!-- Amount to seek backward as a percentage, when doing a short seek. -->
<percentseekforwardbig>10</percentseekforwardbig> <!-- Amount to seek forward as a percentage, when doing a long seek. -->
<percentseekbackwardbig>-10</percentseekbackwardbig> <!-- Amount to seek forward as a percentage, when doing a long seek. -->
<blackbarcolour>1</blackbarcolour> <!-- colour of the black bars (0->255), (black->white) on videos. -->
<fullscreenonmoviestart>true</fullscreenonmoviestart> <!-- Whether to go to fullscreen or not when starting a movie. -->
<hideallitems>true</hideallitems> <!-- removes the "*All" items from the video library -->
<allitemsonbottom>true</allitemsonbottom> <!-- sorts the "*All" items at the bottom of the list when in Ascending order -->
<hiderecentlyaddeditems>false</hiderecentlyaddeditems> <!-- removes the "Recently added ..." items from the video library. -->
<itemseparator> / </itemseparator> <!-- separator used for multiple artists/genres in tags. Note, this is *space* *slash* *space* -->
<hideemptyseries>true</hideemptyseries> <!-- hide empty series in the video library -->
<cleanonupdate>false</cleanonupdate> <!-- set to false to prevent Plex from removing items from the database while updating -->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--- *Enable video library --->
<actorthumbs>true</actorthumbs> <!--- *Automatically grab actor thumbs --->
<seasonthumbs>true</seasonthumbs> <!--- *Automatically grab season thumbs --->
<singleseason>true</singleseason> <!--- *Flatten TV shows with only 1 sesason --->
<treatstackasfile>true</treatstackasfile> <!--- *Treat stacked files as as single file --->
<autothumb>true</autothumb> <!-- *Automatically Generate thumbs for videos with no cover art --->
<resumeautomatically>2</resumeautomatically> <!--- *Resume watched video's, 0=OFF, 1=ON, 2=ASK --->
<viewmode>589824</viewmode> <!--- *Change default view mode --->
<sortmethod>1</sortmethod> <!--- *Change default sort method --->
<sortorder>1</sortorder> <!--- *Change default sort order --->
<savefolderviews>true</savefolderviews> <!--- *Remember views for different folders --->
<displayresolution>10</displayresolution> <!--- *Video playback Resoultion (10=best available) --->
<dvdplayerregion>0</dvdplayerregion> <!--- *Forced DVD player region --->
<dvdautomenu>true</dvdautomenu> <!--- *Attempt to skip introductions before DVD Menu --->
<editdecision>true</editdecision> <!--- *Enable Edit decision lists --->
<vsync>2</vsync> <!--- *Enable vsync (reduces tearing) 0=OFF, 1=Enable During playback, 2=Always Enabled --->
<remove></remove> <!--- Add folder.jpg here to NOT use folder.jpg --->
<add>folder.jpg</add> <!--- A list of additional files to try when searching for dvdrom thumbnail images. --->
<audiochannelselection>false</audiochannelselection> <!-- true will popup the audio channel selection if there is more then one audio stream -->
<submenuselection>false</submenuselection> <!-- true will popup the Submenu selection -->
<defaultrootmenu>0</defaultrootmenu> <!-- MODE: 0 = TV, 1 = Radio, 2 = Data, 3 = Movies, 4 = Root -->
<defaultsubmenu>4</defaultsubmenu> <!-- 1=Services 2=Satellites 3=Providers 4=Bouquets -->
<pictureicon>true</pictureicon> <!-- Will use the Picture Icons from folder ~/Application Support/Plex/userdata/PictureIcon/ -->
<epgrequesttime>10</epgrequesttime> <!-- Defines the time in seconds between epg queries, some tuxbox devices need longer to response (Min: 1, Max: 3600) -->
<zapwaittime>0</zapwaittime> <!-- Defines the time in seconds to wait for a valid PMT after the zaping was send (Min: 0, Max: 120) -->
<sortmethod>1</sortmethod> <!--- *Default sort method --->
<sortorder>1</sortorder> <!--- *Default sort order --->
<savefolderviews>true</savefolderviews> <!--- *Remember views for different folders --->
<viewmode>589824</viewmode> <!--- Default view mode --->
<displayresolution>10</displayresolution> <!--- *Picture playback Resoultion (10=best available) -->
<panamount>2.5</panamount> <!-- Amount to pan images as a percentage of the screen -->
<zoomamount>5.0</zoomamount> <!-- Amount to zoom images as a percentage of the screen -->
<blackbarcompensation>20</blackbarcompensation> <!-- Amount to compensate (zoom) images to attempt to reduce black bars. Results in cropping of the longer length of the image in order to reduce the black bars on the shorter length of the image. -->
<curlclienttimeout>10</curlclienttimeout> <!-- Timeout in seconds for libcurl (http/ftp) connections -->
<httpproxyusername></httpproxyusername> <!-- username for Basic Proxy Authentication -->
<httpproxypassword></httpproxypassword> <!-- password for Basic Proxy Authentication -->
<enableinternet>true</enableinternet> <!--- *Enable inernet lookups --->
<skinzoom>0</skinzoom> <!--- *Sets percentage of zoom in skin, values from Min:-20 Max:20 --->
<soundsduringplayback>false</soundsduringplayback> <!-- *Set to true to allow Plex to play interface sounds during playback --->
<unrollarchives>true</unrollarchives> <!--- *Makes archives with one file transparent --->
<showhidden>false</showhidden> <!-- *Set to true to show hidden files --->
<fulldirectoryhistory>true</fulldirectoryhistory> <!--- *Set to false to have Plex forget your position on previous directories --->
<savefolderviews>true</savefolderviews> <!--- *Remember views for different folders --->
<sortmethod>2</sortmethod> <!--- *Default sort method -->
<sortorder>1</sortorder> <!--- *Default sort order --->
<continuousdelay>25</continuousdelay> <!--- *Continuous delay (ms) --->
<enabled>true</enabled> <!--- *Enable remote events --->
<initialdelay>750</initialdelay> <!--- *Initial repeate dealy (ms) --->
<maxclients>20</maxclients> <!--- *Maximum number of clients --->
<port>9777</port> <!--- *Remote events port --->
<portrange>10</portrange> <!--- *Remote Events Port Range --->
<enableshutdown>false</enableshutdown> <!--- *Shutdown Plex if master lock retries exceeded --->
* Comment out blank Moviestacking
* Comment out blank tvshowmatching
* Removed moviestacking and tvshowmatching regexp fields
* Set hiderecentlyaddeditems to false
* Removed autoalbuminfo
* Removed autoartistinfo
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