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Created October 29, 2018 22:32
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Gympass test
// Setup
import java.util.Arrays
import java.time.{LocalTime,Duration}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
// Test input
var INPUT = """Hora Piloto Nº Volta Tempo Volta Velocidade média da volta
23:49:08.277 038 – F.MASSA 1 1:02.852 44,275
23:49:10.858 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 1 1:04.352 43,243
23:49:11.075 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 1 1:04.108 43,408
23:49:12.667 023 – M.WEBBER 1 1:04.414 43,202
23:49:30.976 015 – F.ALONSO 1 1:18.456 35,47
23:50:11.447 038 – F.MASSA 2 1:03.170 44,053
23:50:14.860 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 2 1:04.002 43,48
23:50:15.057 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 2 1:03.982 43,493
23:50:17.472 023 – M.WEBBER 2 1:04.805 42,941
23:50:37.987 015 – F.ALONSO 2 1:07.011 41,528
23:51:14.216 038 – F.MASSA 3 1:02.769 44,334
23:51:18.576 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 3 1:03.716 43,675
23:51:19.044 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 3 1:03.987 43,49
23:51:21.759 023 – M.WEBBER 3 1:04.287 43,287
23:51:46.691 015 – F.ALONSO 3 1:08.704 40,504
23:52:01.796 011 – S.VETTEL 1 3:31.315 13,169
23:52:17.003 038 – F.MASS 4 1:02.787 44,321
23:52:22.586 033 – R.BARRICHELLO 4 1:04.010 43,474
23:52:22.120 002 – K.RAIKKONEN 4 1:03.076 44,118
23:52:25.975 023 – M.WEBBER 4 1:04.216 43,335
23:53:06.741 015 – F.ALONSO 4 1:20.050 34,763
23:53:39.660 011 – S.VETTEL 2 1:37.864 28,435
23:54:57.757 011 – S.VETTEL 3 1:18.097 35,633
// Types
type Millis = Long
// Classes
class Driver(val name: String, val number: Int)
class Lap(val startTime: LocalTime, val driver: Driver, val number: Int, val duration: Long, val avgSpeed: Double)
class InputParser(input: String) {
private val lapsBuf = new ListBuffer[Lap]()
// Initialize the list :D
private val timeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_TIME
val lines = input.trim().split("\n").splitAt(1)._2
for (line <- lines) {
val parts = line.split("\\s+").filter(_.nonEmpty)
val startTime = LocalTime.parse(parts(0), timeFormatter)
val driverNumber = parts(1).toInt
val driverName = parts(3)
val lapNumber = parts(4).toInt
val lapTimeStr = parts(5).split(":")
// Is this right?
val lapTime = ((lapTimeStr(0).toDouble * 60 + lapTimeStr(1).toDouble) * 1000).toLong
val lapAvgSpeed = parts(6).replace(",", ".").toDouble
val driver = new Driver(driverName, driverNumber)
val lap = new Lap(startTime, driver, lapNumber, lapTime, lapAvgSpeed)
lapsBuf += lap
val laps = lapsBuf.toList
// Main
var parser = new InputParser(INPUT)
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