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Created January 29, 2018 08:56
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Interview Questions


  • What excites or interests you about web development?
  • What is a recent technical challenge you experienced and how did you solve it?
  • Which version control systems are you familiar with?
  • Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page?
  • If you have 5 different stylesheets, how would you best integrate them into the site?
  • What's a cool project that you've recently worked on?
  • What are some things you like about the developer tools you use?
  • Have you worked with Photoshop as a front end developer? For what purpose?
  • How do you stay up to date with technology news?
  • What can you do to improve page performance?
  • On your web page: What do you like, what do you dislike? What would you change?


  • What are the building blocks of HTML5? Semantic tags?
  • Describe the difference between <script>, <script async> and <script defer>.
  • Why you would use a srcset attribute in an image tag? Responsive images?
  • What are the differences between div and span?
  • How would you differentiate div, section and article?
  • What is semantic HTML?


  • What is CSS selector specificity and how does it work?
  • What's the difference between "resetting" and "normalizing" CSS? Which would you choose, and why?
  • Describe z-index and how stacking context is formed.
  • How would you approach fixing browser-specific styling issues?
  • What are the different ways to visually hide content
  • What is media query, how does is it work?
  • Describe pseudo-elements and discuss what they are used for.
  • What is box model?
  • What does * { box-sizing: border-box; } do? What are its advantages?
  • What is the CSS display property and can you give a few examples of its use?
  • What's the difference between inline and inline-block?
  • What's the difference between a relative, fixed, absolute and statically positioned element?
  • What existing CSS frameworks have you used locally, or in production? How would you change/improve them?
  • Have you played around with the new CSS Flexbox or Grid specs?
  • What is Bootstrap? When would you use it? How does its grid system work?
  • Explain the notion of responsive design and how it works? Use an example if you like.
  • CSS float, clear
  • Have you used Sass? What's good about it?
  • Which one would you prefer among px, em % or pt and why?
  • How do you align a p center-center inside a div?
  • How do you optimize css selectors?
  • What is specificity? How do u calculate specificity?


  • Explain how "this" works in JavaScript

  • Explain Ajax in as much detail as possible.

  • What is the difference between GET and POST when specifying an AJAX request?

  • What is the difference between == and ===?

  • Explain what a single page app

  • What tools and techniques do you use debugging JavaScript code?

  • What language constructions do you use for iterating over object properties and array items?

  • What is jQuery and what is it commonly used for?

  • What is a callback function in JS and when would you use one?

  • What does JSON stand for? What is it used for?

  • How would you explain an API request?

  • What APIs have you worked with?

  • Remove duplicate members from an array?

  • Reverse a string in JavaScript?

  • Is there any difference between window and document?

  • Does document.onload and window.onload fire at the same time?

  • What are the different ways to get an element from DOM?

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