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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Hipchat plugin for the uptime project -
* HipChat plugin for the uptime project -
* This index.js files goes to a directory `plugins/hipchat` in your installation of uptime.
* Notifies all events (up, down, paused, restarted) to HipChat
* This plugin has a dependency on `hipchatter`.
* Add this to the "dependencies" object in your `package.json` file :
* "hipchatter": "0.2.0"
* To enable the plugin, add the following line to the plugins section of your config file
* plugins:
* - ./plugins/hipchat
* Example configuration
* hipchat:
* roomId: 1 # HipChat API Room ID or name (see Hipchatter docs)
* token: your-hipchat-room-notification-token
* uptimeDashboardURL:
* event:
* up: true
* down: true
* paused: false
* restarted: false
var config = require('config').hipchat;
var CheckEvent = require('../../models/checkEvent');
var Hipchatter = require('hipchatter');
var roomId = config.roomId;
var token = config.token;
var uptimeDashboardURL = config.uptimeDashboardURL;
var hipchatter = new Hipchatter(token);
exports.initWebApp = function() {
CheckEvent.on('afterInsert', function(checkEvent) {
/* Example checkEvent: {
"check": "54863f2cf7236e1074121f7b",
"message": "restarted",
"_id": "54c2fc0cad3c3f7b6cc28f1d",
"tags": ["quux","baz","foo: bar"],
"timestamp": "2015-01-24T01:57:32.918Z"
} */
if (!config.event[checkEvent.message]) {
console.log('Event ' + checkEvent.message + ' is not enabled in the event section of HipChat config. Will not notify.');
} else {
console.log('Event ' + checkEvent.message + 'caught. Will notify!');
checkEvent.findCheck(function(err, check) {
if (err) {
console.log('HipChat Plugin Error: ' + err);
var payload = {
'token': token,
'color': 'purple',
'message': 'Application <a href="' + uptimeDashboardURL '/dashboard/checks/' + check._id + '">' + + '</a> -> ' + checkEvent.message,
'notify': true,
'message_format': 'html'
hipchatter.notify(roomId, payload, function(err) {
if (err == null) console.log('HipChat notification successful. Sent: ' + payload);
}); // end checkEvent.findCheck(function(err, check) block
}); // end CheckEvent.on('afterInsert', function(checkEvent) block
console.log('Enabled HipChat notifications');
}; // end exports.initWebApp = function()
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