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Last active September 1, 2022 07:14
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  • Save ipatate/ad7194e3d2c9f9e5cf775b271b8917ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ipatate/ad7194e3d2c9f9e5cf775b271b8917ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"version": 2,
"settings": {
// Setting that enables the following UI tools:border: color, radius, style, width, color: link, spacing: blockGap, margin, padding, typography: lineHeight
"appearanceTools": true,
// Settings related to borders
"border": {
color: false,
radius: false,
style: false,
width: false
// Settings related to colors.
"color": {
// Allow users to set background colors.
"background": true,
// Allow users to select custom colors.
"custom": true,
// Allow users to create custom duotone filters.
"customDuotone": true,
// Allow users to create custom gradients.
"customGradient": true,
// Allow users to choose filters from the default duotone filter presets.
"defaultDuotone": true,
// Allow users to choose colors from the default gradients.
"defaultGradients": true,
// Allow users to choose colors from the default palette.
"defaultPalette": true,
// Duotone presets for the duotone picker.\nDoesn't generate classes or properties.
"duotone": [
// example
"colors": ["#000000", "#ffffff"],
"name": "Foreground and background",
"slug": "foreground-and-background"
// Gradient presets for the gradient picker.\nGenerates a single class (`.has-{slug}-background`) and custom property (`--wp--preset--gradient--{slug}`) per preset value.
"gradients": [
// example
"gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom,var(--wp--preset--color--secondary) 0%,var(--wp--preset--color--tertiary) 100%)",
"name": "Vertical secondary to tertiary",
"slug": "vertical-secondary-to-tertiary"
// Allow users to set link colors.
"link": false,
// Color palette presets for the color picker.\nGenerates three classes (`.has-{slug}-color`, `.has-{slug}-background-color`, and `.has-{slug}-border-color`) and a single custom property (`--wp--preset--color--{slug}`) per preset value.
"palette": [
"color": "#000000",
"name": "Foreground",
"slug": "foreground"
// Allow users to set text colors.
"text": true
// Settings related to layout.
"layout": {
// Sets the max-width of the content.
contentSize: ''
// Sets the max-width of wide (`.alignwide`) content.
wideSize: ''
// Settings related to spacing.
"spacing" : {
// Enables `--wp--style--block-gap` to be generated from styles.spacing.blockGap.\nA value of `null` instead of `false` further disables layout styles from being generated.
"blockGap" : null | true,
// Allow users to set a custom margin
"margin": false,
// Allow users to set a custom padding.
"padding": false,
// List of units the user can use for spacing values.
"units": ["px", "em", "rem", "vh", "vw", "%"]
// Settings related to typography.
"typography": {
// Allow users to set custom font sizes
"customFontSize": true,
// Allow users to set custom font styles
"fontStyle": true,
// Allow users to set custom font weights.
"fontWeight": true,
// Allow users to set custom letter spacing.
"letterSpacing": true,
// Allow users to set custom line height.
"lineHeight": false,
// Allow users to set custom text decorations.
"textDecoration": true,
// Allow users to set custom text transforms.
"textTransform": true,
// Enable drop cap.
"dropCap": true,
// Font size presets for the font size selector.\nGenerates a single class (`.has-{slug}-color`) and custom property (`--wp--preset--font-size--{slug}`) per preset value.
"fontSizes": [
// example
"name": "ttt",
"size": "1rem",
"slug": "small"
// Font family presets for the font family selector.\nGenerates a single custom property (`--wp--preset--font-family--{slug}`) per preset value.
"fontFamilies": [
// example
"fontFamily": "-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,\"Segoe UI\",Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,\"Helvetica Neue\",sans-serif",
"name": "System Font",
"slug": "system-font"
"fontFace": [
"fontFamily": "Sora",
"fontStretch": "normal",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"fontWeight": "700",
"src": ["file:./assets/fonts/Sora-Bold.woff2"]
"fontFamily": "Sora",
"fontStretch": "normal",
"fontStyle": "normal",
"fontWeight": "400",
"src": ["file:./assets/fonts/Sora-Regular.woff2"],
// all under are optional
// CSS font-stretch value.
"fontStretch": "string"
// CSS ascend-override value.
"ascendOverride": "string",
// CSS descend-override value.
"descendOverride": "string",
// CSS font-variant value.
"fontVariant": "string",
// CSS font-feature-settings value.
"fontFeatureSettings": "string",
// CSS font-variation-settings value.
"fontVariationSettings": "string",
// CSS line-gap-override value
"lineGapOverride": "string",
// CSS size-adjust value.
"sizeAdjust": "string",
// CSS unicode-range value.
"unicodeRange": "string"
"fontFamily": "\"Sora\", sans-serif",
"name": "Sora",
"slug": "Sora"
// Generate custom CSS custom properties of the form `--wp--custom--{key}--{nested-key}: {value};`. `camelCased` keys are transformed to `kebab-case` as to follow the CSS property naming schema. Keys at different depth levels are separated by `--`, so keys should not include `--` in the name.
"custom": {
// example
"my-custom": "#000", => --wp--custom--my-custom
"spacing": {
"large": "clamp(4rem, 10vw, 8rem)",
"medium": "clamp(2rem, 8vw, calc(4 * var(--wp--style--block-gap)))",
"outer": "var(--wp--custom--spacing--small, 1.25rem)",
"small": "max(1.25rem, 5vw)"
"typography": {
"font-size": {
"colossal": "clamp(3.25rem, 8vw, 6.25rem)",
"gigantic": "clamp(2.75rem, 6vw, 3.25rem)",
"huge": "clamp(2.25rem, 4vw, 2.75rem)"
"line-height": {
"medium": 1.3999999999999999,
"normal": 1.6000000000000001,
"small": 1.2,
"tiny": 1.1499999999999999
// Organized way to set CSS properties. Styles in the top-level will be added in the `body` selector.
"styles": {
// Styles defined on a per-element basis using the element's selector.
"elements": {
"link": {
"border": {},
"color": {},
"spacing": {},
"typography": {}
"h1": {},
"h2": {},
"h3": {},
"h4": {},
"h5": {},
"h6": {},
// Styles defined on a per-block basis using the block's selector.
"blocks": {
"core/archives": {
"border": {},
"color": {},
"spacing": {},
"typography": {},
"elements": {
"core/audio": {},
"core/avatar": {},
"core/block": {},
"core/button": {},
"core/buttons": {},
"core/calendar": {},
"core/categories": {},
"core/code": {},
"core/column": {},
"core/columns": {},
"core/comment-author-name": {},
"core/comment-content": {},
"core/comment-date": {},
"core/comment-edit-link": {},
"core/comment-reply-link": {},
"core/comment-template": {},
"core/comments-query-loop": {},
"core/cover": {},
"core/embed": {},
"core/file": {},
"core/freeform": {},
"core/gallery": {},
"core/group": {},
"core/heading": {},
"core/home-link": {},
"core/html": {},
"core/image": {},
"core/latest-comments": {},
"core/latest-posts": {},
"core/list": {},
"core/loginout": {},
"core/media-text": {},
"core/missing": {},
"core/more": {},
"core/navigation": {},
"core/navigation-link": {},
"core/nextpage": {},
"core/page-list": {},
"core/paragraph": {},
"core/post-author": {},
"core/post-comments": {},
"core/post-comments-count": {},
"core/post-comments-form": {},
"core/post-comments-link": {},
"core/post-content": {},
"core/post-date": {},
"core/post-excerpt": {},
"core/post-featured-image": {},
"core/post-navigation-link": {},
"core/post-template": {},
"core/post-terms": {},
"core/post-title": {},
"core/preformatted": {},
"core/pullquote": {},
"core/query": {},
"core/query-pagination": {},
"core/query-pagination-next": {},
"core/query-pagination-numbers": {},
"core/query-pagination-previous": {},
"core/query-title": {},
"core/quote": {},
"core/rss": {},
"core/search": {},
"core/separator": {},
"core/shortcode": {},
"core/site-logo": {},
"core/site-tagline": {},
"core/site-title": {},
"core/social-link": {},
"core/social-links": {},
"core/spacer": {},
"core/table": {},
"core/table-of-contents": {},
"core/tag-cloud": {},
"core/template-part": {},
"core/term-description": {},
"core/text-columns": {},
"core/verse": {},
"core/video": {},
"core/widget-area": {},
"core/legacy-widget": {},
"core/widget-group": {}
// Additional metadata for custom templates defined in the templates folder.
"customTemplates": {
// Filename, without extension, of the template in the templates folder.
"name": "string",
// Title of the template, translatable.
"title": "string",
// List of post types that can use this custom template.
"postTypes": ["page"]
// Additional metadata for template parts defined in the parts folder.
"templateParts": [
// Filename, without extension, of the template in the parts folder.
"name": "string", *required
// Title of the template, translatable.
"title": "string",
// The area the template part is used for. Block variations for `header` and `footer` values exist and will be used when the area is set to one of those.
"area": "uncategorized"
// An array of pattern slugs to be registered from the Pattern Directory.
"patterns": ["string"]
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