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Created April 22, 2019 10:40
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Terraform Support
import {
} from "@atomist/sdm";
import { GitProject, HandlerResult, logger } from "@atomist/automation-client";
import * as _ from "lodash";
export interface TerraformRegistration {
* Set the base location for the terraform code in this project. Relative to project root.
* Defaults to root
tfBaseLocation?: string;
* Environment variables (key/value) you want to inject into the environment
tfEnvVars?: {[key: string]: string};
* Command line arguments you want to pass to Terraform
tfArgs?: Array<{tfArg: string, value?: string }>;
* Command line vars you want to pass to Terraform, ie -var <thing>=<value>
tfVars?: Array<{tfVar: string, value?: string }>;
* A list of var files you want to pass to Terraform, ie -var-file=<file>
* Defaults to not present
tfVarsFiles?: string[];
* Execute terraform init prior to goal execution? If you are handling retrieving the .terraform contents via another
* vehicle (like a GoalProjectListener), you may not want init to run
* Defaults to true
tfInit?: boolean;
* Path to the terraform command. If not supplied relative is used and terraform must be in your path
tfPath?: string;
* Provide a workspace to use and the goal will switch to this workspace prior to executing
* Note: The workspace must already exist!
tfWorkspace?: string;
* Enable auto-approve? This will prevent a plan with approval to be run prior to the apply. The default setting
* always runs a plan and waits for an approval prior to running an apply
tfAutoApprove?: boolean;
const TerraformGoalDefinition: GoalDefinition = {
displayName: "Terraform",
uniqueName: "execute-terraform",
environment: IndependentOfEnvironment,
workingDescription: "Terraform: Executing",
completedDescription: "Terraform: Execution Successful",
failedDescription: "Terraform: Execution Failed",
waitingForApprovalDescription: "Terraform: Awaiting Approval of Execution Result",
waitingForPreApprovalDescription: "Terraform: Awaiting Plan Approval",
stoppedDescription: "Terraform: Execution stopped",
canceledDescription: "Terraform: Execution cancelled",
retryFeasible: true,
export function shouldRunTfInit(reg: TerraformRegistration): PushTest {
return pushTest(`runTfInit`, async () => {
return reg.tfInit ? reg.tfInit : true;
export function shouldRunSelectTfWorkspace(reg: TerraformRegistration): PushTest {
return pushTest(`shouldRunSelectTfWorkspace`, async () => {
return !!reg.tfWorkspace;
export class Terraform extends FulfillableGoalWithRegistrations<TerraformRegistration> {
protected details: FulfillableGoalDetails | string = DefaultGoalNameGenerator.generateName("terraform-execution"),
...dependsOn: Goal[]) {
...getGoalDefinitionFrom(details, DefaultGoalNameGenerator.generateName("terraform-execution")),
}, ...dependsOn);
public with(
registration: TerraformRegistration,
): this {
name: DefaultGoalNameGenerator.generateName("terraform-execution"),
goalExecutor: executeTerraform(registration),
progressReporter: testProgressReporter({
test: /phase:tfinit/i,
phase: "Initializing Terraform",
}, {
test: /phase:tfworkspaceselect/i,
phase: "Selecting Terraform Workspace",
}, {
test: /phase:tfplan/i,
phase: "Running Terraform Plan",
}, {
test: /phase:tfapply/i,
phase: "Running Terraform Apply",
name: "runTfInit",
pushTest: shouldRunTfInit(registration),
listener: runTfInit(registration),
name: "selectTfWorkspace",
pushTest: shouldRunSelectTfWorkspace(registration),
listener: selectTfWorkspace(registration),
return this;
export function selectTfWorkspace(registration: TerraformRegistration): GoalProjectListener {
return async (p, gi, e) => {
if (e !== GoalProjectListenerEvent.before ) {
return {
code: 0,
let result: SpawnLogResult;
result = await spawnLog(
registration.tfPath ? registration.tfPath : "terraform",
["workspace", "select", registration.tfWorkspace],
cwd: registration.tfBaseLocation ? `${p.baseDir}/${registration.tfBaseLocation}` : p.baseDir,
log: gi.progressLog,
logCommand: false,
env: {...process.env, ...registration.tfEnvVars},
if (result.code === 0) {
return {
code: 0,
} else {
logger.error(`Terraform workspace select failed => ${result.stderr}`);
return {
code: 1,
`Failed to run terraform workspace select! Output redacted due to secrets. Please view SDM log`,
export function runTfInit(registration: TerraformRegistration): GoalProjectListener {
return async (p, gi, e) => {
if (e !== GoalProjectListenerEvent.before ) {
return {
code: 0,
let result: SpawnLogResult;
const vars = await buildTfVars(registration);
result = await spawnLog(
registration.tfPath ? registration.tfPath : "terraform",
["init", ...vars],
cwd: registration.tfBaseLocation ? `${p.baseDir}/${registration.tfBaseLocation}` : p.baseDir,
log: gi.progressLog,
logCommand: false,
env: {...process.env, ...registration.tfEnvVars},
if (result.code === 0) {
return {
code: 0,
} else {
logger.error(`Terraform initialize failed => ${result.stderr}`);
return {
code: 1,
`Failed to run terraform init! Output redacted due to secrets. Please view SDM log`,
export async function executeTfAction(
action: "apply" | "destroy" | "plan",
registration: TerraformRegistration,
p: GitProject,
log: ProgressLog,
): Promise<HandlerResult> {
const args = await buildTfArgs(action, registration);
const vars = await buildTfVars(registration);
const result = await spawnLog(
registration.tfPath ? registration.tfPath : "terraform",
[action, ...args, ...vars],
cwd: registration.tfBaseLocation ? `${p.baseDir}/${registration.tfBaseLocation}` : p.baseDir,
logCommand: false,
env: {...process.env, ...registration.tfEnvVars},
if (!result || result.code !== 0) {
logger.error(`executeTfAction: Terraform ${action} failed => ${result.stderr}`);
return {
code: result.code,
`Failed to run terraform ${action}! Output redacted due to secrets. Please view SDM log`,
} else if (result && result.code === 0) {
return { code: 0 };
} else {
return {
code: 1,
message: `Unexpected failure running Terraform, please review SDM log`,
async function buildExternalUrls(gi: GoalInvocation): Promise<Array<{label?: string, url: string}>> {
const urls: Array<{label?: string, url: string}> = [];
if ( {
urls.push({label: `Plan Log`, url: _.get(JSON.parse(, "log", undefined)});
urls.push({label: `Apply Log`, url: gi.progressLog.url});
return urls;
export function executeTerraform(registration: TerraformRegistration): ExecuteGoal {
return async (gi: GoalInvocation): Promise<ExecuteGoalResult> => {
return gi.configuration.sdm.projectLoader.doWithProject({
credentials: gi.credentials,
readOnly: true,
}, async p => {
let result: ExecuteGoalResult;
logger.debug(`executeTerraform: Evaluating goal state`);
if (
registration.tfAutoApprove ||
( && _.get(JSON.parse(, "state", undefined) === "planned")
) {
* We've planned this, someone approved it (or the goal has auto-approved set), now apply
logger.debug(`executeTerraform: Running terraform apply...`);
gi.progressLog.write(`Starting Terraform Apply...`);
result = await executeTfAction("apply", registration, p, gi.progressLog);
result = {
externalUrls: await buildExternalUrls(gi),
} else {
* We've not previously executed a plan (since goal data is unset, or not set to planned). Execute a plan
logger.debug(`executeTerraform: Running terraform plan...`);
gi.progressLog.write(`Starting Terraform Plan...`);
const execResult = await executeTfAction("plan", registration, p, gi.progressLog);
if (execResult.code !== 0) {
return execResult;
logger.debug(`executeTerraform: Setting terraform goal state (pre-approval required)...`);
gi.progressLog.write(`Terraform Plan Completed, awaiting approval.`);
result = {
state: SdmGoalState.waiting_for_pre_approval,
description: gi.goal.waitingForPreApprovalDescription,
data: JSON.stringify({state: "planned", log: gi.progressLog.url}),
logger.debug(`executeTerraform: Completed, returning result (${JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 2)}...`);
return result;
export async function buildTfVars(registration: TerraformRegistration): Promise<string[]> {
const args: string[] = [];
if (registration.tfVars) {
args.push(..._.flatten( => [`-var`, `${a.tfVar}=${a.value}`])));
if (registration.tfVarsFiles) {
args.push(...( => `-var-file=${f}`)));
return args;
export async function buildTfArgs(
action: "apply" | "plan" | "destroy",
registration: TerraformRegistration,
): Promise<string[]> {
const args: string[] = [];
switch (action) {
case "apply": {
case "destroy": {
if (registration.tfArgs) {
a => `${a.tfArg}${a.value ? `=${a.value}` : ""}`,
return args;
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