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Created December 31, 2013 04:47
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Cleaned Up Ruby New Relic Agent Configuration File
# This file configures the New Relic Agent. New Relic monitors
# Ruby, Java, .NET, PHP, and Python applications with deep visibility and low overhead.
# For more information, visit
# Generated June 03, 2013
# This configuration file is custom generated for Barsoom
# Here are the settings that are common to all environments
common: &default_settings
# ============================== LICENSE KEY ===============================
# You must specify the license key associated with your New Relic
# account. This key binds your Agent's data to your account in the
# New Relic service.
license_key: '<%= ENV["NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY"] %>'
# Agent Enabled (Ruby/Rails Only)
# Use this setting to force the agent to run or not run.
# Default is 'auto' which means the agent will install and run only
# if a valid dispatcher such as Mongrel is running. This prevents
# it from running with Rake or the console. Set to false to
# completely turn the agent off regardless of the other settings.
# Valid values are true, false and auto.
# agent_enabled: auto
# Application Name Set this to be the name of your application as
# you'd like it show up in New Relic. The service will then auto-map
# instances of your application into an "application" on your
# dashboard page. If you want to map this instance into multiple
# apps, like "AJAX Requests" and "All UI" then specify a semicolon
# separated list of up to three distinct names, or a yaml list.
# Defaults to the capitalized RAILS_ENV or RACK_ENV (i.e.,
# Production, Staging, etc)
# Example:
# app_name:
# - Ajax Service
# - All Services
app_name: <%= ENV["NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME"] %>
# When "true", the agent collects performance data about your
# application and reports this data to the New Relic service at
# This global switch is normally overridden for each
# environment below. (formerly called 'enabled')
monitor_mode: true
# Developer mode should be off in every environment but
# development as it has very high overhead in memory.
developer_mode: false
# The newrelic agent generates its own log file to keep its logging
# information separate from that of your application. Specify its
# log level here.
log_level: info
# Optionally set the path to the log file This is expanded from the
# root directory (may be relative or absolute, e.g. 'log/' or
# '/var/log/') The agent will attempt to create this directory if it
# does not exist.
# log_file_path: 'log'
# Optionally set the name of the log file, defaults to 'newrelic_agent.log'
# log_file_name: 'newrelic_agent.log'
# The newrelic agent communicates with the service via https by default. This
# prevents eavesdropping on the performance metrics transmitted by the agent.
# The encryption required by SSL introduces a nominal amount of CPU overhead,
# which is performed asynchronously in a background thread. If you'd prefer
# to send your metrics over http uncomment the following line.
ssl: true
# Proxy settings for connecting to the New Relic server.
# If a proxy is used, the host setting is required. Other settings
# are optional. Default port is 8080.
# proxy_host: hostname
# proxy_port: 8080
# proxy_user:
# proxy_pass:
# The agent can optionally log all data it sends to New Relic servers to a
# separate log file for human inspection and auditing purposes. To enable this
# feature, change 'enabled' below to true.
# See:
enabled: false
# If you're interested in capturing memcache keys as though they
# were SQL uncomment this flag. Note that this does increase
# overhead slightly on every memcached call, and can have security
# implications if your memcached keys are sensitive
# capture_memcache_keys: true
# Application Environments
# ------------------------------------------
# Environment-specific settings are in this section.
# For Rails applications, RAILS_ENV is used to determine the environment.
# For Java applications, pass -Dnewrelic.environment <environment> to set
# the environment.
# NOTE if your application has other named environments, you should
# provide newrelic configuration settings for these environments here.
<<: *default_settings
# Turn off communication to New Relic service in development mode (also
# 'enabled').
# NOTE: for initial evaluation purposes, you may want to temporarily
# turn the agent on in development mode.
monitor_mode: false
# Rails Only - when running in Developer Mode, the New Relic Agent will
# present performance information on the last 100 transactions you have
# executed since starting the mongrel.
# NOTE: There is substantial overhead when running in developer mode.
# Do not use for production or load testing.
developer_mode: true
# Enable textmate links
# textmate: true
<<: *default_settings
# It almost never makes sense to turn on the agent when running
# unit, functional or integration tests or the like.
monitor_mode: false
# Turn on the agent in production for 24x7 monitoring. NewRelic
# testing shows an average performance impact of < 5 ms per
# transaction, you can leave this on all the time without
# incurring any user-visible performance degradation.
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: true
# Many applications have a staging environment which behaves
# identically to production. Support for that environment is provided
# here. By default, the staging environment has the agent turned on.
<<: *default_settings
monitor_mode: true
app_name: <%= ENV["NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME"] %> (Staging)
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