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Last active September 4, 2015 20:49
Show Gist options
  • Save ipoddar-ibm/6d7d14d0364683dbcf90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ipoddar-ibm/6d7d14d0364683dbcf90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Working cf push of a test app with the node.js buildpack on power
ubuntu@dance:~$ cf update-buildpack nodejsbp -p buildpack/ -i 1 --enable
Updating buildpack nodejsbp...
Done uploading
ubuntu@dance:~$ cf buildpacks
Getting buildpacks...
buildpack position enabled locked filename
nodejsbp 1 true false
nullbp 2 true false
ubuntu@dance:~$ ls buildpack/
admin_cache/ .git/ vendor/
ubuntu@dance:~$ ls buildpack/admin_cache/
node/ README
ubuntu@dance:~$ ls buildpack/admin_cache/node/v0.10.26/node-v0.10.26-linux-ppcle64.tar.gz
ubuntu@dance:~$ cf stacks
Getting stacks in org / space dev as admin...
name description
cflinuxfs2 Cloud Foundry Linux-based filesystem
trustyppc64le Power based ubuntu trusty rootfs
ubuntu@dance:~/test4node$ !553
cf push ipnodeapp -b nodejsbp -s trustyppc64le
Using stack trustyppc64le...
Creating app ipnodeapp in org / space dev as admin...
Using route
Binding to ipnodeapp...
Uploading ipnodeapp...
Uploading app files from: /home/ubuntu/test4node
Uploading 4.4M, 1415 files
Done uploading
Warning: error tailing logs
Error dialing traffic controller server: dial tcp: lookup No address associated with hostname.
Please ask your Cloud Foundry Operator to check the platform configuration (traffic controller is wss://
Starting app ipnodeapp in org / space dev as admin...
1 of 1 instances running
App started
App ipnodeapp was started using this command `node app.js`
Showing health and status for app ipnodeapp in org / space dev as admin...
requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 1G x 1 instances
last uploaded: Thu Sep 3 18:58:59 UTC 2015
stack: trustyppc64le
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 running 2015-09-03 06:59:15 PM 0.0% 75.3M of 1G 36.1M of 1G
ubuntu@dance:~$ cf apps
Getting apps in org / space dev as admin...
name requested state instances memory disk urls
ipnodeapp started 1/1 1G 1G
ubuntu@dance:~/test4node$ curl
Hello from Cloud Foundry
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh vms
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.8 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on 'my-bosh'
Deployment `cf'
Director task 119
Task 119 done
| Job/index | State | Resource Pool | IPs |
| api/0 | running | medium | |
| dea-runner/0 | running | large | |
| haproxy-gorouter/0 | running | small | |
| hm9000/0 | running | small | |
| loggregator/0 | running | medium | |
| login/0 | running | small | |
| nats-etcd-postgres/0 | running | large | |
| nfs/0 | running | small | |
| uaa/0 | running | small | |
VMs total: 9
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh api/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.4 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 120
Task 120 done
Starting interactive shell on job api/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_clc8kue87@c1abff4a-899e-4bd1-a787-50bc70169adc:~$ monit status
-bash: monit: command not found
bosh_clc8kue87@c1abff4a-899e-4bd1-a787-50bc70169adc:~$ su
root@c1abff4a-899e-4bd1-a787-50bc70169adc:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_clc8kue87# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 3h 52m
Process 'cloud_controller_ng'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 2974
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 16m
children 10
memory kilobytes 155904
memory kilobytes total 179712
memory percent 3.7%
memory percent total 4.3%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
port response time 0.004s to [HTTP via TCP]
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
Process 'cloud_controller_worker_local_1'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 3274
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 16m
children 10
memory kilobytes 119488
memory kilobytes total 144192
memory percent 2.8%
memory percent total 3.4%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
Process 'cloud_controller_worker_local_2'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 3311
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 16m
children 10
memory kilobytes 123008
memory kilobytes total 147776
memory percent 2.9%
memory percent total 3.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
Process 'nginx_cc'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 3377
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 16m
children 1
memory kilobytes 1472
memory kilobytes total 9152
memory percent 0.0%
memory percent total 0.2%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 2700
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 16m
children 2
memory kilobytes 38784
memory kilobytes total 38784
memory percent 0.9%
memory percent total 0.9%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
File 'nfs_mounter'
status accessible
monitoring status monitored
permission 644
uid 1000
gid 1000
timestamp Thu Sep 3 18:36:22 2015
size 0 B
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
System 'system_c1abff4a-899e-4bd1-a787-50bc70169adc'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [3.00] [3.01] [3.05]
cpu 0.1%us 0.0%sy 0.0%wa
memory usage 657984 kB [15.7%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:52:56 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh dea-runner/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.9 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 122
Task 122 done
Starting interactive shell on job dea-runner/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_g9wtzzirc@f8e28372-a6f2-4828-bfef-82dd60a1d955:~$ du
8 ./.ssh
4 ./.cache
28 .
bosh_g9wtzzirc@f8e28372-a6f2-4828-bfef-82dd60a1d955:~$ su
root@f8e28372-a6f2-4828-bfef-82dd60a1d955:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_g9wtzzirc# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 3m
Process 'warden'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 6756
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 0h 47m
children 14
memory kilobytes 84544
memory kilobytes total 110208
memory percent 1.0%
memory percent total 1.3%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
port response time 0.000s to [HTTP via TCP]
unix socket response time 0.000s to /var/vcap/data/warden/warden.sock [DEFAULT]
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:56:55 2015
Process 'dea_next'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 7031
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 0h 47m
children 10
memory kilobytes 110912
memory kilobytes total 132288
memory percent 1.3%
memory percent total 1.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:56:55 2015
Process 'dir_server'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 4074
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 29m
children 10
memory kilobytes 15552
memory kilobytes total 36992
memory percent 0.1%
memory percent total 0.4%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:56:55 2015
Process 'dea_logging_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 4143
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 29m
children 2
memory kilobytes 21440
memory kilobytes total 21440
memory percent 0.2%
memory percent total 0.2%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:56:55 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 4210
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 29m
children 2
memory kilobytes 253568
memory kilobytes total 253568
memory percent 3.0%
memory percent total 3.0%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:56:55 2015
System 'system_f8e28372-a6f2-4828-bfef-82dd60a1d955'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [2.14] [2.05] [2.06]
cpu 0.0%us 0.1%sy 0.5%wa
memory usage 931456 kB [11.1%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 19:56:55 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh haproxy-gorouter/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.9 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 124
Task 124 done
Starting interactive shell on job haproxy-gorouter/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_xebby710f@6dbfbf81-e541-482c-b3c3-7666f7aacc2d:~$ su
root@6dbfbf81-e541-482c-b3c3-7666f7aacc2d:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_xebby710f# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 11m
Process 'gorouter'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 19334
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 21m
children 10
memory kilobytes 161472
memory kilobytes total 182848
memory percent 7.7%
memory percent total 8.8%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:01:04 2015
Process 'haproxy'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 19405
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 21m
children 0
memory kilobytes 16256
memory kilobytes total 16256
memory percent 0.7%
memory percent total 0.7%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:01:04 2015
Process 'routing-api'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 19438
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 21m
children 13
memory kilobytes 23232
memory kilobytes total 51264
memory percent 1.1%
memory percent total 2.4%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:01:04 2015
System 'system_6dbfbf81-e541-482c-b3c3-7666f7aacc2d'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [0.12] [0.04] [0.05]
cpu 0.1%us 0.1%sy 0.2%wa
memory usage 344320 kB [16.5%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:01:04 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh hm9000/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.8 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 126
Task 126 done
Starting interactive shell on job hm9000/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_8dvv8a8as@b0c5443f-f315-4304-821f-a11408d92861:~$ su
root@b0c5443f-f315-4304-821f-a11408d92861:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_8dvv8a8as# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 32m
Process 'hm9000_listener'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13848
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 45m
children 10
memory kilobytes 49216
memory kilobytes total 70848
memory percent 2.3%
memory percent total 3.4%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_fetcher'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13199
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 50m
children 10
memory kilobytes 41472
memory kilobytes total 62848
memory percent 1.9%
memory percent total 3.0%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_analyzer'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13760
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 45m
children 10
memory kilobytes 44864
memory kilobytes total 66368
memory percent 2.1%
memory percent total 3.1%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_sender'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13895
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 45m
children 10
memory kilobytes 57792
memory kilobytes total 79232
memory percent 2.7%
memory percent total 3.8%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_metrics_server'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13409
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 50m
children 10
memory kilobytes 46144
memory kilobytes total 67520
memory percent 2.2%
memory percent total 3.2%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_api_server'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13478
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 50m
children 10
memory kilobytes 43392
memory kilobytes total 64768
memory percent 2.0%
memory percent total 3.1%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_evacuator'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13546
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 50m
children 10
memory kilobytes 36160
memory kilobytes total 57536
memory percent 1.7%
memory percent total 2.7%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'hm9000_shredder'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13804
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 45m
children 10
memory kilobytes 37056
memory kilobytes total 58432
memory percent 1.7%
memory percent total 2.8%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13682
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 50m
children 2
memory kilobytes 31168
memory kilobytes total 31168
memory percent 1.5%
memory percent total 1.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
System 'system_b0c5443f-f315-4304-821f-a11408d92861'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [0.00] [0.01] [0.05]
cpu 0.2%us 0.1%sy 0.2%wa
memory usage 484288 kB [23.3%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:31:56 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh loggregator/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.9 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 128
Task 128 done
Starting interactive shell on job loggregator/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_kdbntotlv@5dd4e687-e0ef-4d16-bdd0-14dd17c5ce7d:~$ su
root@5dd4e687-e0ef-4d16-bdd0-14dd17c5ce7d:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_kdbntotlv# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 38m
Process 'doppler'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13007
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 53m
children 2
memory kilobytes 104896
memory kilobytes total 104896
memory percent 2.5%
memory percent total 2.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:36:54 2015
Process 'syslog_drain_binder'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13106
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 53m
children 0
memory kilobytes 159936
memory kilobytes total 159936
memory percent 3.8%
memory percent total 3.8%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:36:54 2015
Process 'loggregator_trafficcontroller'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13142
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 53m
children 2
memory kilobytes 43776
memory kilobytes total 43776
memory percent 1.0%
memory percent total 1.0%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:36:54 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13211
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 53m
children 2
memory kilobytes 70272
memory kilobytes total 70272
memory percent 1.6%
memory percent total 1.6%
cpu percent 0.4%
cpu percent total 0.4%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:36:54 2015
Process 'collector'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13307
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 53m
children 10
memory kilobytes 52544
memory kilobytes total 73984
memory percent 1.2%
memory percent total 1.7%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:36:54 2015
System 'system_5dd4e687-e0ef-4d16-bdd0-14dd17c5ce7d'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [2.00] [2.01] [2.05]
cpu 0.3%us 0.0%sy 0.1%wa
memory usage 575360 kB [13.7%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:36:54 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh login/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.8 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 130
Task 130 done
Starting interactive shell on job login/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_50cn8lwwu@10f4d917-8f9e-4eb4-a82b-3591eee7d7aa:~$ su
root@10f4d917-8f9e-4eb4-a82b-3591eee7d7aa:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_50cn8lwwu# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 43m
Process 'login'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13582
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 52m
children 10
memory kilobytes 255360
memory kilobytes total 277952
memory percent 12.2%
memory percent total 13.3%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
port response time 0.004s to localhost:8080 [generic via TCP]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:40:35 2015
Process 'login_cf-registrar'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13639
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 52m
children 2
memory kilobytes 40128
memory kilobytes total 40128
memory percent 1.9%
memory percent total 1.9%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:40:35 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13717
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 52m
children 2
memory kilobytes 34752
memory kilobytes total 34752
memory percent 1.6%
memory percent total 1.6%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:40:35 2015
System 'system_10f4d917-8f9e-4eb4-a82b-3591eee7d7aa'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [0.01] [0.04] [0.05]
cpu 0.6%us 0.4%sy 0.9%wa
memory usage 458752 kB [22.0%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:40:35 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh nats-etcd-postgres/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.8 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 132
Task 132 done
Starting interactive shell on job nats-etcd-postgres/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_q7e6l56fk@eb66f7ac-8786-49a2-9cde-9bf4d42f4076:~$ su
root@eb66f7ac-8786-49a2-9cde-9bf4d42f4076:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_q7e6l56fk# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 55m
Process 'nats'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13667
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 57m
children 10
memory kilobytes 56000
memory kilobytes total 77696
memory percent 0.6%
memory percent total 0.9%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:43:37 2015
Process 'postgres'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13859
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 57m
children 11
memory kilobytes 16384
memory kilobytes total 132352
memory percent 0.1%
memory percent total 1.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:43:37 2015
Process 'etcd'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 14261
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 57m
children 10
memory kilobytes 105728
memory kilobytes total 128320
memory percent 1.2%
memory percent total 1.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:43:37 2015
Process 'nats_stream_forwarder'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13722
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 57m
children 10
memory kilobytes 33728
memory kilobytes total 55168
memory percent 0.4%
memory percent total 0.6%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:43:37 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 14353
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 57m
children 2
memory kilobytes 30144
memory kilobytes total 30144
memory percent 0.3%
memory percent total 0.3%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:43:37 2015
System 'system_eb66f7ac-8786-49a2-9cde-9bf4d42f4076'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [6.01] [6.02] [6.05]
cpu 0.1%us 0.1%sy 0.9%wa
memory usage 506944 kB [6.0%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:43:37 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh nfs/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.5 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 134
Task 134 done
Starting interactive shell on job nfs/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_gs15lpmlx@6aa7fd0a-8c8d-4238-a6e6-2c1cae2e9133:~$ su
root@6aa7fd0a-8c8d-4238-a6e6-2c1cae2e9133:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_gs15lpmlx# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 49m
Process 'rpc_nfsd'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13354
parent pid 2
uptime 1d 1h 54m
children 0
memory kilobytes 0
memory kilobytes total 0
memory percent 0.0%
memory percent total 0.0%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:46:03 2015
Process 'rpc_mountd'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13391
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 54m
children 0
memory kilobytes 4288
memory kilobytes total 4288
memory percent 0.2%
memory percent total 0.2%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:46:03 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 13426
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 1h 54m
children 2
memory kilobytes 27520
memory kilobytes total 27520
memory percent 1.3%
memory percent total 1.3%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:46:03 2015
System 'system_6aa7fd0a-8c8d-4238-a6e6-2c1cae2e9133'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [0.00] [0.01] [0.05]
cpu 0.1%us 0.1%sy 0.4%wa
memory usage 173952 kB [8.3%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:46:03 2015
ubuntu@dance:~$ bosh ssh uaa/0
[WARNING] Loading the cli took 38.7 seconds, consider cleaning your gem environment
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf' on 'my-bosh'
Enter password (use it to sudo on remote host): ********
Target deployment is `cf'
Setting up ssh artifacts
Director task 136
Task 136 done
Starting interactive shell on job uaa/0
Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.16.0-46-generic ppc64le)
* Documentation:
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
bosh_oflotkxgf@d0162079-8750-4758-80b3-4de169e98e6a:~$ su
root@d0162079-8750-4758-80b3-4de169e98e6a:/var/vcap/bosh_ssh/bosh_oflotkxgf# monit status
The Monit daemon 5.2.4 uptime: 8d 4h 52m
Process 'uaa'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 23771
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 2h 16m
children 10
memory kilobytes 284352
memory kilobytes total 308032
memory percent 13.6%
memory percent total 14.8%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
port response time 0.004s to localhost:8080/healthz [HTTP via TCP]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:47:48 2015
Process 'uaa_cf-registrar'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 23899
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 2h 16m
children 10
memory kilobytes 40256
memory kilobytes total 62720
memory percent 1.9%
memory percent total 3.0%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:47:48 2015
Process 'metron_agent'
status running
monitoring status monitored
pid 24075
parent pid 1
uptime 1d 2h 16m
children 2
memory kilobytes 32320
memory kilobytes total 32320
memory percent 1.5%
memory percent total 1.5%
cpu percent 0.0%
cpu percent total 0.0%
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:47:48 2015
System 'system_d0162079-8750-4758-80b3-4de169e98e6a'
status running
monitoring status monitored
load average [0.00] [0.01] [0.05]
cpu 0.3%us 0.4%sy 2.7%wa
memory usage 504064 kB [24.2%]
swap usage 0 kB [0.0%]
data collected Fri Sep 4 20:47:48 2015
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