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Last active September 17, 2022 17:05
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PHPCS + WordPress Coding Standards on Windows 10

Wordpress Coding Standards on Windows 10

Use Git Bash instead of default command line

Visual C++

Download and install Visual C++:


Download PHP: ||

  • Create a new folder in c:\php7 and extract your PHP zip to it.
  • Add c:\php7 as Path Environment Variable
  • Open System Properties by clicking the start menu and typing sysdm.cpl and press Enter.
  • In System Properties, click Environment Variables.
  • In System Variables, click Path and then click Edit.
  • Click New, type the path to your PHP folder (c:\php7) and click OK.
  • Close the System Properties dialogue by clicking OK.
  • If you have any Command Prompt windows currently open, close them.
  • Open Command Prompt, type php -v and press Enter. You should now see the PHP version.


Install Composer:

  • If Setup prompts to create php.ini, allow it and click Next.
  • Skip the Proxy URL settings, just click Next then click Install.
  • Click Finish once install is complete.


In Git Bash command prompt

composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"

WordPress Coding Standards

In Git Bash command prompt

  • composer global require "wp-coding-standards/wpcs"
  • phpcs --config-set installed_paths C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Roaming\\Composer\\vendor\\wp-coding-standards\\wpcs (Replace USERNAMEwith your actual username)
  • phpcs --config-set default_standard WordPress-Extra
  • phpcs -i should now return "The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR12, PSR2, Squiz, Zend, WordPress, WordPress-Core, WordPress-Docs and WordPress-Extra"


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