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Last active August 20, 2023 11:46
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Apple Notes Exporter 苹果电脑上便签导出脚本
import subprocess, os
class NotesExporter:
def export_notes_to_md(output_directory):
applescript = """
on clean_filename(filename)
set cleaned_filename to ""
repeat with c in filename
set targetUnicodeArray to {47, 92, 124, 63, 58, 42, 34, 60, 62}
set char_code to id of c
if not (char_code is in targetUnicodeArray) then
set cleaned_filename to cleaned_filename & c
set cleaned_filename to cleaned_filename & "_"
end if
end repeat
return cleaned_filename
end clean_filename
tell application "Notes"
set allFolders to every folder
repeat with aFolder in allFolders
set folderName to the name of aFolder
if folderName is not "Recently Deleted" then
set theNotes to every note of aFolder
repeat with aNote in theNotes
set noteTitle to the name of aNote
set noteTitle to my clean_filename(noteTitle) -- Clean the filename
set noteContent to the body of aNote
set mdContent to "# " & noteTitle & "\\n\\n" & noteContent
set createTimestamp to the creation date of aNote
set mdFileName to noteTitle & ".md"
-- set mdFileName to createTimestamp & ".md"
set outputPath to "%s" & mdFileName
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of mdContent & " > " & quoted form of outputPath
on error errMsg
-- Handle error here if needed
-- display dialog "An error occurred: " & errMsg
end try
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
""" % output_directory["osascript", "-e", applescript])
if __name__ == "__main__":
exporter = NotesExporter()
output_directory = "notes/applenotes/" # 修改为你想要保存Markdown文件的目录
# create output directory if not exists
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
import subprocess, os
class NotesExporter:
def export_notes_to_md(output_directory):
applescript = """
on clean_filename(filename)
set cleaned_filename to ""
repeat with c in filename
set targetUnicodeArray to {47, 92, 124, 63, 58, 42, 34, 60, 62}
set char_code to id of c
if (char_code >=48 and char_code <= 90) or (char_code >=97 and char_code <= 122) or char_code ≥ 255 then
set cleaned_filename to cleaned_filename & c
set cleaned_filename to cleaned_filename & "_"
end if
end repeat
return cleaned_filename
end clean_filename
tell application "Notes"
set allFolders to every folder
repeat with aFolder in allFolders
set folderName to the name of aFolder
if folderName is not "Recently Deleted" then
set theNotes to every note of aFolder
repeat with aNote in theNotes
set noteTitle to the name of aNote
set noteTitle to my clean_filename(noteTitle) -- Clean the filename
set noteContent to the body of aNote
set mdContent to "# " & noteTitle & "\\n\\n" & noteContent
set createTimestamp to the creation date of aNote
-- set mdFileName to noteTitle & ".md"
set mdFileName to createTimestamp & ".md"
set outputPath to "%s" & mdFileName
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of mdContent & " > " & quoted form of outputPath
on error errMsg
-- Handle error here if needed
-- display dialog "An error occurred: " & errMsg
end try
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
""" % output_directory["osascript", "-e", applescript])
if __name__ == "__main__":
exporter = NotesExporter()
# must be absolute path
output_directory = "macos_notes/" # 修改为你想要保存Markdown文件的目录
# create output directory if not exists
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
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