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Last active September 20, 2023 08:04
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Simple Swift logger
import Foundation
final class ConsoleLogDestination: LogDestination {
func log(statement: String) {
func error(error: Error) {
import Foundation
protocol LogDestination {
func log(statement: String)
func error(error: Error)
An abstraction on top of all different types of logging!
For now, this allows you to log a string, along with an optional `Error` instance (for `error` and `severe` levels
In the future, we may want to add support for event and impression tracking, or we may prefer to keep those
separate. Not sure yet!
Some inspiration taken from [SwiftyBeaver](, as well as
[this blog post](
final class Logger {
private enum Level: CustomStringConvertible {
case debug
case info
case verbose
case warn
case error
case severe
var description: String {
switch self {
case .debug: return "💬 DEBUG"
case .info: return "ℹ️ INFO"
case .verbose: return "🔬 VERBOSE"
case .warn: return "⚠️ WARN"
case .error: return "‼️ ERROR"
case .severe: return "🔥 SEVERE"
// MARK: - State
private static var dateFormatter = DateFormatter().then {
$0.dateFormat = "hh:mm:ss"
$0.locale = Locale.current
$0.timeZone = TimeZone.current
// MARK: - Inputs
private let destinations: [LogDestination]
// MARK: - Initialization
init(destinations: [LogDestination]) {
self.destinations = destinations
// MARK: - Public
func debug(_ message: String, filePath: String = #file, line: Int = #line, functionName: String = #function) {
log(event: .debug, message: message, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
func info(_ message: String, filePath: String = #file, line: Int = #line, functionName: String = #function) {
log(event: .info, message: message, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
func verbose(_ message: String, filePath: String = #file, line: Int = #line, functionName: String = #function) {
log(event: .verbose, message: message, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
func warn(_ message: String, filePath: String = #file, line: Int = #line, functionName: String = #function) {
log(event: .warn, message: message, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
func error(_ message: String, error: Error? = nil, filePath: String = #file, line: Int = #line, functionName: String = #function) {
log(event: .error, message: message, error: error, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
func severe(_ message: String, error: Error? = nil, filePath: String = #file, line: Int = #line, functionName: String = #function) {
log(event: .severe, message: message, error: error, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
// MARK: - Private
private func log(event: Level, message: String, error: Error? = nil, filePath: String, line: Int, functionName: String) {
let statement = Logger.statement(event: event, message: message, filePath: filePath, line: line, functionName: functionName)
for destination in destinations {
destination.log(statement: statement)
if let error = error {
destination.error(error: error)
private static func statement(event: Level, message: String, filePath: String, line: Int, functionName: String) -> String {
return [
Logger.dateFormatter.string(from: Date()),
Logger.functionCall(filePath: filePath, functionName: functionName, line: line),
].joined(separator: " ")
private static func functionCall(filePath: String, functionName: String, line: Int) -> String {
return "\(fileName(path: filePath)).\(functionName):\(line)"
private static func fileName(path: String) -> String {
return path
.components(separatedBy: "/")
.components(separatedBy: ".")
.first ?? ""
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