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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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UI is blocked while any animation/transitions, taps and swipes are ignored

UI is blocked while any animation/transitions, taps and swipes are ignored

This is present overall in many interactions on the whole OS. While some animation is happening, even if I can already see the end result or if I know where I am navigating to, and I start swiping on tapping on the screen, the OS won't recognize until animation ends. At many times this "trows away" my input.

I will describe the whole flow in the "Steps to reproduce" but this two minute video will explain even better:

Although the video is comparing iOS 8 to iOS 3, this is still true and reproducible on iOS 9 beta. The video also talks about multi-tasking and switching apps, but this issue is not asking to address this particular interaction, as it's out of scope (although is fair to assume that improvements can be made as a separate issue).

I can observe two groups of OSs that I can reproduce:

  • Group buggy: iOS 9 beta, 8 and 7 will not allow for interaction and is wasteful with user interactions.

  • Group that works: iOS 3, 4, and 6 works as expected.


  1. configure device to not use passcode (will be easier, but works with passcode too)
  2. turn off phone screen
  3. turn on screen, swipe to unlock and quickly go to the second page of the home screen.

[Expectation 1]

  1. Te goal is to go to Settings > Safari > Clear history/data, which is deep down after two scroll-views "after scrolling". Do this step in quick succession with the next ones: Open Settings
  2. Scroll down
  3. Tap "Safari"
  4. Scroll down
  5. Tap Clear history/data (text changes based on iOS version). (you don't need to actually clear once alert pops up).

[Expectation 2]

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Configure device to not use passcode (will be easier, but works with passcode too). Also make sure you have 3 "pages" of home screen apps.
  2. turn off phone screen
  3. turn on screen, swipe to unlock and quickly go to the second page of the home screen.

[Expectation 1]

  1. Te goal is to go to Settings > Safari > Clear history/data, which is deep down after two scroll-views "after scrolling". Do this step in quick succession with the next ones: Open Settings
  2. Scroll down
  3. Tap "Safari"
  4. Scroll down
  5. Tap Clear history/data (text changes based on iOS version). (you don't need to actually clear once alert pops up).

[Expectation 2]

Expected Results

[Expectation 1]: Would expect to go to second and third screen almost instantly with animation.

[Expectation 2]: In between steps 4 and 8, I would expect every single tap and swipe to be accounted for, without missing, no matter how fast I interact with the device, no swipes and/or taps should be "missed" by the OS.

In iOS 3, 4 5 and 6 I always get expected results consistently. Not in iOS 9 beta or iOS 7 and 8 any version.

Expected Results:

Actual Results:

[Results for expectation 1]: More often then not, my first swipe is not accounted for. It depends on speed, so if you repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 many times, you will observe that if I swipe twice, some times the end result is the second screen, sometimes it's the third screen.

[Results for expectation 2]: Many times during the transition swipes get lost. Aso sometimes tapping on elements will not start the transition.


Disclaimer I am not afiliated with Apple in any way, and this is my own personal opinions and do not reflect any of my corrent or past employers opinions. This is just a bug report I submited using my personal iOS Developer Account.

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