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Last active May 23, 2024 08:53
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This shell script is used to update the remote repositories of a local Git repository
# This script updates the remote repositories of a local Git repository.
# It requires two arguments: the local repository path and the new GitHub URL.
# The script navigates to the provided repository path.
# If the directory does not exist, it exits with an error message.
# It adds a new remote called "github" with the provided GitHub URL.
# The current "origin" remote is renamed to "bitbucket".
# The "github" remote is then renamed to "origin".
# The script fetches all updates from the new origin.
# It then iterates over all branches in the local repository.
# For each branch, it checks if it was tracking the old "bitbucket" remote.
# If it was, the script unsets the upstream and sets it to track the new "origin".
# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <REPO_PATH> <GITHUB_URL>"
exit 1
# Variables
# Ensure you are in the correct repository directory
cd "$REPO_PATH" || { echo "Directory $REPO_PATH not found"; exit 1; }
# Add the new remote
git remote add "$GITHUB_REMOTE" "$GITHUB_URL"
# Rename the remotes
git remote rename origin "$BITBUCKET_REMOTE"
git remote rename "$GITHUB_REMOTE" origin
# Fetch updates from the new origin
git fetch --all
# Update the tracking branches
for branch in $(git branch | sed 's/^..//'); do
# Get the current upstream of the branch
current_upstream=$(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' refs/heads/"$branch")
# If the branch was tracking 'bitbucket', update it to track 'origin'
if [[ $current_upstream == bitbucket/* ]]; then
git branch --unset-upstream "$branch"
git branch -u origin/"$branch" "$branch"
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