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Created May 22, 2024 16:31
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  • Save iraklisg/88837f58404f01ed9308cef80fe328d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iraklisg/88837f58404f01ed9308cef80fe328d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script for transferring repositories from Bitbucket to GitHub
# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/your/bitbucket/repo"
exit 1
# Variables
# Ensure you are in the correct repository directory
cd "$BITBUCKET_REPO_PATH" || { echo "Directory $BITBUCKET_REPO_PATH not found"; exit 1; }
# Backup the existing .git folder
echo "Creating a backup of the existing .git/config file..."
cp -r .git/config .git/config.bak
echo "Backup git config file created at .git/config.bak."
echo "▶️ Cleaning up deleted remote branches and respective local branches..."
# Fetch updates from the remote and prune branches that no longer exist on the remote
git fetch --prune
git remote prune origin
# List local branches that are tracking deleted remote branches
branches_to_delete=$(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}')
# Delete each local branch that is tracking a deleted remote branch
for branch in $branches_to_delete; do
echo ""
echo "Deleting local branch: $branch"
git branch -d "$branch" || git branch -D "$branch"
echo "✓ Cleanup complete."
# Fetch all branches from Bitbucket
git fetch --all
# Add GitHub remote
echo "▶️ Pull the latest changes from Bitbucket and push them to GitHub..."
git remote add $GITHUB_REMOTE "$GITHUB_URL"
# Pull the latest changes for all branches and push them to GitHub
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | sed 's/origin\///g'); do
# Ensure the working directory is clean before checking out
echo " ⦿ Resetting the working directory for branch $branch..."
git reset --hard
git clean -fd
# Force checkout the branch locally, creating it if it doesn't exist
if git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/"$branch"; then
echo "Branch '$branch' already exists locally. Force checking out and updating..."
git checkout -f "$branch"
echo "Branch '$branch' does not exist locally. Creating and checking out..."
git checkout --track origin/"$branch"
# Pull the latest changes from Bitbucket
git pull origin "$branch"
# Push the branch to GitHub
git push -u "$GITHUB_REMOTE" "$branch"
echo ""
# Add a small delay to ensure operations complete
sleep 2
echo "✓ All branches have been pushed to GitHub."
# Push all tags to GitHub
echo "▶️ Pushing tags to GitHub..."
git push "$GITHUB_REMOTE" --tags
echo "✓ All tags have been pushed to GitHub."
echo "▶️ Checking out the default branch $DEFAULT_BRANCH..."
# Detect the current default branch name from Bitbucket remote
DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(git remote show origin | grep 'HEAD branch' | awk '{print $NF}')
# Ensure the working directory is clean before checking out the default branch
git reset --hard
git clean -fd
# Set local default branch as the default branch
git checkout -f "$DEFAULT_BRANCH"
echo "✓ All branches and tags have been pushed to GitHub. The default branch is $DEFAULT_BRANCH."
echo "▶️ Renaming remotes..."
# Rename remotes
git remote rename origin $BITBUCKET_REMOTE
git remote rename $GITHUB_REMOTE origin
echo "✓ The remote names have been changed"
# Verify the remote URLs
git remote -v
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