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Irfaq Syed irazasyed

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irazasyed /
Last active January 29, 2025 19:39
Bulk Email Finder - Guesses Email based on Permutator/owner name and other common patterns + validates them like Hunter and other tools.

Bulk Email Finder & Verifier

A Python script to generate and verify email addresses for websites at scale, with validation logic.


  • Bulk CSV Processing: Handle thousands of websites in one run
  • Smart Pattern Generation: 35+ email patterns including international variants
  • Multi-Layer Verification:
  • Syntax validation (RFC compliant)
irazasyed /
Created November 17, 2024 20:21
Smart Email Unsubscribe Link Parser with Multilingual support

Email Unsubscribe Parser with Multilingual support

By @irazasyed

A smart email unsubscribe link parser with multilingual. It can detect language or you can provide one. Let's you find the unsubscribe link which you can later trigger or utlize to process for any purposes.

Eg. To unsubscribe from newsletters for mailbox cleanup automatically).

irazasyed /
Created October 10, 2023 18:10
NextJS Static Export Config

NextJS Static Export Config


	output: "export",
	distDir: "dist",
	crossOrigin: "anonymous",
	assetPrefix: ".",
irazasyed / update.zsh
Created September 27, 2023 05:35
CLI: macOS all in one update command for oh-my-zsh. Let's you run system updates for various tools and their packages including composer, npm, bun, python, ohmyzsh, brew, and more
# ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/update.zsh
# Run macOS Software Updates, and update Homebrew packages, brew cask updates, composer, bun, npm, and their installed packages
# Update Ruby Gems
irazasyed / scrapeLinkedinSearch.js
Created September 14, 2023 21:43 — forked from adrianhorning08/scrapeLinkedinSearch.js
Scrape Linkedin Search
async function scrapeLinkedinSearch() {
let allProfiles = [];
let page = 1;
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
// find the button aria-label="Next"
let nextButton = document.querySelector('button[aria-label="Next"]');
const peeps = getProfiles();
irazasyed / apollo.js
Created September 14, 2023 21:42 — forked from adrianhorning08/apollo.js
Apollo Scraper
function clickAccessEmailIfAvailable() {
const tbodys = document.querySelectorAll(
".finder-results-list-panel-content table tbody"
for (let i = 0; i < tbodys.length; i++) {
const tbody = tbodys[i];
const buttons = tbody.querySelectorAll("button");
// Create an array to store buttons with text including "Access Email"
const filteredButtons = [];
irazasyed / zillowScraper.js
Created September 14, 2023 21:40 — forked from adrianhorning08/zillowScraper.js
Zillow Scraper
async function scrollDown() {
const wrapper = document.querySelector("#search-page-list-container");
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var totalHeight = 0;
var distance = 600;
var timer = setInterval(async () => {
var scrollHeightBefore = wrapper.scrollHeight;
wrapper.scrollBy(0, distance);
totalHeight += distance;
irazasyed /
Last active January 13, 2024 17:48
Global NPM CLI Tools & Brew Packages

Must Have Global CLI Tools & Brew packages on macOS


irazasyed /
Last active February 9, 2025 21:32
Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Using Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to send emails through Gmail SMTP with Cloudflare Email Routing in this comprehensive guide.

Step 1: Enable 2-Factor Authentication

To proceed with this method, ensure that you have enabled two-factor authentication for your Google account. If you haven't done so already, you can follow the link to set it up → Enable 2FA in your Google account.

Step 2: Create an App Password for Mail

irazasyed / ArrayToShapeConverter.php
Last active May 17, 2023 18:30
PHP: Array to ArrayShape Converter for PHPDocs
namespace App\Services;
use ReflectionClass;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
class ArrayToShapeConverter
public function __construct(private string $basePath, private readonly string $namespace)