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Created October 13, 2015 21:13
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Life of an If Statement

Life of an If Statement

The humble if statement: so simple, so short, so trivial. But do you know how it works? I mean, how it really works? Join us on a trip down the rabbit hole to find out! Our journey will take us from PHP to C, from Assembly to Machine code, from CPU to Transistor and beyond. We'll discover all sorts of interesting things you many never have known about programming, physics and even the universe itself... I can't promise that you'll return from the depths of the CPU, but if you do, you will not be the same.

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khromov commented Oct 13, 2015

Great excerpt. I'd maybe add "The" in front of the title. Also, if this is not for a PHP-specific conference it might be worthwhile to try to shoe-horn in language name into the title.

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Looks very interesting. I know a lot about how languages work but I'd still be very interested to see this talk. I wouldn't capitalise 'Assembly', 'Machine' or 'Transistor' as they aren't proper nouns.

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Interesting! I think this would be a great fit for a user group, and I would definitely read it as a blog post.

As a conference organiser, I judge abstracts based on "would I pay to see this talk?" I'm not convinced...yet. ;) In other words: If you were to put a dollar figure on how much the talk would be worth to someone, how much do you think it would be? I'd like to see an additional sentence or two which answers questions like "why should I know this?", "how will this make me a better programmer?", "what lessons will I learn about myself that will enable me to be a better reviewer/programmer/coworker?"

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Since I've seen you speak before, I know I'd learn a LOT from this talk, but can your abstract include some hints on what might be learned and why it might be useful? It sounds a bit ... academic at the moment and if I didn't know the speaker then there's a danger I might drift on elsewhere! A final paragraph about the intended audience and how their lives will change would be good here.

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