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Created February 14, 2013 20:53
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Trac searchattachments
import codecs
import os
import commands
import re
import urllib
import dircache
import logging
import string, time
# import random, md5
from trac.core import *
from trac.config import (PathOption, IntOption, BoolOption, Section, Configuration)
from import ISearchSource
from trac.attachment import IAttachmentChangeListener
from trac.util.datefmt import localtz
from trac.util.text import to_unicode
from datetime import datetime
class AttachmentSearchPlugin(Component):
"""Implements a search function within uploaded attachments
integrated into the normal search function
implements(ISearchSource, IAttachmentChangeListener)
def _absolute_index_dir(self):
return os.path.join(self.env.path, 'attachments', 'index')
absolute_index_dir = property(_absolute_index_dir)
swish = PathOption('searchattachments', 'swish',
doc="Absolute path to swish binary.")
seat = PathOption('searchattachments', 'seat',
doc="Absolute path to trac-seat utility")
max_excerpt_search = IntOption(
'searchattachments', 'max_excerpt_search', default=500000,
doc="max. number of bytes read from files containing the keywords to"
" extract an excerpt")
excerpt_before = IntOption(
'searchattachments', 'excerpt_before', default=100,
doc="start search excerpt before found keyword (no. of characters)")
excerpt_after = IntOption(
'searchattachments', 'excerpt_after', default=400,
doc="end search excerpt after found keyword (no. of characters)")
# IAttachmentChangeListener #
def attachment_added(self, attachment):
if self._create_metafile(attachment):
return True
self.env.log.error('Error while creating meta:%s' % attachment.filename)
return False
def attachment_deleted(self, attachment):
meta_path = attachment.path + '.meta'
# Remove meta file
self.env.log.warn('Cannot delete %s.meta' % attachment.filename)
# Rebuild index
# running this in the background will result in unindexed attachment
# content for 'overwrite existing attachment with the same name"
# deletion & immediate re-addition, so force foreground
# ISearchSource listeners #
def get_search_filters(self, req):
if 'WIKI_VIEW' in req.perm('wiki'):
yield('attachments', 'Attachments')
def get_search_results(self, req, keywords, filters):
if not 'attachments' in filters:
# Prepare keywords
query = ' '.join(keywords)
#for word in keywords :
# query = query + word + ' '
query.rstrip(' ')
self.env.log.debug('Search query: %s' % query)
# Run external command to get raw search result
index_file = self._get_index_file()
if not index_file:
cmd = '%s -f %s -w %s' % (self.swish, index_file, query)
self.env.log.debug('command % s =' % cmd)
error, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd.encode("iso8859-15"))
if error :
# TODO:Just return or raise exception here?
raise Exception(output)
# Parse output of the command
for line in output.split('\n'):
line = line.strip(' ')
if line and line[0] != '#' :
self.env.log.debug('line = %s ' % line)
# This is not a comment... let's parse the line
pattern = re.compile('^(\d*) (.*)/(.*)\.meta "(.*)" (\d*)$')
hit = pattern.match(line)
if hit:
sw_rank =
# safeguard against how the swish index files have been
# created
sw_abs_dir = os.path.normpath(
sw_filename =
sw_title =
sw_end =
regexp = '^' + self.env.path + '/attachments/(.*)$'
p = re.compile(regexp)
m = p.match(sw_abs_dir)
if m :
sw_dir =
file = os.path.join(sw_abs_dir, sw_filename)
sw_dir = sw_abs_dir
file = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'attachments', sw_dir, sw_filename)
# Build variables that we'll return for this hit
relative_url = 'attachment/%s/%s' % (sw_dir, sw_filename)
title = 'Attachment::%s/%s' % (sw_dir, urllib.url2pathname(sw_filename))
absolute_url = '/'.join([req.href(), relative_url])
if os.path.exists(file):
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file), localtz)
if self.max_excerpt_search > 0:
excerpt = self._make_excerpt(file + '.meta', keywords)
excerpt = ''
# Return the hits
yield(absolute_url, to_unicode(title), date,
unicode('SearchAttachments'), excerpt)
# Private methods #
def _make_excerpt(self, metafile, keywords):
"""Create an exceprt, starting from the first line before first matching keyword"""
handle =, 'r', 'utf_8', 'ignore')
if handle:
content =
# Transform wildchar that may exist in the query
# to a regexp equivalent
wildchar = keywords[0].replace('*','[a-z0-9]*')
#regexp = '(\n)?.* ?(%s)' % wildchar
regexp = '(%s)' % wildchar
m =, content.lower())
if m:
prefix = '... '
suffix = ' ...'
foundpos = m.start(1)
start = foundpos - self.excerpt_before
if start < 0:
start = 0
prefix = ''
end = foundpos + self.excerpt_after
if end > len(content):
suffix = ''
excerpt = ''.join([prefix, content[start:end], suffix])
excerpt = (
'[Excerpt not available (first keyword not in meta file'
' search limit)]')
excerpt = '[Excerpt not available (cannot read the meta file)]'
# Cleaning up some unprintable added by catdoc
excerpt = multiple_replace({ '\x0a': ' ', '\x0c':' ' }, excerpt)
return excerpt
def _get_index_file(self) :
"""Returns the most recent index file found in the index directory"""
if not os.path.isdir(self.absolute_index_dir):
self.env.log.warning('index directory does not exist')
return None
# Read all the matching index.* files into a dictionary
all = {}
for item in dircache.listdir(self.absolute_index_dir) :
path = os.path.join(self.absolute_index_dir, item)
prefix_pattern = re.compile('^index\.swish-e\.(.*)$')
prefix = prefix_pattern.match(item)
if prefix :
# Can be index.xxxx or index.xxxx.prop or index.xxxx.temp
key =
if re.compile('^.*\.temp$').match(key) :
# Ignore files ending with *.temp
if not re.compile('^.*\.prop$').match(key):
# This is an index file ...
# ... add last modification time
all[path] = os.path.getmtime(path)
# Do we have indexes in the 'all' dictionary?
if not all:
'%s: %s', os.path.basename(self.env.path),
'attachments/index does not contain any index file')
return None
# Sort the indexes dictionary by increasing value
sorted_dict = list(all.iteritems())
sorted_dict.sort(lambda i1, i2: cmp(i1[1], i2[1]))
# Get last tuple
last_index = sorted_dict.pop()
return os.path.join(self.absolute_index_dir, last_index[0])
def _build_index(self, conf_file='swish.config', background=True):
"""Build a new index by lauching the build_index script.
Runs as a background process if 'background' is True(the default).
"""'Starting index update')
cmd = '%s "%s" index -s "%s" -c' % (, self.env.path, self.swish)
if background == True:
# Script is launched as a background process
# ... so we'll return immediately
os.system(cmd + ' &')
def _create_metafile(self, attachment) :
"""Create a metafile(ie. a text version) for the attachement."""
"""Only extensions with a filter.* command defined in trac.ini will be processed."""
meta_file = attachment.path + '.meta'
extension = self._get_extension(attachment)
if not extension:
msg = '.meta not created for %s (cannot determine file type)' % attachment.filename
return False
self.env.log.debug('Uploaded file with extension = %s' % extension)
# Iterate over filter.* in the [attachment] section of the config file
# to build a dictionary of extension:command
filters = { 'txt' : 'cp -rf "%s" "%s"' }
for entry in self.config['searchattachments'] :
p = re.compile('filter.([a-zA-Z0-9]*)')
m = p.match(entry)
if m:
format =
filters[format] = self.config['searchattachments'].get(entry)
# Is there a known filter for this extension?
if extension in filters :
# Converting to text with the command defined for this extension
if os.path.exists(meta_file):
cmd = filters[extension] % (attachment.path, meta_file)
self.env.log.debug("Converting to text: %s" % cmd)
error, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
# Command sucessful?
if error:
self.env.log.error('Error when converting .%s to ext :: %s' % (extension, output))
return False
else:'File %s succesfully converted ot text' % attachment.filename)
return True
# Unknown extension
self.env.log.warn('No filter defined for this extension. Add a filter.%s entry in trac.ini' % extension)
return False
return False
def _get_extension(self, attachment):
pattern = re.compile('^.*\.([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$')
suffix = pattern.match(attachment.filename.strip())
if suffix:
ext =
# Synonyms for txt
if ext in [ 'txt', 'text', 'xml' ]:
return 'txt'
return ext
# No suffix...may be a text file
elif is_text_file(attachment.path):
return 'txt'
# Cannot determine type
return False
# Some utility functions #
def is_text(content):
"""Determines if the content is text"""
text_characters = "".join(map(chr, range(32, 127)) + list("\n\r\t\b"))
_null_trans = string.maketrans("", "")
if "\0" in content:
return False
if not content: # Empty files are considered text
return True
# Get the non-text "binary" characters
binary = content.translate(_null_trans, text_characters)
# If more than 30% non-text characters, then
# this is considered a binary file
if len(binary) <= len(content) * 0.3:
return True
return False
def is_text_file(filepath, blocksize = 512):
"""Read the first 512 bytes of the specified file.
Returns True if it's a text file, False otherwise.
if is_text(open(filepath).read(blocksize)):
return True
return False
def multiple_replace(dict, text):
"""Replace in 'text', all occurences of keys specified in the input
dictionary with its corresponding value. Returns the new string.
# Create a regular expression from the dictionary keys
regex = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, dict.keys())))
# For each match, look-up corresponding value in dictionary
return regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], text)
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