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Last active January 18, 2023 18:16
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Brief analysis on the degree of concordance of the L2G predictions for study/locus pairs that colocalise
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Window
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# Read data
coloc = ("gs://genetics-portal-dev-data/22.09.0/outputs/v2d_coloc")
f.concat_ws("_", "left_chrom", "left_pos", "left_ref", "left_alt").alias(
f.concat_ws("_", "right_chrom", "right_pos", "right_ref", "right_alt").alias(
# Stringent filter of evidence of colocalization - filters down to ~400k records
# .filter(f.col("coloc_h4") > 0.75)
# Get highest coloc result
.filter(f.col("coloc_h4") == f.col("max_coloc_h4"))
l2g = ("gs://genetics-portal-dev-data/22.09.0/outputs/l2g")
f.concat_ws("_", "chrom", "pos", "ref", "alt").alias("locus_id"),
# Same threshold as for the Platform evidence - filters down to ~750k study/locus/gene predictions
.filter(f.col("l2g_score") > 0.05)
# Get top scoring gene per study/locus
f.max("l2g_score").over(Window.partitionBy("study_id", "locus_id")),
.filter(f.col("l2g_score") == f.col("max_l2g_score"))
# Join coloc and l2g
joining_cols = ["study_id", "locus_id"]
left_coloc_causal_gene = coloc.join(
l2g.selectExpr(*[f"{col} as left_{col}" for col in l2g.columns]),
on=[f"left_{col}" for col in joining_cols],
right_coloc_causal_gene = coloc.join(
l2g.selectExpr(*[f"{col} as right_{col}" for col in l2g.columns]),
on=[f"right_{col}" for col in joining_cols],
# Union coloc_causal_gene to have l2g results for both left and right
coloc_causal_gene = (
left_coloc_causal_gene.join(right_coloc_causal_gene, on=coloc.columns, how="inner")
# coloc_causal_gene.coalesce(400).write.mode("overwrite").parquet("gs://ot-team/irene/coloc_causal_gene")
### ANALYSIS ###
# Total count: 3_142_762
# Total count of good coloc signals (h4 > 0.75): 2_802_416
# How many coloc results share the same causal gene? --> 2_442_949 all results / 2_275_102 high confidence ones (~80%)
coloc_causal_gene.filter((f.col("left_gene_id") == f.col("right_gene_id"))).count()
# Among the coloc hits that share the same causal gene, what is the mean L2G score?
# -> Both left and right have a mean score of 0.6.
# This is much higher than the mean of the OTG evidence (0.32)
(f.col("max_coloc_h4") > 0.75) & (f.col("left_gene_id") == f.col("right_gene_id"))
).select("left_max_l2g_score", "right_max_l2g_score").describe().show()
| count| 2275102| 2275102|
| mean|0.6071462076689128| 0.6073011888346445|
| stddev|0.1865276516386861|0.18648900428512663|
| min|0.0500185452401638| 0.0500185452401638|
| max|0.9444519281387329| 0.9444519281387329|
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