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Created November 20, 2023 16:46
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mock_l2g_gs_df = session.spark.createDataFrame(
(1, "variant1", "gene1", "positive"),
), # in the same locus as 1 and pointing to same gene, has to be dropped
), # in diff locus as 1 and pointing to same gene, has to be kept
), # in same locus as 1 and pointing to diff gene, has to be kept
"studyLocusId LONG, variantId STRING, geneId STRING, goldStandardSet STRING",
mock_l2g_gs = L2GGoldStandard(
_df=mock_l2g_gs_df, _schema=L2GGoldStandard.get_schema()
| 1| variant1| gene1| positive|
| 2| variant2| gene1| negative|
| 3| variant3| gene1| positive|
| 4| variant4| gene2| positive|
mock_sl_overlap_df = session.spark.createDataFrame(
[(1, 2, "variant2"), (1, 4, "variant4")],
"leftStudyLocusId LONG, rightStudyLocusId LONG, tagVariantId STRING",
mock_sl_overlap = StudyLocusOverlap(
_df=mock_sl_overlap_df, _schema=StudyLocusOverlap.get_schema()
| 1| 2| variant2|
| 1| 4| variant4|
square_overlaps = mock_sl_overlap.convert_to_square_matrix().df
# identify all the study loci that point to the same gene
.withColumn("sl_same_gene", f.collect_set("studyLocusId").over(Window.partitionBy("geneId")))
# identify all the study loci that have an overlapping variant
.join(square_overlaps.alias("right"), (f.col("left.studyLocusId") == f.col("right.leftStudyLocusId")) & (f.col("left.variantId") == f.col("right.tagVariantId")), "left")
.withColumn("overlaps", f.when(f.col("right.tagVariantId").isNotNull(), 1).otherwise(0))
# drop redundant rows: where the variantid overlaps and the gene is "explained" by more than one study locus
~((f.size("sl_same_gene") > 1) & (f.col("overlaps") == 1))
| 1| variant1| gene1| positive|
| 3| variant3| gene1| positive|
| 4| variant4| gene2| positive|
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