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Last active October 15, 2021 12:10
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Spent on Ali ( with PLN support)
// @namespace
// @version 0.2.1
// @description Get full amount of money spent on products in USD and PLN
// @author Peter Willemsen <>
// @author Michał Gątkowski <>
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
var kfullPriceUSD = "full_price_USD"
var kfullPricePLN = "full_price_PLN"
var kStarted = "started"
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
$(function() {
var $btn = $("<input type='button' style='left: 10px;' class='ui-button ui-button-primary search-btn' value='Check full spend amount'/>");
var $btn_disable = $("<input type='button' style='left: 10px;' class='ui-button ui-button-primary search-btn' value='Disable'/>");
$ {
GM_setValue(kfullPriceUSD, 0);
GM_setValue(kfullPricePLN, 0);
GM_setValue(kStarted, true);
$ {
GM_setValue(kStarted, false);
if (!GM_getValue(kStarted, false)) { // if disabled
} else { // if enabled
(function() {
if (!GM_getValue(kStarted, false)) { // if disabled
var floatify = function(text) {
return parseFloat(text.replace(",", ".").replace(/[^\d.-]/g, ''));
var countOrdersTick = function() {
var currentPricePLN = 0;
var currentPriceUSD = 0;
$("p.amount-num").each(function() {
if (/[$]\s\d+[.]\d\d/.test($(this).text())) { // USD
currentPriceUSD += floatify($(this).text());
} else if (/\d+[,]\d\d\sPLN/.test($(this).text())) { // PLN
currentPricePLN += floatify($(this).text());
console.log("current page price in USD: " + currentPriceUSD);
console.log("current page price in PLN: " + currentPricePLN);
var fullPriceUSD = GM_getValue(kfullPriceUSD, 0);
var fullPricePLN = GM_getValue(kfullPricePLN, 0);
GM_setValue(kfullPriceUSD, fullPriceUSD + currentPriceUSD);
GM_setValue(kfullPricePLN, fullPricePLN + currentPricePLN);
console.log("current full price in USD: " + (fullPriceUSD + currentPriceUSD));
console.log("current full price in PLN: " + (fullPricePLN + currentPricePLN));
var $nextBtn = $("a.ui-pagination-next.ui-goto-page:first");
if ($nextBtn.length === 0) {
alert('Your total amount spent in USD on AliExpress: ' + (fullPriceUSD + currentPriceUSD).toFixed(2) +
'\nYour total amount spent in PLN on AliExpress: ' + (fullPricePLN + currentPricePLN).toFixed(2));
GM_setValue(kStarted, false);
} else {
setTimeout(countOrdersTick, 1000);
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