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Created June 2, 2020 16:06
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exception Error of string
type 'a node =
| Cons of { current: 'a; next: 'a node }
| Nil
module Node = struct
let empty = Nil
let add a b = Cons { current = a; next = b }
type 'a truc = { cmp: ('a -> 'a -> bool); head: 'a node }
module Truc = struct
(* create an empty truc *)
let empty (cmp: 'a -> 'a -> bool): 'a truc = { cmp = cmp; head = Node.empty }
(* add a machin to a truc *)
let add (machin: 'a) (truc: 'a truc) =
cmp = truc.cmp;
head = Node.add machin truc.head
(* return the position of the machin in the truc *)
let position (machin: 'a) (truc: 'a truc) =
let rec aux idx node =
match node with
| Cons { current = head; next = _ } when truc.cmp machin head -> idx
| Cons { next = tail; _ } -> aux (idx + 1) tail
| Nil -> raise (Error "Element does not exist in the truc")
aux 0 truc.head
let my_truc = Truc.empty (=)
|> Truc.add 5
|> Truc.add 4
|> Truc.add 3
|> Truc.add 2
|> Truc.add 1
Printf.printf "The position of 4 is %d\n" (my_truc |> Truc.position 4)
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