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Last active January 7, 2021 15:11
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Example of non-executable code for creational design pattern
// Formally, the abstract factory pattern is defined as defining an interface to create families of related or dependent objects
// without specifying their concrete classes.
public interface IEngine {
void start();
public class F16Engine implements IEngine {
public void start() {
System.out.println("F16 engine on");
public class F16Factory {
public IEngine createEngine() {
return new F16Engine();
public IWings createWings() {
return new F16Wings();
public ICockpit createCockpit() {
return new F16Cockpit();
public interface IAircraftFactory {
IEngine createEngine();
IWings createWings();
ICockpit createCockpit();
public class F16Factory implements IAircraftFactory {
public IEngine createEngine() {
return new F16Engine();
public IWings createWings() {
return new F16Wings();
public ICockpit createCockpit() {
return new F16Cockpit();
public class Boeing747Factory implements IAircraftFactory {
public IEngine createEngine() {
return new Boeing747Engine();
public IWings createWings() {
return new Boeing747Wings();
public ICockpit createCockpit() {
return new Boeing747Cockpit();
public class Aircraft {
IEngine engine;
ICockpit cockpit;
IWings wings;
IAircraftFactory factory;
public Aircraft(IAircraftFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
protected Aircraft makeAircraft() {
engine = factory.createEngine();
cockpit = factory.createCockpit();
wings = factory.createWings();
return this;
private void taxi() {
System.out.println("Taxing on runway");
public void fly() {
Aircraft aircraft = makeAircraft();;
public class Client {
public void main() {
// Instantiate a concrete factory for F-16
F16Factory f16Factory = new F16Factory();
// Instantiate a concrete factory for Boeing-747
Boeing747Factory boeing747Factory = new Boeing747Factory();
// Lets create a list of all our airplanes
Collection<Aircraft> myPlanes = new ArrayList<>();
// Create a new F-16 by passing in the f16 factory
myPlanes.add(new Aircraft(f16Factory));
// Create a new Boeing-747 by passing in the boeing factory
myPlanes.add(new Aircraft(boeing747Factory));
// Fly all your planes
for (Aircraft aircraft : myPlanes) {;
// Builder pattern encapsulates or hides the process of building a complex object
// and separates the representation of the object and its construction.
// The separation allows us to construct different representations using the same construction process
public abstract class AircraftBuilder {
public void buildEngine() {
public void buildWings() {
public void buildCockpit() {
public void buildBathrooms() {
abstract public IAircraft getResult();
public class Boeing747Builder extends AircraftBuilder {
Boeing747 boeing747;
public void buildCockpit() {
public void buildEngine() {
public void buildBathrooms() {
public void buildWings() {
public IAircraft getResult() {
return boeing747;
public class F16Builder extends AircraftBuilder {
F16 f16;
public void buildEngine() {
// get F-16 an engine
// f16.engine = new F16Engine();
public void buildWings() {
// get F-16 wings
// f16.wings = new F16Wings();
public void buildCockpit() {
f16 = new F16();
// get F-16 a cockpit
// f16.cockpit = new F16Cockpit();
public IAircraft getResult() {
return f16;
public class Director {
AircraftBuilder aircraftBuilder;
public Director(AircraftBuilder aircraftBuilder) {
this.aircraftBuilder = aircraftBuilder;
public void construct(boolean isPassenger) {
if (isPassenger)
public class Client {
public void main() {
F16Builder f16Builder = new F16Builder();
Director director = new Director(f16Builder);
IAircraft f16 = f16Builder.getResult();
// Formally, the factory method is defined as providing an interface for object creation
// but delegating the actual instantiation of objects to subclasses.
public class F16 {
IEngine engine;
ICockpit cockpit;
protected F16 makeF16() {
engine = new F16Engine();
cockpit = new F16Cockpit();
return this;
public void taxi() {
System.out.println("F16 is taxing on the runway !");
public void fly() {
// Note here carefully, the superclass F16 doesn't know
// what type of F-16 variant it was returned.
F16 f16 = makeF16();;
System.out.println("F16 is in the air !");
public class F16A extends F16 {
public F16 makeF16() {
engine = new F16AEngine();
return this;
public class F16B extends F16 {
public F16 makeF16() {
engine = new F16BEngine();
return this;
public class Client {
public void main() {
Collection<F16> myAirForce = new ArrayList<F16>();
F16 f16A = new F16A();
F16 f16B = new F16B();
for (F16 f16 : myAirForce) {;
//Prototype pattern involves creating new objects by copying existing objects. The object whose copies are made is called the prototype.
public interface IAircraftPrototype {
void fly();
IAircraftPrototype clone();
void setEngine(F16Engine f16Engine);
public class F16 implements IAircraftPrototype {
// default engine
F16Engine f16Engine = new F16Engine();
public void fly() {
System.out.println("F-16 flying...");
public IAircraftPrototype clone() {
// Deep clone self and return the product
return new F16();
public void setEngine(F16Engine f16Engine) {
this.f16Engine = f16Engine;
public class Client {
public void main() {
IAircraftPrototype prototype = new F16();
// Create F16-A
IAircraftPrototype f16A = prototype.clone();
f16A.setEngine(new F16AEngine());
// Create F16-B
IAircraftPrototype f16B = prototype.clone();
f16B.setEngine(new F16BEngine());
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