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Last active June 2, 2021 23:44
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Set definitions for the Minecraft server plugin 'Item Chest Sorter'
# This is part of our config for the Minecraft server plugin 'Item Chest Sorter'
# see
# Define sets if you want similar items to be moved to just one chest
# Look at the examples below if you want to add a new set.
# Define a new array by beginning the line with - []
# Separate the items by commas.
# You have to use the so called 'namespaced IDs'. You can find those in the minecraft wiki for almost all items.
# Example namespaced IDs:
# Overworld Blocks
# - ['sand']
# - ['gravel']
- ['grass_block', 'dirt', 'coarse_dirt', 'mycelium']
- ['sandstone', 'sandstone_.+', 'smooth_sandstone', 'smooth_sandstone_.+', 'red_sandstone', 'red_sandstone_.+', 'smooth_red_sandstone', 'smooth_red_sandstone_.+']
- ['clay_.+']
- ['prismarine', 'prismarine_.+', 'dark_prismarine', 'dark_prismarine_.+', '.*sponge', 'sea_lantern']
- ['.*obsidian']
- ['ice', 'packed_ice', 'blue_ice']
- ['.+_coral']
# Wood
- ['(?:stripped_)?oak_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?spruce_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?birch_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?jungle_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?acacia_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?dark_oak_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?crimson_(?!sapling).+']
- ['(?:stripped_)?warped_(?!sapling).+']
# Stone
- ['cobblestone', 'cobblestone_.+']
- ['stone', 'stone_slab', 'smooth_stone', 'smooth_stone_.+']
- ['smooth_stone', 'smooth_stone_.+']
- ['brick', 'brick_.+']
- ['granite', 'granite_.+', 'polished_granite', 'polished_granite_.+']
- ['diorite', 'diorite_.+', 'polished_diorite', 'polished_diorite_.+']
- ['andesite', 'andesite_.+', 'polished_andesite', 'polished_andesite_.+']
- ['mossy_cobblestone', 'mossy_cobblestone_.+', 'mossy_stone_brick', 'mossy_stone_brick_.+']
- ['stone_bricks', 'stone_brick_.+', 'chiseled_stone_bricks', 'stone_brick_.+']
# Dye, Color-variant Blocks
- ['.+_dye']
- ['.+_wool']
- ['.+_concrete']
- ['.+_terracotta']
- ['glass', '.+_stained_glass', 'glass_pane', '.+_stained_glass_pane']
- ['.+_carpet']
# Ores, Coal, Diamonds, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald
- ['lapis_lazuli', 'lapis_block', 'lapis_ore', 'deepslate_lapis_ore']
- ['redstone', 'redstone_block', 'redstone_ore', 'deepslate_redstone_ore']
- ['iron', 'iron_block', 'iron_ore', 'deepslate_iron_ore', 'iron_ingot', 'iron_nugget']
- ['gold', 'gold_block', 'gold_ore', 'deepslate_gold_ore', 'gold_ingot', 'gold_nugget']
- ['diamond', 'diamond_block', 'diamond_ore', 'deepslate_diamond_ore']
- ['emerald', 'emerald_block', 'emerald_ore', 'deepslate_emerald_ore']
- ['coal', 'coal_block', 'coal_ore', 'deepslate_coal_ore', 'charcoal']
- ['netherite_ingot', 'netherite_scrap', 'netherite_block', 'ancient_debris']
# Plants, Seeds, Saplings, Food
- ['cactus', 'dandelion', 'poppy', 'blue_orchid', 'allium', 'azure_bluet', 'red_tulip', 'orange_tulip', 'white_tulip', 'pink_tulip', 'oxeye_daisy', 'cornflower', 'lily_of_the_valley', 'wither_rose', 'sunflower', 'lilac', 'rose_bush', 'peony']
- ['.+_seeds']
- ['.+_sapling', '.+_leaves']
- ['sugar_cane', 'wheat', 'hay_block', '.+_mushroom', 'pumpkin']
- ['(?:dried_)?kelp_block', '(?:dried_)?kelp']
- ['beef', 'porkchop', 'chicken', 'mutton', 'rabbit', 'cooked_beef', 'cooked_porkchop', 'cooked_chicken', 'cooked_mutton', 'cooked_rabbit', 'cod', 'salmon', 'cooked_cod', 'cooked_salmon']
- ['golden_apple', 'potato', 'baked_potato', 'poisonous_potato', 'sugar', 'carrot', 'beetroot', 'apple', 'sweet_berries', 'melon', 'melon_slice', 'glistening_melon_slice']
# TODO: move "golden" somewhere else?
# Mob Drops
- ['ink_sac', 'egg', 'feather', 'leather', 'honeycomb']
# TODO: move honeycomb somewhere else?
- ['rotten_flesh', 'blaze_rod', 'bone_block', 'bone', 'bone_meal', 'spider_eye', 'string', 'gunpowder', 'ender_pearl', '.+_skull', '.+_head', 'phantom_membrane', 'magma_cream', 'ghast_tear', 'shulker_shell', 'nautilus_shell', 'heart_of_the_sea']
# Items, Decor, Redstone Stuff, Rails, Miscellaneous
- ['bucket', '.+_bucket', 'saddle', 'name_tag', 'map', '.+_map', '.+_banner', 'shears', 'scaffolding', 'music_disc_.+', 'flint_and_steel']
- ['.*lantern', 'bell', 'end_rod', 'jack_o_lantern', 'painting', 'item_frame', 'flower_pot', 'armor_stand']
- ['ladder', 'stick', 'chest', 'crafting_table', 'boat', '.+_bed', '.+_door', '.+_trapdoor','composter', 'torch', 'iron_bars', 'chain']
- ['book', 'bookshelf', 'writable_book']
- ['dispenser', '.*piston', 'tnt', 'lever', '.+_pressure_plate', 'restone_torch', 'redstone_lamp', 'tripwire_hook', '.+_button', 'trapped_chest', 'daylight_detector', 'hopper', 'dropper', 'observer', 'repeater', 'comparator', 'target', 'slime_.+']
- ['.*rails', '.*minecart']
- ['firework_.+']
# "Tool Blocks" / "Workstations"
- ['furnace', 'smoker', 'cartography_table', 'cauldron', 'stonecutter', 'smithing_table', 'grindstone']
# Tools, Weapons and Armor
- ['.+_pickaxe', '.+_shovel', '.+_axe', '.+_hoe']
- ['.+_sword', 'bow', 'crossbow', 'trident', 'arrow', '.+_arrow', 'shield']
- ['.+_helmet', '.+_chestplate', '.+_leggings', '.+_boots', 'carved_pumpkin']
# Nether
# - ['netherrack']
- ['nether_brick', 'nether_bricks', 'nether_brick_.+', 'red_nether_brick', 'red_nether_brick_.+']
- ['blackstone', 'blackstone_.+', 'polished_blackstone', 'polished_blackstone_.+', 'gilded_blackstone']
- ['basalt', 'polished_basalt']
- ['soul_.+']
# - ['magma_block']
- ['glowstone.*']
- ['quartz', 'quartz_.+', 'smooth_quartz', 'smooth_quartz_.+']
- ['nether_wart', 'nether_wart_block']
- ['shroomlight', 'weeping_vines', crimson_fungus, crimson_roots]
- ['crimson_.+', 'warped_.+']
# End
- ['end_stone', 'end_stone_.+']
- ['purpur', 'purpur_.+']
- ['chorus_.+']
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