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Forked from ellisp/dualplot.R
Created August 18, 2016 12:36
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dualplot <- function(x1, y1, y2, x2 = x1, col1 = "#C54E6D", col2 = "#009380",
lwd = 1, colgrid = NULL,
mar = c(3, 6, 3, 6) + 0.1,
ylab1 = substitute(y1), ylab2 = substitute(y2), nxbreaks = 5,
yleg1 = paste(ylab1, "(LHS)"), yleg2 = paste(ylab2, "(RHS)"),
ylim1 = NULL, ylim2 = NULL, ylim.ref = 1,
xlab = "", main = NULL, legx = "topleft", legy = NULL, ...){
# Base graphics function for drawing dual axis line plot.
# Assumed to be two time series on a conceptually similar, non-identical scale
# Use with caution!
# Please don't use to show growth rates and the original
# series at the same time!
# Peter Ellis, 16 August 2016, GNU GPL-3
# most parameters should be obvious:
# x1 and y1 are the x and y coordinates for first line
# x2 and y2 are the x and y coordinates for second line. Often x2 will == x1, but can be overridden
# ylim1 and ylim2 are the vertical limits of the 2 axes. Recommended NOT to use these, as
# the default algorithm will set them in a way that makes the axes equivalent to using an index.
# ylim.ref the number in the two series to use as the reference point for converting them to indices
# when drawing on the page. If it is 1, both series will start together at the left of the plot.
# nbreaks is number of breaks in horizontal axis
# lwd and mar are graphics parameters (see ?par)
# colgrid is colour of gridlines; if NULL there are no gridlines
# ylab1 and ylab2 are the labels for the two y axes
# yleg1 and yleg2 are the labels for the two series in the legend
# xlab and main are for x label and main title as in plot()
# legx and legy are x and y position fed through to legend()
# ... is parameters to pass to legend()
# Note that default colours were chosen by colorspace::rainbow_hcl(2, c = 80, l = 50)
oldpar <- par(mar = mar)
xbreaks <- round(seq(from = min(c(x1, x2)), to = max(c(x1, x2)), length.out = nxbreaks))
# unless ylim1 or ylim2 were, set, we set them to levels that make it equivalent
# to a graphic drawn of indexed series
if(is.null(ylim1) & is.null(ylim2)){
if(min(c(y1, y2)) < 0){
stop("Sorry, with negative values you need to specify ylim1 or ylim2")
if((length(y1) != length(y2)) & ylim.ref != 1){
warning("y1 and y2 are different lengths. Forcing ylim.ref to be 1.")
ylim.ref <- 1
if(ylim.ref > min(length(y1), length(y2))){
stop("ylim.ref must be a number shorter than the length of the shorter series.")
ind1 <- y1 / y1[ylim.ref]
ind2 <- y2 / y2[ylim.ref]
indlimits <- range(c(ind1, ind2))
ylim1 = indlimits * y1[ylim.ref]
ylim2 = indlimits * y2[ylim.ref]
# draw first series - with no axes.
plot(x1, y1, type = "l", axes = FALSE, lwd = lwd,
xlab = xlab, ylab = "", col = col1, main = main,
xlim = range(xbreaks), ylim = ylim1)
# add in the gridlines if wanted:
grid(lty = 1, nx = NA, ny = NULL, col = colgrid)
abline(v = xbreaks, col = colgrid)
# add in the left hand vertical axis and its label
axis(2, col = col1, col.axis= col1, las=1 ) ## las=1 makes horizontal labels
mtext(paste0("\n", ylab1, "\n"), side = 2, col = col1, line = 1.5)
# Allow a second plot on the same graph
# Plot the second series:
plot(x2, y2, xlab="", ylab="", axes = FALSE, type = "l", lwd = lwd,
col = col2, xlim = range(xbreaks), ylim = ylim2)
## add second vertical axis (on right) and its label
mtext(paste0("\n", ylab2, "\n"), side = 4, col = col2, line = 4.5)
axis(4, col = col2, col.axis = col2, las=1)
# Draw the horizontal time axis
axis(1, at = xbreaks)
# Add Legend
legend(x = legx, y = legy, legend=c(yleg1, yleg2),
text.col = c(col1, col2), lty = c(1, 1), col = c(col1, col2),
bty = "n", ...)
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