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Last active July 22, 2020 11:49
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if ($Prefix.Length -gt 2) {
Write-Output 'Welcome'
} else {
throw '$Prefix missing'
Write-Output 'Groups overview'
$Groups = Get-AzADGroup -DisplayNameStartsWith $Prefix | ? DisplayName -like *Access
$Groups | Format-Table
$Groups | % {Write-Output "$($_.DisplayName) members count: $((Get-AzADGroupMember -ObjectId $_.Id).Count)"}
$AccessList = @('ACR', 'KV', 'SBI')
Write-Output 'Verify groups...'
foreach ($A1 in $AccessList) {
$Name = "$Prefix$A1" + "Access"
if ($Name -notin $Groups.DisplayName) {
throw "Group $Name not found"
Write-Output 'Groups verified successfully'
Write-Output 'Updating groups interactivly...'
foreach ($A1 in $AccessList) {
$Name = "$Prefix$A1" + "Access"
Write-Output "Processing group: $Name"
$GroupID = $null
$GroupID = Read-Host "Enter ObjectID for a group which should be granted $A1 access or leave blank if none"
if (!$GroupID) {
Write-Output "Skipping $A1 access"
$NewGroup = $null
$NewGroup = Get-AzADGroup -ObjectId $GroupID
if (!$NewGroup) {
Write-Error "Group with object ID $GroupID not found."
Write-Output "Group $($NewGroup.DisplayName) found."
$Members = $null
$Members = Get-AzADGroupMember -GroupDisplayName $Name
if ($GroupID -in $Members.Id) {
Write-Output "Group $($NewGroup.DisplayName) is already in the group $Name. Skipping it."
} else {
$Answer = $null
$Answer = Read-Host "Confirm adding $($NewGroup.DisplayName) to $Name. (Y/n)? "
if ($Answer -like 'n') {
Write-Output "Skipping it. "
} else {
Write-Output "Adding group member... "
Add-AzADGroupMember -MemberObjectId $GroupID -TargetGroupDisplayName $Name
Write-Output "Adding done. Let's verify it..."
Start-Sleep 1
$NewMembers = Get-AzADGroupMember -GroupDisplayName $Name
if ($NewMembers.Count -eq ($Members.Count+1)) {
Write-Output "All fine"
} elseif ($NewMembers.Count -eq $Members.Count) {
Write-Error "Something failed! Group have the same number of members."
} else {
Write-Error "Something failed! Group had $($Members.Count) members before and now it has $($NewMembers.Count) members."
Write-Output 'All done. Have a nice day!'
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