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Last active February 21, 2024 14:40
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Wordpress shortcode to display a form 7 days before the event starts
* Function that runs when the shortcode pf_show_event_form is called
* @return string
function pf_show_event_form() {
if (!is_singular('event')){
// This should only ever be called on a event page
return '';
$no_entry_message = '<p> Ghaha, je bent te laat... Houdoe! </p> LOL, ik kan geen HTML... Success hiermee Daphne!';
$gravityform_id = 1; // Dit moet je ff checken welk ID het is.
$gravityform_title = false; //Check of je de title wilt weergeven
$gravityform_desc = false; //Check of je de omschrijving wilt weergeven
$gravityform_ajax = false; //Dit moet je ff checken of het een Ajax call moet zijn ja of nee
$praktische_informatie = get_field('praktische_informatie', get_the_ID());
$date_string = $praktische_informatie['datum'];
$current = new \DateTime();
$future_date = clone $current;
$future_date->modify('+7 days');
$event_date = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Ymd', $date_string );
if($event_date > $current && $event_date > $future_date) {
return do_shortcode('[gravityform id="'.$gravityform_id.'" title="'.$gravityform_title.'" description="'.$gravityform_desc.'" ajax="'.$gravityform_ajax.'"]');
return $no_entry_message;
* Register the shortcode
add_shortcode('pf_show_event_form', 'pf_show_event_form');
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