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Created May 10, 2019 14:06
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Export Chrome Bookmarks
#credits: Mostly to tobibeer and Snak3d0c @
#Path to chrome bookmarks
$pathToJsonFile = "$env:localappdata\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks"
$htmlOut = 'C:\temp\ChromeBookmarks.html'
$htmlHeader = @'
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<!--This is an automatically generated file.
It will be read and overwritten.
Do Not Edit! -->
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
$htmlHeader | Out-File -FilePath $htmlOut -Force -Encoding utf8 #line59
#A nested function to enumerate bookmark folders
Function Get-BookmarkFolder {
foreach ($child in $node.children)
$da = [math]::Round([double]$child.date_added / 1000000) #date_added - from microseconds (Google Chrome {dates}) to seconds 'standard' epoch.
$dm = [math]::Round([double]$child.date_modified / 1000000) #date_modified - from microseconds (Google Chrome {dates}) to seconds 'standard' epoch.
if ($child.type -eq 'Folder')
" <DT><H3 FOLDED ADD_DATE=`"$($da)`">$($</H3>" | Out-File -FilePath $htmlOut -Append -Force -Encoding utf8
" <DL><p>" | Out-File -FilePath $htmlOut -Append -Force -Encoding utf8
Get-BookmarkFolder $child
" </DL><p>" | Out-File -FilePath $htmlOut -Append -Force -Encoding utf8
" <DT><a href=`"$($child.url)`" ADD_DATE=`"$($da)`">$($</a>" | Out-File -FilePath $htmlOut -Append -Encoding utf8
} #else url
} #foreach
} #process
} #end function
$data = Get-content $pathToJsonFile -Encoding UTF8 | out-string | ConvertFrom-Json
$sections = $data.roots.PSObject.Properties | select -ExpandProperty name
ForEach ($entry in $sections) {
$data.roots.$entry | Get-BookmarkFolder
'</DL>' | Out-File -FilePath $htmlOut -Append -Force -Encoding utf8
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