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Created July 3, 2016 16:55
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# encoding: utf-8
eval_events_euro2016 -- Evaluation of event detection using Precision, Recall and F1
from __future__ import division
import sys
import os.path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
from optparse import OptionParser
from tabulate import tabulate
Strictness = 0
class Event(object):
An event is one of the following (event : description) :
team1 team2 date hh:mm BUT joueur : but d'un joueur
team1 team2 date hh:mm TIR joueur : tir d'un joueur
team1 team2 date hh:mm CJA joueur : carton jaune pour un joueur
team1 team2 date hh:mm CRO joueur : carton rouge pour un joueur
team1 team2 date hh:mm PEN pays : penalty pour un pays (celui qui commet la faute)
team1 team2 date hh:mm CGT joueur1 ; joueur2 : changement de joueurs (joueur sortant et joueur entrant)
team1 team2 date hh:mm D1P : début de la première période du match
team1 team2 date hh:mm F1P : fin de la première période et score
team1 team2 date hh:mm D2P : début de la deuxième période
team1 team2 date hh:mm F2P : fin de la deuxième période
team1 team2 date hh:mm DPR : début de prolongation
team1 team2 date hh:mm FPR : fin de prolongation
def __init__(self, text, strictness):
self.strictness = strictness
fields = re.split('\t+', text.rstrip())
self.teams = set([fields[0], fields[1]]) = datetime.strptime(fields[2], "%Y-%m-%d")
self.time = datetime.strptime(fields[3], "%H:%M:%S")
self.type = fields[4]
self.annotations = set(re.split('\s*;\s*', fields[5])) if len(fields) > 5 else set()
def __get_match__(self):
tokens = ["\t".join(self.teams),"%Y-%m-%d"), self.type]
if self.strictness <= 1:
if self.strictness == 0:
return '\t'.join(tokens)
def __repr__(self):
return '{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}'.format(
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__get_match__())
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__get_match__() == other.__get_match__()
def parse_event_file(file_str, strictness):
if os.path.isfile(file_str):
events = set()
for line_str in open(file_str, 'r'):
event = Event(line_str, strictness)
sys.stderr.write('Ill-formated event (will be discarded): {0}'.format(line_str))
return events
sys.stderr.write('File {0} does not exist or cannot be read.\n'.format(file_str))
def evaluate(gold, pred):
correct = gold.intersection(pred)
precision = len(correct) / len(pred)
recall = len(correct) / len(gold)
f1 = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall) if precision+recall>0 else 0
return (precision, recall, f1)
def print_scores(header, scores):
print header
print '-' * len(header)
print 'Precision = {0:.2f} %'.format(scores[0]*100)
print 'Recall = {0:.2f} %'.format(scores[1]*100)
print 'F1-measure = {0:.2f} %'.format(scores[2]*100)
print '-' * len(header)
def main(opts, args):
results = []
titles = [('', 'Strict'), (opts.system_name, 'Intermediate'), ('', 'Loose')]
for strictness in range(3):
gold_events = parse_event_file(args[0], strictness)
pred_events = parse_event_file(args[1], strictness)
results.append(titles[strictness] + evaluate(gold_events, pred_events))
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser('''%prog gold prediction''')
parser.add_option('-s', '--system', dest='system_name', default='Default')
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 2:
scores = main(opts, args)
print tabulate(scores, ('System', 'Evaluation', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1-measure'))
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