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Last active October 27, 2016 19:30
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Find ids in tree array by parent id includes parent id(recursively)
* @author iron-viper
$array = [
"id" => 1,
"name" => "test-1",
"parent" => 0,
"children" => [
"id" => 11,
"name" => "test-11",
"parent" => 1,
"children" => [
"id" => 111,
"name" => "test-111",
"parent" => 11,
"id" => 112,
"name" => "test-112",
"parent" => 11,
"id" => 2,
"name" => "test-2",
"parent" => 0
"id" => 3,
"name" => "test-3",
"parent" => 0,
"children" => [
"id" => 31,
"name" => "test-31",
"parent" => 3,
"children" => [
"id" => 311,
"name" => "test-111",
"parent" => 31,
"children" => [
"id" => 411,
"name" => "test-111",
"parent" => 311,
"id" => 321,
"name" => "test-111",
"parent" => 3,
function find($id, $array, &$res)
foreach ($array as $row) {
if ($row["id"] == $id || $row["parent"] == $id) {
$res[] = $row["id"];
if ($row["children"]) {
find($row["id"], $row["children"],$res);
} else {
if ($row["children"]) {
find($id, $row["children"],$res);
// example
find(31, $array, $res);
/* result
array(3) {
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