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Created February 25, 2016 14:37
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Guide Utils
+(BOOL)randomBool {
int tmp = (arc4random() % 30)+1;
if(tmp % 5 == 0)
return YES;
return NO;
+(int)randomNumberInRangeMin:(int)min max:(int)max {
return rand() % (max - min) + min;
+(NSString *)randomPlaceholderUrlWithWidth:(NSInteger)width height:(NSInteger)height {
unsigned int baseInt = arc4random() % 0xFFFFFF;
NSString *backgroundHex = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%06X", baseInt];
NSString *textHex = @"ffffff";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"",(int)width, (int)height, backgroundHex, textHex];
+(NSString *)randomPlaceholderImageUrlWithWidth:(NSUInteger)width height:(NSInteger)height {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"",(int)width, (int)height];
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