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Created June 25, 2014 17:35
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Common JS Built-In Functions
console.log('----- STRINGS -----');
// indexOf( substr )
// return -1 if not found
// return index of string found
console.log('String indexOf:', 'hello world'.indexOf('l') );
// ^ String indexOf: 2
console.log('String indexOf:', 'hello world'.indexOf('nope') );
// ^ String indexOf: -1
// substring
// return the partial string from the given indexes
console.log('String substring:', 'hello world'.substring(4) );
// ^ String substring: o world
console.log('String substring:', 'hello world'.substring(4, 7) );
// ^ String substring: o w
// split( separator )
// convert a string into an array by breaking it up
// by the given separator
console.log('String split:', 'hello world'.split(' ') );
// ^ String split: ["hello", "world"]
console.log('String split:', 'hello world'.split('') );
// ^ String split: ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", " ", "w", "o", "r", "l", "d"]
// toUpperCase() & toLowerCase()
// convert case of entire given string
console.log('String case:', 'hEllo wOrLd'.toUpperCase() );
// ^ String case: HELLO WORLD
console.log('String case:', 'hElLo World'.toLowerCase() );
// ^ String case: hello world
// trim()
// remove any whitespace from beginning and end of string
console.log('String trim:', ' hello world '.trim() );
// ^ String trim: hello world
console.log('----- ARRAYS -----');
// Array.isArray( object )
// check if given object is an array
console.log('Array.isArray:', Array.isArray( 'hello world' ) );
// ^ Array.isArray: false
console.log('Array.isArray:', Array.isArray( [0, 1, 2, 3] ) );
// ^ Array.isArray: true
console.log('Array.isArray:', Array.isArray( {a: 1, b: 2} ) );
// ^ Array.isArray: false
// indexOf( term )
// find index of given term in the array. -1 if not found
console.log('Array indexOf:', ['hi', 'bye'].indexOf('bye') );
// ^Array indexOf: 1
console.log('Array indexOf:', ['hi', 'bye'].indexOf('nope') );
// ^Array indexOf: -1
// slice( begin [, end] )
// like "copy" for arrays, nondestructive
var testArray = ['hi', 'hello', 'bye'];
console.log('Array slice:',
// ^ Array slice: ["hello", "bye"] ["hi", "hello", "bye"]
console.log('Array slice:',
testArray.slice(1, 2),
// ^ Array slice: ["hello"] ["hi", "hello", "bye"]
// splice( begin [, end] )
// like "cut" for arrays, destructive (modifies the original)
// the optional 3rd+ parameters are items to be inserted where
// items were removed.
var testArray = ['hi', 'hello', 'bye'];
console.log('Array splice:',
// ^ Array splice: ["hello", "bye"] ["hi"]
testArray = ['hi', 'hello', 'bye'];
console.log('Array splice:',
testArray.splice(1, 1),
// ^ Array splice: ["hello"] ["hi", "bye"]
testArray = ['hi', 'hello', 'bye'];
console.log('Array splice:',
testArray.splice(1, 1, 'test1', 'test2'),
// join( separator )
// join the items in the array together using the given
// separator and return as a string
console.log('Array join: ', ['hello', 'world'].join(' ') );
// ^ Array join: hello world
console.log('Array join: ', ['hello', 'world'].join(' something ') );
// ^ Array join: hello something world
// concat( arr... )
// join multiple arrays into one big array
var arr1 = ['hello', 'world'];
var arr2 = ['something', 'important'];
var arr3 = ['but', 'i', 'forget'];
console.log('Array concat: ', arr1.concat(arr2, arr3) );
// ^ Array concat: ["hello", "world", "something", "important", "but", "i", "forget"]
// reverse()
// reverse the order of the whole array
console.log('Array join: ', ['hello', 'world'].reverse() );
// ^ Array join: ["world", "hello"]
console.log('Array join: ', ['hello', 'world'].reverse().join(' ') );
// ^ Array join: world hello
console.log('Array join: ',
'Hello World'.split('').reverse().join('')
// ^ Array join: dlroW olleH
// sort([compareFunction(a, b)])
// Allows you to sort the array.
// By Default, not passing a compare function will sort
// by converting each item to a string and doing a string comparison
// See examples of custom sort functions below
var testArray = [5, 2, 10, 6, 3];
var testArray2 = ["a", "d", "f", "b"];
console.log('Array sort: ', testArray.sort() );
// ^Array sort: [10, 2, 3, 5, 6]
console.log('Array sort: ', testArray2.sort() );
// ^Array sort: ["a", "b", "d", "f"]
// if fn(a,b) > 0, a comes first
// if fn(a,b) < 0, b comes first
// if fn(a,b) === 0, no change
// sort numerically
var numSort = function(a, b){
return a - b;
// sort DESCENDING (inverted from default)
var otherSort = function(a,b){
if(a === b)
return 0;
if(a < b)
return 1;
return -1;
console.log('Array sort: ', testArray.sort(numSort) );
console.log('Array sort: ', testArray2.sort(otherSort) );
// sort objects on a custom property
var testObjects = [
{propA: 10, propB: 'hello'},
{propA: 2, propB: 'hey'},
{propA: 20, propB: 'world'}
// numerically compare propA
var obSort = function(a, b){
return a.propA - b.propA;
console.log('Array sort: ', testObjects.sort(obSort) );
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