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CodeIgniter's base Model #codeigniter
* An extension of CodeIgniter's base Model class to remove repetition and increase productivity by providing
* a couple handy methods(powered by CI's query builder), validation-in-model support, event callbacks and more.
* @author Jamie Rumbelow <>
* @author Md Emran Hasan <>
* @author Roni Kumar Saha <>
* @version 2.1
* @link
* @link
* @link
* Khairul Anwar <> added new functions :
* "Created functions to make possible to create static methods on models" (not merge pull yet by Jamie) from :
* Installation/Usage
* ------------------
* 1. Download CI_Base_Model.php file into your application/core folder.
* 2. Create MY_Model.php in application/core folder and extend to CI_Base_Model.
include_once "CI_Base_Model.php";
class MY_Model extends CI_Base_Model
// Add needed function here
* 3. Entend your model to MY_Model.php. CodeIgniter will load and initialise this class automatically for you.
* 4. Done.
class CI_Base_Model extends CI_Model
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* This model's default database table. Automatically
* guessed by pluralising the model name.
protected $_table;
* The database connection object. Will be set to the default
* connection. This allows individual models to use different DBs
* without overwriting CI's global $this->db connection.
protected $_database;
protected $_database_group = null;
protected static $_connection_cache = array();
* This model's default primary key or unique identifier.
* Used by the get(), update() and delete() functions.
protected $primary_key = NULL;
* Support for soft deletes and this model's 'deleted' key
protected $deleted_at_key = 'deleted_at';
protected $deleted_by_key = 'deleted_by';
protected $_temporary_with_deleted = FALSE;
protected $_temporary_only_deleted = FALSE;
private $soft_delete = NULL;
* Support for Timestampable
protected $timestampable;
protected $created_at_key = 'created_at';
protected $updated_at_key = 'updated_at';
* Support for Blamable
protected $blamable;
protected $created_by_key = 'created_by';
protected $updated_by_key = 'updated_by';
* The various default callbacks available to the model. Each are
* simple lists of method names (methods will be run on $this).
protected $before_create = array();
protected $after_create = array();
protected $before_update = array();
protected $after_update = array();
protected $before_get = array();
protected $after_get = array();
protected $before_delete = array();
protected $after_delete = array();
protected $event_listeners = array(
'before_create' => array(),
'after_create' => array(),
'before_update' => array(),
'after_update' => array(),
'before_get' => array(),
'after_get' => array(),
'before_delete' => array(),
'after_delete' => array(),
protected $callback_parameters = array();
* Protected, non-modifiable attributes
protected $protected_attributes = array();
* Relationship arrays. Use flat strings for defaults or string
* => array to customise the class name and primary key
protected $belongs_to = array();
protected $has_many = array();
protected $_with = array();
* An array of validation rules. This needs to be the same format
* as validation rules passed to the Form_validation library.
protected $validate = array();
* Optionally skip the validation. Used in conjunction with
* skip_validation() to skip data validation for any future calls.
protected $skip_validation = FALSE;
* By default we return our results as objects. If we need to override
* this, we can, or, we could use the `as_array()` and `as_object()` scopes.
protected $return_type = 'object';
protected $_temporary_return_type = NULL;
* @var array list of fields
protected $_fields = array();
* @var int returned number of rows of a query
protected $num_rows = NULL;
private $_base_model_instance = NULL;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Initialise the model, tie into the CodeIgniter superobject
public function __construct()
$this->_temporary_return_type = $this->return_type;
* Initialize the schema for special use cases
* and try our best to guess the table name, primary_key
* and the blamable, timestampable, softDeletable status
protected function _initialize_schema()
if($this->primary_key == null && $this->is_base_model_instance()) {
$this->_fields = $this->get_fields();
* Initialize all default listeners
protected function _initialize_event_listeners()
foreach($this->event_listeners as $event_listener => $e)
if(isset($this->$event_listener) && !empty($this->$event_listener)){
foreach($this->$event_listener as $event){
$this->subscribe($event_listener, $event);
$this->subscribe('before_update', 'protect_attributes', TRUE);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Fetch a single record based on the primary key. Returns an object.
public function get($primary_value)
return $this->get_by($this->primary_key, $primary_value);
* Fetch a single record based on an arbitrary WHERE call. Can be
* any valid value to $this->_database->where().
public function get_by()
$where = func_get_args();
$result = $this->_database->get($this->_table);
$this->num_rows = count((array)$result);
$row = $result->{$this->_get_return_type_method()}();
$this->_temporary_return_type = $this->return_type;
$row = $this->trigger('after_get', $row);
$this->_with = array();
return $row;
* Fetch an array of records based on an array of primary values.
public function get_many($values)
$this->_database->where_in($this->primary_key, $values);
return $this->get_all();
* Fetch an array of records based on an arbitrary WHERE call.
public function get_many_by()
$where = func_get_args();
return $this->get_all();
* Fetch all the records in the table. Can be used as a generic call
* to $this->_database->get() with scoped methods.
public function get_all()
$result = $this->_database->get($this->_table)
$this->_temporary_return_type = $this->return_type;
$this->num_rows = count($result);
foreach ($result as $key => &$row)
$row = $this->trigger('after_get', $row, ($key == count($result) - 1));
$this->_with = array();
return $result;
* @param $methodName
* @param $args
* @return mixed
public function __call($methodName, $args)
$watch = array('find_by', 'find_all_by', 'find_field_by', 'findBy', 'findAllBy', 'findFieldBy');
foreach ($watch as $found) {
if ($methodName == $found) {
if (stristr($methodName, $found)) {
$field = $this->underscore_from_camel_case(ltrim(str_replace($found, '', $methodName), '_'));
$method = $this->underscore_from_camel_case($found);
return $this->$method($field, $args);
$method = self::underscore_from_camel_case($methodName);
if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), $args);
return $this->_handle_exception($methodName);
public static function underscore_from_camel_case($str) {
$str[0] = strtolower($str[0]);
$func = create_function('$c', 'return "_" . strtolower($c[1]);');
return preg_replace_callback('/([A-Z])/', $func, $str);
* Returns a property value based on its name.
* Do not call this method. This is a PHP magic method that we override
* to allow using the following syntax to read a property or obtain event handlers:
* <pre>
* $value=$model->propertyName; [will be called $this->get_property_name()]
* $value=$model->property_name; [will be called $this->get_property_name()]
* $value=$model->load; [will be called $controller->load]
* </pre>
* @param string $name the property name
* @return mixed the property value
* @see __set
public function __get($name)
$getter = 'get' . $name;
$getter2 = 'get_' . $name;
$getter3 = 'get_' . self::underscore_from_camel_case($name);
if (method_exists($this, $getter))
return $this->$getter();
elseif (method_exists($this, $getter2)){
return $this->$getter2();
elseif (method_exists($this, $getter3)){
return $this->$getter3();
return parent::__get($name);
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @param string $fields
* @param null $order
* @return bool
public function find_by($field, $value, $fields = '*', $order = NULL)
$arg_list = array();
if (is_array($value)) {
$arg_list = $value;
$value = $arg_list[0];
$fields = isset($arg_list[1]) ? $arg_list[1] : $fields;
$order = isset($arg_list[2]) ? $arg_list[2] : $order;
$where = array($field => $value);
return $this->find($where, $fields, $order);
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @param string $fields
* @param null $order
* @param int $start
* @param null $limit
* @return mixed
public function find_all_by($field, $value, $fields = '*', $order = NULL, $start = 0, $limit = NULL)
$arg_list = array();
if (is_array($value)) {
$arg_list = $value;
$value = $arg_list[0];
$fields = isset($arg_list[1]) ? $arg_list[1] : $fields;
$order = isset($arg_list[2]) ? $arg_list[2] : $order;
$start = isset($arg_list[3]) ? $arg_list[3] : $start;
$limit = isset($arg_list[4]) ? $arg_list[4] : $limit;
$where = array($field => $value);
return $this->find_all($where, $fields, $order, $start, $limit);
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @param string $fields
* @param null $order
* @return mixed
public function find_field_by($field, $value, $fields = '*', $order = NULL)
$arg_list = array();
if (is_array($value)) {
$arg_list = $value;
$value = $arg_list[0];
$fields = isset($arg_list[1]) ? $arg_list[1] : $fields;
$order = isset($arg_list[2]) ? $arg_list[2] : $order;
$where = array($field => $value);
return $this->field($where, $fields, $fields, $order);
* Insert a new row into the table. $data should be an associative array
* of data to be inserted. Returns newly created ID.
* @param $data
* @return bool
public function insert($data)
if (false !== $data = $this->_do_pre_create($data)) {
$this->_database->insert($this->_table, $data);
$insert_id = $this->_database->insert_id();
$this->trigger('after_create', $insert_id);
return $insert_id;
return false;
* Insert multiple rows into the table. Returns an array of multiple IDs.
* @param $data
* @param bool $insert_individual
* @return array
public function insert_many($data, $insert_individual = false)
return $this->_insert_individual($data);
return $this->_insert_batch($data);
private function _insert_individual($data)
$ids = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $row)
if(FALSE !== $row = $this->_do_pre_create($row)) {
$ids[] = $this->insert($row);
return $ids;
private function _insert_batch($data)
$_data = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $row)
if(FALSE !== $row = $this->_do_pre_create($row)){
$_data[$key] = $row;
return $this->_database->insert_batch($this->_table, $_data);
* Updated a record based on the primary value.
* @param $primary_value
* @param $data
* @return bool
public function update($primary_value, $data)
$data = $this->_do_pre_update($data);
if ($data !== FALSE)
$result = $this->_database->where($this->primary_key, $primary_value)
$this->trigger('after_update', array($data, $result));
return $result;
return FALSE;
* Update many records, based on an array of primary values.
* @param $primary_values
* @param $data
* @return bool
public function update_many($primary_values, $data)
$data = $this->_do_pre_update($data);
if ($data !== FALSE)
$result = $this->_database->where_in($this->primary_key, $primary_values)
$this->trigger('after_update', array($data, $result));
return $result;
return FALSE;
* Updated a record based on an arbitrary WHERE clause.
public function update_by()
$args = func_get_args();
$data = array_pop($args);
$data = $this->_do_pre_update($data);
if ($data !== FALSE)
return $this->_update($data);
return FALSE;
* Update all records
* @param $data
* @return mixed
public function update_all($data)
$data = $this->_do_pre_update($data);
return $this->_update($data);
* Update all records
* @param $data
* @param $where_key
* @return
public function update_batch($data, $where_key)
$_data = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
if (false !== $row = $this->_do_pre_update($row)) {
$_data[$key] = $row;
return $this->_database->update_batch($this->_table, $_data, $where_key);
* @param null $data
* @param null $update
* @return bool
public function on_duplicate_update($data = NULL, $update = NULL)
if (is_null($data)) {
return FALSE;
if (is_null($update)) {
$update = $data;
$sql = $this->_duplicate_insert_sql($data, $update);
return $this->execute_query($sql);
* @param $values
* @param null $update
* @return string
protected function _duplicate_insert_sql($values, $update)
$updateStr = array();
$keyStr = array();
$valStr = array();
$values = $this->trigger('before_create', $values);
$update = $this->trigger('before_update', $update);
foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
$keyStr[] = $key;
$valStr[] = $this->_database->escape($val);
foreach ($update as $key => $val) {
$updateStr[] = $key . " = '{$val}'";
$sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $this->_database->dbprefix($this->_table) . "` (" . implode(', ', $keyStr) . ") ";
$sql .= "VALUES (" . implode(', ', $valStr) . ") ";
$sql .= "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . implode(", ", $updateStr);
return $sql;
* @param $condition
* @param string $time
* @return bool|mixed|void
protected function _delete($condition, $time = 'NOW()')
$this->trigger('before_delete', $condition);
if ($this->soft_delete) {
$escape = $time != 'NOW()';
$time = $this->get_mysql_time($time);
$this->_database->set($this->deleted_at_key, $time, $escape);
$result = $this->_database->update($this->_table);
} else {
$result = $this->_database->delete($this->_table);
return $this->trigger('after_delete', $result);
protected function get_mysql_time($time)
if($time instanceof DateTime){
return $time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
protected function prevent_if_not_soft_deletable()
if (!$this->soft_delete || !isset($this->deleted_at_key) || empty($this->deleted_at_key)) {
throw new Exception('This model does not setup properly to use soft delete');
* Delete a row from the table by the primary value
public function delete($id, $time = 'NOW()')
$this->_database->where($this->primary_key, $id);
return $this->_delete($id, $time);
* Alias for delete
* @param $id
* @param $time
* @return bool|mixed|void
public function delete_at($id, $time)
return $this->delete($id, $time);
* Alias for delete_by
* @param $condition
* @param $time
* @return bool|mixed|void
public function delete_by_at($condition, $time)
return $this->_delete($condition, $time);
* Alias for delete_many
* @param $primary_values
* @param $time
* @return bool|mixed|void
public function delete_many_at($primary_values, $time)
return $this->delete_many($primary_values, $time);
* Delete a row from the database table by an arbitrary WHERE clause
public function delete_by()
$where = func_get_args();
return $this->_delete($where);
* Delete many rows from the database table by multiple primary values
public function delete_many($primary_values, $time='NOW()')
$this->_database->where_in($this->primary_key, $primary_values);
return $this->_delete($primary_values, $time);
* Truncates the table
public function truncate()
$result = $this->_database->truncate($this->_table);
return $result;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public function with($relationship)
$this->_with[] = $relationship;
if (!$this->is_subscribed('after_get', 'relate'))
$this->subscribe('after_get', 'relate');
return $this;
public function relate($row)
if (empty($row))
return $row;
foreach ($this->belongs_to as $key => $value)
if (is_string($value))
$relationship = $value;
$options = array( 'primary_key' => $value . '_id', 'model' => $value . '_model' );
$relationship = $key;
$options = $value;
if (in_array($relationship, $this->_with))
$this->load->model($options['model'], $relationship . '_model');
if (is_object($row))
$row->{$relationship} = $this->{$relationship . '_model'}->get($row->{$options['primary_key']});
$row[$relationship] = $this->{$relationship . '_model'}->get($row[$options['primary_key']]);
foreach ($this->has_many as $key => $value)
if (is_string($value))
$relationship = $value;
$options = array( 'primary_key' => singular($this->_table) . '_id', 'model' => singular($value) . '_model' );
$relationship = $key;
$options = $value;
if (in_array($relationship, $this->_with))
$this->load->model($options['model'], $relationship . '_model');
if (is_object($row))
$row->{$relationship} = $this->{$relationship . '_model'}->get_many_by($options['primary_key'], $row->{$this->primary_key});
$row[$relationship] = $this->{$relationship . '_model'}->get_many_by($options['primary_key'], $row[$this->primary_key]);
return $row;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Retrieve and generate a form_dropdown friendly array
function dropdown()
$args = func_get_args();
if(count($args) == 2)
list($key, $value) = $args;
$key = $this->primary_key;
$value = $args[0];
$this->trigger('before_dropdown', array( $key, $value ));
$result = $this->_database->select(array($key, $value))
$options = array();
foreach ($result as $row)
$options[$row->{$key}] = $row->{$value};
$options = $this->trigger('after_dropdown', $options);
return $options;
*Event Callback functions
protected function subscribe($event, $observer, $handler = FALSE)
if (!isset($this->event_listeners[$event])) {
$this->event_listeners[$event] = array();
if (is_string($handler) || (is_string($observer) && !$handler)) {
$handler = !$handler ? $observer : $handler;
$this->event_listeners[$event][$handler] = $observer;
return $this;
$strategy = $handler ? 'array_unshift' : 'array_push';
$strategy($this->event_listeners[$event], $observer);
return $this;
* @param mixed $database
* @return $this
public function set_database($database = null)
switch (true) {
case ($database === null) :
$this->_database = $this->db;
case is_string($database) :
$this->_database = $this->_load_database_by_group($database);
case ($database instanceof CI_DB_driver):
$this->_database = $database;
default :
$this->_show_error('You have specified an invalid database connection/group.');
return $this;
private function _load_database_by_group($group)
if (!isset(self::$_connection_cache[$group])) {
self::$_connection_cache[$group] = $this->load->database($group);
return self::$_connection_cache[$group];
protected function unsubscribe($event, $handler)
if (!isset($this->event_listeners[$event][$handler])) {
return $this;
protected function is_subscribed($event, $handler)
return isset($this->event_listeners[$event][$handler]);
* Fetch a count of rows based on an arbitrary WHERE call.
public function count_by()
$where = func_get_args();
return $this->_database->count_all_results($this->_table);
* Fetch a total count of rows, disregarding any previous conditions
public function count_all()
return $this->_database->count_all($this->_table);
* Tell the class to skip the insert validation
public function skip_validation()
$this->skip_validation = TRUE;
return $this;
* Tell the class to skip the insert validation
public function enable_validation()
$this->skip_validation = FALSE;
return $this;
* Return the next auto increment of the table. Only tested on MySQL.
public function get_next_id()
return (int) $this->_database->select('AUTO_INCREMENT')
->where('TABLE_NAME', $this->_database->dbprefix($this->get_table()))
->where('TABLE_SCHEMA', $this->_database->database)->get()->row()->AUTO_INCREMENT;
* Getter for the table name
public function get_table()
return $this->_table;
* Getter for the primary key
public function primary_key()
return $this->primary_key;
* @param $sql
* @return mixed
public function execute_query($sql)
return $this->_database->query($sql);
* @return mixed
public function get_last_query()
return $this->_database->last_query();
* Alias for db->insert_string()
* @param $data
* @return mixed
public function get_insert_string($data)
return $this->_database->insert_string($this->get_table(), $data);
* @return int
public function get_num_rows()
return $this->num_rows;
* @return null|int
public function get_insert_id()
return $this->_database->insert_id();
* @return null|mix
public function get_affected_rows()
return $this->_database->affected_rows();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Return the next call as an array rather than an object
public function as_array()
$this->_temporary_return_type = 'array';
return $this;
* Return the next call as an object rather than an array
public function as_object()
$this->_temporary_return_type = 'object';
return $this;
* Don't care about soft deleted rows on the next call
public function with_deleted()
$this->_temporary_with_deleted = TRUE;
return $this;
* Only get deleted rows on the next call
public function only_deleted()
$this->_temporary_only_deleted = TRUE;
return $this;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* MySQL DATETIME created_at and updated_at
public function created_at($row)
if (is_object($row))
$row->{$this->created_at_key} = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$row[$this->created_at_key] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $row;
public function updated_at($row)
if (is_object($row))
$row->{$this->updated_at_key} = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$row[$this->updated_at_key] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $row;
public function created_by($row)
if (is_object($row))
$row->{$this->created_by_key} = $this->get_current_user();
$row[$this->created_by_key] = $this->get_current_user();
return $row;
public function updated_by($row)
if (is_object($row))
$row->{$this->updated_by_key} = $this->get_current_user();
$row[$this->updated_by_key] = $this->get_current_user();
return $row;
public function update_deleted_by($id)
$this->_database->set($this->deleted_by_key, $this->get_current_user());
return $id;
* Serialises data for you automatically, allowing you to pass
* through objects and let it handle the serialisation in the background
public function serialize_row($row)
foreach ($this->callback_parameters as $column)
$row[$column] = serialize($row[$column]);
return $row;
public function unserialize_row($row)
foreach ($this->callback_parameters as $column)
if (is_array($row))
$row[$column] = unserialize($row[$column]);
$row->$column = unserialize($row->$column);
return $row;
* Protect attributes by removing them from $row array
public function protect_attributes($row)
foreach ($this->protected_attributes as $attr)
if (is_object($row))
return $row;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A wrapper to $this->_database->order_by()
* call the ci->db->order_by method as per provided param
* The param can be string just like default order_by function expect
* or can be array with set of param!!
* <pre>
* $model->order_by('fieldName DESC');
* or
* $model->order_by(array('fieldName','DESC'));
* or
* $model->order_by(array('fieldName'=>'DESC', 'fieldName2'=>'ASC'));
* or
* $model->order_by(array(array('fieldName','DESC'),'fieldName DESC'));
* </pre>
* @param $criteria
* @param string $order
* @internal param mixed $orders
* @return bool
public function order_by($criteria, $order = null)
if ($criteria == NULL) {
return $this;
if (is_array($criteria)) { //Multiple order by provided!
//check if we got single order by passed as array!!
if (isset($criteria[1]) && (strtolower($criteria[1]) == 'asc' || strtolower($criteria[1]) == 'desc' || strtolower($criteria[1]) == 'random')) {
$this->_database->order_by($criteria[0], $criteria[1]);
return $this;
foreach ($criteria as $key => $value)
$order_criteria = is_int($key) ? $value : $key;
$lower_key = strtolower($value);
$order = ($lower_key == 'asc' || $lower_key == 'desc' || $lower_key == 'random') ? $value : null;
$this->_database->order_by($order_criteria, $order);
return $this;
$this->_database->order_by($criteria, $order); //its a string just call db order_by
return $this;
* A wrapper to $this->_database->limit()
public function limit($limit, $offset = 0)
$this->_database->limit($limit, $offset);
return $this;
* @param null|string|array $conditions
* @param string $fields
* @param null|string|array $order
* @param int $start
* @param null|int $limit
* @return mixed
public function find_all($conditions = NULL, $fields = '*', $order = NULL, $start = 0, $limit = NULL)
if ($conditions != NULL) {
if (is_array($conditions)) {
} else {
$this->_database->where($conditions, NULL, FALSE);
if ($fields != NULL) {
if ($order != NULL) {
if ($limit != NULL) {
$this->_database->limit($limit, $start);
return $this->get_all();
* @param null|string|array $conditions
* @param string $fields
* @param null|string|array $order
* @return bool
public function find($conditions = NULL, $fields = '*', $order = NULL)
$data = $this->find_all($conditions, $fields, $order, 0, 1);
if ($data) {
return $data[0];
} else {
return FALSE;
* @param null $conditions
* @param $name
* @param string $fields
* @param null $order
* @return bool
public function field($conditions = NULL, $name, $fields = '*', $order = NULL)
$data = $this->find_all($conditions, $fields, $order, 0, 1);
if ($data) {
$row = $data[0];
if (isset($row[$name])) {
return $row[$name];
return FALSE;
* Alias of count_by
* @param null $conditions
* @return integer
public function find_count($conditions = NULL)
return $this->count_by($conditions);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Trigger an event and call its observers. Pass through the event name
* (which looks for an instance variable $this->event_listeners[event_name] or $this->event_name), an array of
* parameters to pass through and an optional 'last in iteration' boolean
* @param $event
* @param bool|array|void|int $data
* @param bool $last
* @return bool|mixed
public function trigger($event, $data = FALSE, $last = TRUE)
if (isset($this->event_listeners[$event]) && is_array($this->event_listeners[$event])) {
$data = $this->_trigger_event($this->event_listeners[$event], $data, $last);
}elseif (isset($this->$event) && is_array($this->$event)){
$data = $this->_trigger_event($this->$event, $data, $last);
return $data;
private function _trigger_event($event_listeners, $data, $last)
foreach ($event_listeners as $method) {
if (is_string($method) && strpos($method, '(')) {
preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)(\(([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\., ]+)\))?/', $method, $matches);
$method = $matches[1];
$this->callback_parameters = explode(',', $matches[3]);
$callable = $this->getCallableFunction($method);
if (!$callable) {
$this->callback_parameters = array();
$data = call_user_func_array($callable, array($data, $last));
return $data;
* Get callable as per given method
* @param $method
* @return array|bool|callable
private function getCallableFunction($method)
if (is_callable($method)) {
return $method;
if (is_string($method) && is_callable(array($this, $method))) {
return array($this, $method);
return FALSE;
* filter data as per delete status
protected function apply_soft_delete_filter()
if ($this->soft_delete && $this->_temporary_with_deleted !== TRUE) {
$where = "`{$this->deleted_at_key}` <= NOW()";
$where = sprintf('(%1$s > NOW() OR %1$s IS NULL OR %1$s = \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\')', $this->deleted_at_key);
* Run validation on the passed data
public function validate($data)
return $data;
foreach($data as $key => $val)
$_POST[$key] = $val;
if ($this->form_validation->run() === TRUE)
return $data;
return FALSE;
if ($this->form_validation->run($this->validate) === TRUE)
return $data;
return FALSE;
return $data;
* Guess the table name by pluralising the model name
private function _fetch_table()
if ($this->_table == NULL)
$this->_table = plural(preg_replace('/(_m|_model)?$/', '', strtolower(get_class($this))));
* Guess the primary key for current table
protected function _fetch_primary_key()
if($this->is_base_model_instance()) {
if ($this->primary_key == NULL && $this->_database) {
$this->primary_key = $this->execute_query("SHOW KEYS FROM `" . $this->_database->dbprefix($this->_table) . "` WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'")->row()->Column_name;
private function is_base_model_instance()
if($this->_base_model_instance == null){
$subclass_prefix = $this->config->item('subclass_prefix');
$this->_base_model_instance = get_class($this) == $subclass_prefix . "Model";
return $this->_base_model_instance;
public function get_fields()
if (empty($this->_fields) && $this->_database) {
$this->_fields = (array)$this->_database->list_fields($this->_table);
return $this->_fields;
protected function isFieldExist($field)
return in_array($field, $this->get_fields());
protected function _guess_is_soft_deletable()
if ($this->soft_delete === NULL) {
$this->soft_delete = $this->isFieldExist($this->deleted_at_key);
if (!$this->soft_delete) {
if ($this->isFieldExist($this->deleted_by_key) && $this->get_current_user()) {
$this->subscribe('before_delete', 'update_deleted_by','update_deleted_by');
protected function _guess_is_blamable()
if ($this->blamable === NULL) {
$this->blamable = $this->isFieldExist($this->created_by_key)
&& $this->isFieldExist($this->updated_by_key)
&& $this->get_current_user();
if ($this->timestampable) {
$this->subscribe('before_create', 'created_by');
$this->subscribe('before_create', 'updated_by');
$this->subscribe('before_update', 'updated_by');
protected function _guess_is_timestampable()
if ($this->timestampable === NULL) {
$this->timestampable = $this->isFieldExist($this->created_at_key)
&& $this->isFieldExist($this->updated_at_key);
if ($this->timestampable) {
$this->subscribe('before_create', 'created_at');
$this->subscribe('before_create', 'updated_at');
$this->subscribe('before_update', 'updated_at');
* Set WHERE parameters, cleverly
* @param $params
protected function _set_where($params)
if (count($params) == 1)
else if(count($params) == 2)
$this->_database->where($params[0], $params[1]);
else if(count($params) == 3)
$this->_database->where($params[0], $params[1], $params[2]);
* Return the method name for the current return type
* @param bool $multi
* @return string
protected function _get_return_type_method($multi = FALSE)
$method = ($multi) ? 'result' : 'row';
return $this->_temporary_return_type == 'array' ? $method . '_array' : $method;
* you Must implement this function in MY_Model Class to use blamable an deleted_by feature
protected function get_current_user()
return false;
* @param $data
* @return mixed
private function _update($data)
$result = $this->_database->set($data)
$this->trigger('after_update', array($data, $result));
return $result;
* @param $msg
private function _show_error($msg)
if (function_exists('show_error')) {
* @param $data
* @return bool|mixed
private function _do_pre_update($data)
$data = $this->validate($data);
$data = $this->trigger('before_update', $data);
return $data;
* @param $data
* @return bool|mixed
private function _do_pre_create($data)
$data = $this->validate($data);
$data = $this->trigger('before_create', $data);
return $data;
* @param $methodName
* @return null
private function _handle_exception($methodName)
if (!function_exists('_exception_handler')) {
return null;
$trace = debug_backtrace(null, 1);
$errMsg = 'Undefined method : ' . get_class($this) . "::" . $methodName . " called";
_exception_handler(E_USER_NOTICE, $errMsg, $trace[0]['file'], $trace[0]['line']);
* Return the class name of the current call
* @param boolean $bt
* @param integer $l
* @return type
static function get_called_class($bt = false, $l = 1) {
if (!$bt) $bt = debug_backtrace();
if (!isset($bt[$l])) throw new Exception("Cannot find called class -> stack level too deep.");
if (!isset($bt[$l]['type']))
throw new Exception ('type not set');
else switch ($bt[$l]['type']){
case '::':
$lines = file($bt[$l]['file']);
$i = 0;
$callerLine = '';
$callerLine = $lines[$bt[$l]['line']-$i] . $callerLine;
} while (stripos($callerLine,$bt[$l]['function']) === false);
preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)::'.$bt[$l]['function'].'/', $callerLine, $matches);
if (!isset($matches[1]))
throw new Exception ("Could not find caller class: originating method call is obscured.");
switch ($matches[1]){
case 'self':
case 'parent':
return self::get_called_class($bt,$l+1);
return $matches[1];
case '->': switch ($bt[$l]['function']){
case '__get':
if (!is_object($bt[$l]['object'])) throw new Exception ("Edge case fail. __get called on non object.");
return get_class($bt[$l]['object']);
default: return $bt[$l]['class'];
default: throw new Exception ("Unknown backtrace method type");
* This will keep a instance of the current class to be used on static methods, like singleton
* @var Current_class
private static $_instance;
* Return a instance of the current class to be used on static methods
* @return class_instance
static function getInstance(){
if (self::$_instance == null)
eval("self::\$_instance = new ".(self::get_called_class())."();");
return self::$_instance;
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