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Last active April 8, 2024 07:18
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Terraform external data source example - dynamic SSH key generation
# ssh key generator data source expects the below 3 inputs, and produces 3 outputs for use:
# "${data.external.ssh_key_generator.result.public_key}" (contents)
# "${data.external.ssh_key_generator.result.private_key}" (contents)
# "${data.external.ssh_key_generator.result.private_key_file}" (path)
data "external" "ssh_key_generator" {
program = ["bash", "${path.root}/../"]
query = {
customer_name = "${var.customer_name}"
customer_group = "${var.customer_group}"
customer_environment = "${var.customer_environment}"
resource "aws_key_pair" "admin" {
key_name = "${var.customer_name}-${var.customer_group}-${var.customer_environment}"
public_key = "${data.external.ssh_key_generator.result.public_key}"
# ssh_key_generator - designed to work with the Terraform External Data Source provider
# by Irving Popovetsky <>
# this script takes the 3 customer_* arguments as JSON formatted stdin
# produces public_key & private_key (contents) and the private_key_file (path) as JSON formatted stdout
# DEBUG statements may be safely uncommented as they output to stderr
function error_exit() {
echo "$1" 1>&2
exit 1
function check_deps() {
test -f $(which ssh-keygen) || error_exit "ssh-keygen command not detected in path, please install it"
test -f $(which jq) || error_exit "jq command not detected in path, please install it"
function parse_input() {
# jq reads from stdin so we don't have to set up any inputs, but let's validate the outputs
eval "$(jq -r '@sh "export CUSTOMER_NAME=\(.customer_name) CUSTOMER_GROUP=\(.customer_group) CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT=\(.customer_environment)"')"
if [[ -z "${CUSTOMER_NAME}" ]]; then export CUSTOMER_NAME=none; fi
if [[ -z "${CUSTOMER_GROUP}" ]]; then export CUSTOMER_GROUP=none; fi
if [[ -z "${CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT}" ]]; then export CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT=none; fi
function create_ssh_key() {
script_dir=$(dirname $0)
export ssh_key_file="${script_dir}/.ssh/${CUSTOMER_NAME}-${CUSTOMER_GROUP}-${CUSTOMER_ENVIRONMENT}"
# echo "DEBUG: ssh_key_file = ${ssh_key_file}" 1>&2
if [[ ! -f "${ssh_key_file}" ]]; then
ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f $ssh_key_file
function produce_output() {
public_key_contents=$(cat ${ssh_key_file}.pub)
# echo "DEBUG: public_key_contents ${public_key_contents}" 1>&2
private_key_contents=$(cat ${ssh_key_file} | awk '$1=$1' ORS=' \n')
# echo "DEBUG: private_key_contents ${private_key_contents}" 1>&2
# echo "DEBUG: private_key_file ${ssh_key_file}" 1>&2
jq -n \
--arg public_key "$public_key_contents" \
--arg private_key "$private_key_contents" \
--arg private_key_file "$ssh_key_file" \
# main()
# echo "DEBUG: received: $INPUT" 1>&2
$ echo '{"customer_name": "foo", "customer_group": "bbar", "customer_environment": "baz"}' | ./
"public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDgeAzqoZZnHg04V4zbI21FwzL2Aw0fhAYZlblyQsZhqYLSiVhge9zTP63x1hbN2f0L5ZmtXw1eeBgNJJHK91UJyDaF7+J8llNvizYeiFqWLyJiotXgvNZIe2ms9eeWyEer3g2W74YlnGKL+5UiM+1dw44Es3vRV6A8M4oZJLUKZxSl6Kzo128ua71Fv6HuOiTfInThFMtPjeTlOIaXt7tq0nzkAmxnMU2+EtCPKq01MmlR0bC5GxnSwrFMwSD8FwOU0jiJ7t+HT4BRRaYvp36/6HkiMBVqSnFlz21cJiKKRzlH7Ssl+R5wVsShXmX5+Sp24vP+uyWmKhxxVC7/wqqP irving@computer.local",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- \nMIIEogIBAAKCAQEA4HgM6qGWZx4NOFeM2yNtRcMy9gMNH4QGGZW5ckLGYamC0olY \nYHvc0z+t8dYWzdn9C+WZrV8NXngYDSSRyvdVCcg2he/ifJZTb4s2Hohali8iYqLV \n4LzWSHtprPXnlshHq94Nlu+GJZxii/uVIjPtXcOOBLN70VegPDOKGSS1CmcUpeis \n6NdvLmu9Rb+h7jok3yJ04RTLT43k5TiGl7e7atJ85AJsZzFNvhLQjyqtNTJpUdGw \nuRsZ0sKxTMEg/BcDlNI4ie7fh0+AUUWmL6d+v+h5IjAVakpxZc9tXCYiikc5R+0r \nJfkecFbEoV5l+fkqduLz/rslpioccVQu/8KqjwIDAQABAoIBAHabWI/d5AAGpAui \nTz43gPS8yL+vKw79DtAUChIy8GoITKT8h6Mrr6o72qiPbCtHROs1Xbd7IzBImsTP \nDu5FNDzf+tdYwr78G4gz8du+RsdWjn+59PM0NLHF7DfFE6LbnutUgK/BTouvD29R \n9yJEd+b0fqVDRWh/OZ61yQGyIKsmgL3X5iOkDUN3GTkOuT1XMBNU3RYMyQGQcUU0 \n+y4WUpFrjuKtCBdS8RNHqPvKxsfifnr4tlFmWtQHbCjGbdDur0vbpq9IP8J3piAD \nm8xv9Wj+ulsSMzHCsn4QN2YKP+sAjibg/W34TVcHr6pfK690oHV4+Q5hzMHvOZLd \n3ACPP9ECgYEA/myNZluC+q3RxcG9msvnCva34zOzqmTnF24Q9EXNAp7dzU2FMK2l \nh1ZBq0e06KISb5PZkOxfjVTVqYoCzrSdseKp0wuaubVj3l9WBdPnrqY5qkjgbzWx \ne/hqbKOjF+c/HxOXqbUt/NMO7RBW9U6cR2aExpo4CdHwMW4rJUETZOcCgYEA4dv/ \nWSA0o0leR+q8jpTqNhPRqAxNTRPkT4biX57mc5Ln4w+l3XGX1j0rtgQ1/L05WCwc \nYg1D9MygTPY6mEcKmuqFDUjuneafzUS6cAwO7h1klzLRNBP7YAnY6KI0FqA4DMiX \nrq0vngXVrBjqHtXl2ALdn2ZAH3X0kFdBgFWpsBkCgYBgjYOPz7TCO0q7mM3CvBTf \nRUf90jYhuQ82BhArE348u1uDOSMNmSiTVrmvLZRLII6Mh3huljWg5gv7viNYnJSn \n2FQIgoPibCMNVfLIXWW0EuMZa3S435COcnS469TOEnUS7xWEUvyz0Mj+UFAf4ghO \n1GoZEJepqmFT8PIwviSFCwKBgCokJiy2+ZtN4S2B+tSPrHOSlxfH09SB1aORA0Pc \nHhuKWYHgNY5v12i92R4JAxm5JK3y7QjOeNOAKpixiJVJDA2DnHeyF/OWSFLAdBjb \n5x0+lrovXSFeaRSuQa6GNTnTgyG/e6232p6dcBTAQU6nkk8PmdJX/bbhB1S3Mx2C \n3jphAoGAScrlJ6R287CDekndxNsJRwC345ePJARZRxNgxN/8Xww2wauPGhXcVJ0E \ntZtH8/mCrm3xO2VqWAlKugmXzHO1TihhoEaY42P4XwxSighjKaDjHtbMpWAqJI0e \niB2QaFQfli2YxMbV7gxGV3/sL8mgsjMognYun8K7GNMj1jBTTic= \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ",
"private_key_file": "./.ssh/foo-bbar-baz"
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armenr commented Nov 21, 2022

+1 for this being a master-class in how to properly leverage really useful external data sources.

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bryan-bar commented Mar 2, 2023


Thanks a lot @irvingpop!

I've modified input parsing to this bloc to not have to define all query keys:

input=$(jq -r '.')
# echo "DEBUG: input: ${input}" 1>&2
for query_value in $(echo "${input}" | jq -r 'to_entries|map("\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)")|.[]'); do
  export ${query_value}

Beware, I noticed that currently Terraform don't handle well query value composed of JSON. My workaround is to encode it with base64 on Terraform side and decode it on bash side.

I have modified this to show the base64encoding since I ran into the same problem when using jsonencode(value) and pushed the value into an array:


# Handle stdin from Terraform "external" data source
# A parameter "query" of type map(string) is passed to stdin
# In order to control the expected output, parameters can use base64 encoding
# ex: query = {
#       "mount_points" = base64encode(jsonencode(var.machine.spec.additional_volumes[*].mount_point))
#       "ssh_user"     = base64encode(var.operating_system.ssh_user)
#       "ip_address"   = base64encode(aws_instance.machine.public_ip)
#     }
# Expected: {
#  "ip_address": "NTIuOTEuMjMwLjEzNQ==",
#  "mount_points": "WyIvb3B0L3BnX2RhdGEiLCIvb3B0L3BnX3dhbCJd",
#  "ssh_user": "cm9ja3k="
# }
# Grab stdin with 'jq' and
# insert decoded values into an associative array
for key in $(echo "${TERRAFORM_INPUT}" | jq -r 'keys_unsorted|.[]'); do
    INPUT_MAPPING["$key"]=$(echo "$TERRAFORM_INPUT" | jq -r .[\"$key\"] | base64 -d)
    # INPUT_MAPPING["ip_address"]=
    # INPUT_MAPPING["mount_points"]=["/opt/pg_data","/opt/pg_wal"]
    # INPUT_MAPPING["ssh_user"]=rocky
    echo "DEBUG: key value: $key ${INPUT_MAPPING["$key"]}" >> /tmp/terraform.log

# stdout must be returned as a json object
# object saved to 'result': data.external.<name>.result
# stderr passed through to terraform as is
jq -n --arg arg0 "$TERRAFORM_INPUT" '{"passed":$arg0}'

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