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Created January 15, 2014 07:42
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In NMF, the matrix A into two lower rank matrix such that A ~= U*V' The non zero entries of the matrix A are the edges between user and item nodes. The edge direction is always between user -> item. The user latent vectors are stored in the user vertices "prev" The item latent vectors are stored in the item vertices "prev"
* Copyright (c) 2009 Carnegie Mellon University.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language
* governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* For more about this software visit:
* \file
* This code iplements the NMF algorithm described in the paper:
* Lee, D..D., and Seung, H.S., (2001), 'Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix
* Factorization', Adv. Neural Info. Proc. Syst. 13, 556-562.
#include <graphlab/util/stl_util.hpp>
#include <graphlab.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "eigen_serialization.hpp"
#include <graphlab/macros_def.hpp>
#include <graphlab/util/timer.hpp>
#include "stats.hpp"
typedef Eigen::VectorXd vec;
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd mat_type;
//when using negative node id range, we are not allowed to use
//0 and 1 so we add 2.
const static int SAFE_NEG_OFFSET=2;
const double epsilon = 1e-16;
static bool debug;
int iter = 0;
bool isuser(uint node){
return ((int)node) >= 0;
* \ingroup toolkit_matrix_pvecization
* \brief the vertex data type which contains the latent pvec.
* Each row and each column in the matrix corresponds to a different
* vertex in the SGD graph. Associated with each vertex is a pvec
* (vector) of latent parameters that represent that vertex. The goal
* of the SGD algorithm is to find the values for these latent
* parameters such that the non-zero entries in the matrix can be
* predicted by taking the dot product of the row and column pvecs.
struct vertex_data {
* \brief A shared "constant" that specifies the number of latent
* values to use.
static size_t NLATENT;
/** \brief The latent pvec for this vertex */
vec pvec;
double train_rmse;
double validation_rmse;
* \brief Simple default constructor which randomizes the vertex
* data
vertex_data() { if (debug) pvec = vec::Ones(NLATENT); else randomize(); train_rmse = validation_rmse = 0; }
/** \brief Randomizes the latent pvec */
void randomize() { pvec.resize(NLATENT); pvec.setRandom(); }
/** \brief Save the vertex data to a binary archive */
void save(graphlab::oarchive& arc) const {
arc << pvec << train_rmse << validation_rmse;
/** \brief Load the vertex data from a binary archive */
void load(graphlab::iarchive& arc) {
arc >> pvec >>train_rmse >> validation_rmse;
}; // end of vertex data
* \brief The edge data stores the entry in the matrix.
* In addition the edge data nmfo stores the most recent error estimate.
struct edge_data : public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE {
* \brief The type of data on the edge;
* \li *Train:* the observed value is correct and used in training
* \li *Validate:* the observed value is correct but not used in training
* \li *Predict:* The observed value is not correct and should not be
* used in training.
enum data_role_type { TRAIN, VALIDATE, PREDICT };
/** \brief the observed value for the edge */
float weight;
/** \brief The train/validation/test designation of the edge */
data_role_type role;
/** \brief basic initialization */
edge_data(float weight = 0, data_role_type role = PREDICT) :
weight(weight), role(role) { }
}; // end of edge data
* \brief The graph type is defined in terms of the vertex and edge
* data.
typedef graphlab::distributed_graph<vertex_data, edge_data> graph_type;
double extract_l2_error(const graph_type::edge_type & edge);
* \brief Given a vertex and an edge return the other vertex in the
* edge.
inline graph_type::vertex_type
get_other_vertex(graph_type::edge_type& edge,
const graph_type::vertex_type& vertex) {
return == edge.source().id()? : edge.source();
}; // end of get_other_vertex
class gather_type {
vec pvec;
double training_rmse;
double validation_rmse;
gather_type() { training_rmse = validation_rmse = 0; }
gather_type(const vec & _pvec, double _train_rmse, double _validation_rmse){ pvec = _pvec; training_rmse = _train_rmse; validation_rmse = _validation_rmse; }
void reset(){ pvec = vec::Zero(vertex_data::NLATENT); training_rmse = 0; validation_rmse = 0; }
void save(graphlab::oarchive& arc) const { arc << pvec << training_rmse << validation_rmse; }
void load(graphlab::iarchive& arc) { arc >> pvec >> training_rmse >> validation_rmse; }
gather_type& operator+=(const gather_type& other) {
pvec += other.pvec;
training_rmse += other.training_rmse;
validation_rmse += other.validation_rmse;
return *this;
gather_type x1;
gather_type x2;
gather_type * px;
bool isuser_node(const graph_type::vertex_type& vertex){
return isuser(;
* SGD vertex program type
class nmf_vertex_program :
public graphlab::ivertex_program<graph_type, gather_type, gather_type>,
public graphlab::IS_POD_TYPE{
/** The convergence tolerance */
static double TOLERANCE;
static double MAXVAL;
static double MINVAL;
static bool debug;
static size_t MAX_UPDATES;
/** compute a missing value based on NMF algorithm */
static float nmf_predict(const vertex_data& user,
const vertex_data& movie,
const float rating,
double & prediction){
prediction =;
//truncate prediction to allowed values
prediction = std::min((double)prediction, nmf_vertex_program::MAXVAL);
prediction = std::max((double)prediction, nmf_vertex_program::MINVAL);
//return the squared error
float err = rating - prediction;
return err*err;
/** The set of edges to gather along */
edge_dir_type gather_edges(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) const {
return graphlab::ALL_EDGES;
}; // end of gather_edges
/** The gather function computes XtX and Xy */
gather_type gather(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,
edge_type& edge) const {
if ( == edge_data::TRAIN || == edge_data::VALIDATE){
const vertex_type other_vertex = get_other_vertex(edge, vertex);
double prediction = 0;
double rmse = nmf_predict(,,, prediction);
if (prediction == 0)
logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Got into numerical error!" << std::endl;
if ( == edge_data::TRAIN)
return gather_type( * ( / prediction), rmse, 0);
else //validation
return gather_type(vec::Zero(vertex_data::NLATENT), 0, rmse);
return gather_type(vec::Zero(vertex_data::NLATENT), 0, 0);
} // end of gather function
void apply(icontext_type& context, vertex_type& vertex,
const gather_type& sum) {
vertex_data& vdata =;
if (vdata.pvec.sum() != 0){
for (uint i=0; i< vertex_data::NLATENT; i++){
vdata.pvec[i] *= sum.pvec[i] / px->pvec[i];
ASSERT_NE(px->pvec[i] , 0);
if (vdata.pvec[i] < epsilon)
vdata.pvec[i] = epsilon;
vdata.train_rmse = sum.training_rmse;
vdata.validation_rmse = sum.validation_rmse;
edge_dir_type scatter_edges(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) const {
return graphlab::ALL_EDGES;
}; // end of scatter edges
void scatter(icontext_type& context, const vertex_type& vertex,
edge_type& edge) const {
//we do not schedule any more neighbors to run
// see the main fucntion
static void verify_rows(graph_type::vertex_type& vertex){
if (isuser( && vertex.num_out_edges() == 0)
logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"NMF algorithm can not work when the row " << << " of the matrix contains all zeros" << std::endl;
static gather_type pre_iter(const graph_type::vertex_type & vertex){
gather_type ret;
ret.pvec =;
ret.training_rmse =;
ret.validation_rmse =;
return ret;
static graphlab::empty signal_left(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) {
if(vertex.num_out_edges() > 0) context.signal(vertex);
return graphlab::empty();
} // end of signal_left
static graphlab::empty signal_right(icontext_type& context,
const vertex_type& vertex) {
if(vertex.num_in_edges() > 0) context.signal(vertex);
return graphlab::empty();
} // end of signal_left
}; // end of nmf vertex program
gather_type count_edges(nmf_vertex_program::icontext_type & context, const graph_type::edge_type& edge) {
gather_type ret;
if ( == edge_data::TRAIN){
ret.training_rmse = 1;
else if ( == edge_data::VALIDATE){
ret.validation_rmse = 1;
if ( < 0)
logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Found a negative entry in matirx row " << edge.source().id() << " with value: " << << std::endl;
return ret;
struct prediction_saver {
typedef graph_type::vertex_type vertex_type;
typedef graph_type::edge_type edge_type;
/* save the linear model, using the format:
nodeid) factor1 factor2 ... factorNLATENT \n
std::string save_vertex(const vertex_type& vertex) const {
return "";
std::string save_edge(const edge_type& edge) const {
if ( != edge_data::PREDICT)
return "";
std::stringstream strm;
const double prediction =
strm << edge.source().id() << '\t'
<< << '\t'
<< prediction << '\n';
return strm.str();
}; // end of prediction_saver
struct linear_model_saver_U {
typedef graph_type::vertex_type vertex_type;
typedef graph_type::edge_type edge_type;
/* save the linear model, using the format:
nodeid) factor1 factor2 ... factorNLATENT \n
std::string save_vertex(const vertex_type& vertex) const {
if (vertex.num_out_edges() > 0){
std::string ret = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( + ") ";
for (uint i=0; i< vertex_data::NLATENT; i++)
ret += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>([i]) + " ";
ret += "\n";
return ret;
else return "";
std::string save_edge(const edge_type& edge) const {
return "";
struct linear_model_saver_V {
typedef graph_type::vertex_type vertex_type;
typedef graph_type::edge_type edge_type;
/* save the linear model, using the format:
nodeid) factor1 factor2 ... factorNLATENT \n
std::string save_vertex(const vertex_type& vertex) const {
if (vertex.num_out_edges() == 0){
std::string ret = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>( + ") ";
for (uint i=0; i< vertex_data::NLATENT; i++)
ret += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>([i]) + " ";
ret += "\n";
return ret;
else return "";
std::string save_edge(const edge_type& edge) const {
return "";
* \brief The graph loader function is a line parser used for
* distributed graph construction.
inline bool graph_loader(graph_type& graph,
const std::string& filename,
const std::string& line) {
// Parse the line
std::stringstream strm(line);
graph_type::vertex_id_type source_id(-1), target_id(-1);
float weight(0);
strm >> source_id >> target_id;
if (source_id == graph_type::vertex_id_type(-1) || target_id == graph_type::vertex_id_type(-1)){
logstream(LOG_WARNING)<<"Failed to read input line: "<< line << " in file: " << filename << " (or node id is -1). " << std::endl;
return true;
// Determine the role of the data
edge_data::data_role_type role = edge_data::TRAIN;
if(boost::ends_with(filename,".validate")) role = edge_data::VALIDATE;
else if(boost::ends_with(filename, ".predict")) role = edge_data::PREDICT;
// for test files (.predict) no need to read the actual rating value.
if(role == edge_data::TRAIN || role == edge_data::VALIDATE){
strm >> weight;
if (weight < nmf_vertex_program::MINVAL || weight > nmf_vertex_program::MAXVAL)
logstream(LOG_FATAL)<<"Rating values should be between " << nmf_vertex_program::MINVAL << " and " << nmf_vertex_program::MAXVAL << ". Got value: " << weight << " [ user: " << source_id << " to item: " <<target_id << " ] " << std::endl;
target_id = -(graphlab::vertex_id_type(target_id + SAFE_NEG_OFFSET));
// Create an edge and add it to the graph
graph.add_edge(source_id, target_id, edge_data(weight, role));
return true; // successful load
} // end of graph_loader
size_t vertex_data::NLATENT = 20;
double nmf_vertex_program::TOLERANCE = 1e-3;
size_t nmf_vertex_program::MAX_UPDATES = -1;
double nmf_vertex_program::MAXVAL = 1e+100;
double nmf_vertex_program::MINVAL = -1e+100;
bool nmf_vertex_program::debug = false;
* \brief The engine type used by the ALS matrix factorization
* algorithm.
* The ALS matrix factorization algorithm currently uses the
* synchronous engine. However we plan to add support for alternative
* engines in the future.
typedef graphlab::omni_engine<nmf_vertex_program> engine_type;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Parse command line options -----------------------------------------------
const std::string description =
"Compute the NMF factorization of a matrix.";
graphlab::command_line_options clopts(description);
std::string input_dir;
std::string predictions;
std::string exec_type = "synchronous";
clopts.attach_option("matrix", input_dir,
"The directory containing the matrix file");
clopts.attach_option("D", vertex_data::NLATENT,
"Number of latent parameters to use.");
clopts.attach_option("engine", exec_type,
"The engine type synchronous or asynchronous");
clopts.attach_option("max_iter", nmf_vertex_program::MAX_UPDATES,
"The maxumum number of udpates allowed for a vertex");
clopts.attach_option("debug", nmf_vertex_program::debug,
"debug - additional verbose info");
clopts.attach_option("maxval", nmf_vertex_program::MAXVAL, "max allowed value");
clopts.attach_option("minval", nmf_vertex_program::MINVAL, "min allowed value");
clopts.attach_option("predictions", predictions,
"The prefix (folder and filename) to save predictions.");
if(!clopts.parse(argc, argv) || input_dir == "") {
std::cout << "Error in parsing command line arguments." << std::endl;
debug = nmf_vertex_program::debug;
graphlab::mpi_tools::init(argc, argv);
graphlab::distributed_control dc;
dc.cout() << "Loading graph." << std::endl;
graphlab::timer timer;
graph_type graph(dc, clopts);
graph.load(input_dir, graph_loader);
dc.cout() << "Loading graph. Finished in "
<< timer.current_time() << std::endl;
dc.cout() << "Finalizing graph." << std::endl;
dc.cout() << "Finalizing graph. Finished in "
<< timer.current_time() << std::endl;
<< "========== Graph statistics on proc " << dc.procid()
<< " ==============="
<< "\n Num vertices: " << graph.num_vertices()
<< "\n Num edges: " << graph.num_edges()
<< "\n Num replica: " << graph.num_replicas()
<< "\n Replica to vertex ratio: "
<< float(graph.num_replicas())/graph.num_vertices()
<< "\n --------------------------------------------"
<< "\n Num local own vertices: " << graph.num_local_own_vertices()
<< "\n Num local vertices: " << graph.num_local_vertices()
<< "\n Replica to own ratio: "
<< (float)graph.num_local_vertices()/graph.num_local_own_vertices()
<< "\n Num local edges: " << graph.num_local_edges()
//<< "\n Begin edge id: " << graph.global_eid(0)
<< "\n Edge balance ratio: "
<< float(graph.num_local_edges())/graph.num_edges()
<< std::endl;
dc.cout() << "Creating engine" << std::endl;
engine_type engine(dc, graph, exec_type, clopts);
// Run the NMF ---------------------------------------------------------
dc.cout() << "Running NMF" << std::endl;
dc.cout() << "(C) Code by Danny Bickson, CMU " << std::endl;
dc.cout() << "Please send bug reports to" << std::endl;
dc.cout() << "Time Training Validation" <<std::endl;
dc.cout() << " RMSE RMSE " <<std::endl;
gather_type edge_count = engine.map_reduce_edges<gather_type>(count_edges);
dc.cout()<<"Training edges: " << edge_count.training_rmse << " validation edges: " << edge_count.validation_rmse << std::endl;
graphlab::vertex_set left =;
graphlab::vertex_set right = ~left;
graph.transform_vertices(nmf_vertex_program::verify_rows, left);
graphlab::timer mytimer; mytimer.start();
for (uint j=0; j< nmf_vertex_program::MAX_UPDATES; j++){
x1 = graph.map_reduce_vertices<gather_type>(nmf_vertex_program::pre_iter,right);
px = &x1;
for (int i=0; i< (int)vertex_data::NLATENT; i++)
ASSERT_NE(px->pvec[i], 0);
dc.cout()<< std::setw(8) << mytimer.current_time() << " " << sqrt(x1.training_rmse/edge_count.training_rmse);
if (edge_count.validation_rmse > 0)
dc.cout() << " " << std::setw(8) << sqrt(x1.validation_rmse/edge_count.validation_rmse) << std::endl;
else dc.cout() << std::endl;
x2 = graph.map_reduce_vertices<gather_type>(nmf_vertex_program::pre_iter,left);
px = &x2;
const double runtime = timer.current_time();
dc.cout() << "----------------------------------------------------------"
<< std::endl
<< "Final Runtime (seconds): " << runtime
<< std::endl
<< "Updates executed: " << engine.num_updates() << std::endl
<< "Update Rate (updates/second): "
<< engine.num_updates() / runtime << std::endl;
// Make predictions ---------------------------------------------------------
if(!predictions.empty()) {
std::cout << "Saving predictions" << std::endl;
const bool gzip_output = false;
const bool save_vertices = false;
const bool save_edges = true;
const size_t threads_per_machine = 1;
//save the predictions, prediction_saver(),
gzip_output, save_vertices,
save_edges, threads_per_machine);
//save the linear model + ".U", linear_model_saver_U(),
gzip_output, save_edges, save_vertices, threads_per_machine); + ".V", linear_model_saver_V(),
gzip_output, save_edges, save_vertices, threads_per_machine);
} // end of main
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