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Working, whatd'ya think..

Isa Goksu isa

Working, whatd'ya think..
View GitHub Profile
isa / gist:2590709
Created May 4, 2012 00:35 — forked from paulwoods/gist:1142106
gradle - exclude files from a jar.
jar {
manifest {
attributes "Implementation-Title": "Gradle Quickstart"
attributes "Implementation-Version": version
attributes "Main-Class" : "com.ti.specteam.programs.Application"
// remove the security files (from mail.jar / activation.jar) so that the jar will be executable.
isa / gist:2571012
Created May 1, 2012 20:10
Convert in less than 30 lines
Question: Convert following into the latter data structure in less than 30 lines:
A, B, C
A, C, E
E, F, D
D, A, J
E, D, J
isa / gist:1982808
Created March 6, 2012 01:48
Windows Command Prompt Failures
1- Proper selections (like not everything is block, sometimes I wanna select a command that wraps to next line)
2- Proper copy / paste
3- Allow re-sizing the terminal window with mouse with no limit or blockage. Why is it any different than any other window anyways?
4- Infinite buffer and scrollback capabilities
5- Multiple tab support
6- Proper find dialog where I don't have to click top-left menu-> edit -> search
7- Fucking 256 color support, who supports only 8 colors anymore
Possible shell improvements
isa / gist:1794653
Created February 11, 2012 00:49
$service = new-webserviceproxy -uri http://xxx/service?wsdl -Namespace com
$request = new-object com.ExecuteTestsResponseType
you get this:
Cannot convert argument "0", with value: "com.ExecuteTestsRequestType", for "executeTests" to type "com.ExecuteTestsRequestType": "Cannot convert the "com.ExecuteTestsRequestType" value of type "com.ExecuteTestsRequestType" to type "com.ExecuteTestsRequestType"."
At line:1 char:18
+ $xxx.executeTests <<<< ($request)
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
isa / gist:1776924
Created February 9, 2012 03:09
Powershell Awkwardness
C:\>$files = (gci -Recurse | Where { $_.Name -eq "some.file" }
C:\>$files.Length # prints 45
C:\>$files | %{ $_.FullName } # displays each file name properly
C:\>$files | %{ Get-Content $_ } # prints the first file content 45 times WTF?
isa / gist:1776881
Created February 9, 2012 02:58
Windows 2000 Source Code
/* Source Code Windows 2000 */
#include "win31.h"
#include "win95.h"
#include "win98.h"
#include "workst~1.h"
#include "evenmore.h"
#include "oldstuff.h"
#include "billrulz.h"
#include "monopoly.h"
isa / gist:1641809
Created January 19, 2012 18:51
Stupid powershell returns object[] instead of string
function Trigger-Builds($WaitForCore = $True) {
$ServiceUrl = 'http://jenkins:8080/job/'
$LastServiceBuildNumber = Get-LastSuccessfulBuildNumber "$ServiceUrl/rssAll"
$ServiceVersion = 0
$ServiceBuildResult = Trigger-Build "$ServiceUrl/build"
Write-Host "Building service now.."
while ($ServiceBuildResult) {
Sleep -Seconds 20
isa / gist:1576855
Created January 8, 2012 02:01
jinja2 template
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block title %}Order Management Team{% endblock %}
{% block head %}
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
<h1><span>Current Team Members</span> <a>¶</a> <a href="{{ url_for('.list_services')}}" class='home'>Go Back &raquo;</a></h1>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p>The following little facebook should explain who is doing what in the team :) Names are in alphabetical order but my name:P If your picture is missing, please do contact to <strong>Isa Goksu</strong>.</p>
isa / gist:1557061
Created January 3, 2012 21:36
Perforce p4python module installation
λ sudo easy_install p4python
Searching for p4python
Best match: p4python [unknown version]
Processing p4python.tgz
Running p4python-2011.1.389946/ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-nMvjJm/p4python-2011.1.389946/egg-dist-tmp-UF4I0y
Cannot find Version file in API dir or distribution dir.
isa / gist:1139163
Created August 11, 2011 08:30
Brew Readline Installation
$ brew install -v readline
==> Downloading
File already downloaded in /Users/isa/Library/Caches/Homebrew
/usr/bin/tar xf /Users/isa/Library/Caches/Homebrew/readline-6.2.1.tar.gz
==> Downloading patches
/usr/bin/curl -f#LA Homebrew 0.8 (Ruby 1.8.7-249; Mac OS X 10.7) -o 001-homebrew.diff
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%==> Patching
/usr/bin/patch -f -p0 -i 001-homebrew.diff
patching file vi_mode.c