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Last active November 1, 2022 23:58
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F# port of the first half of John De Goes "FP to the max" (
#load @".paket\load\net452\FSharpPlus.fsx"
open FSharpPlus
open System
module rec IO =
let run (IO computation) = computation()
type IO<'T> =
| IO of (unit -> 'T)
static member (>>=) (x, f) = IO(fun () -> run x |> f |> run)
static member Return (x:'T) = IO(fun () -> x)
module SideEffects =
let private r = Random()
let printLn text = IO (fun () -> printfn "%s" text)
let readLn() = IO(fun () -> Console.ReadLine())
let random upper = IO(fun () -> r.Next(0, upper))
let parseInt s = Int32.TryParse s |> function | true, x -> Some x | false, _ -> None
let rec checkContinue name = monad {
do! printLn ("Do you want to continue, " + name + "?")
let! answer = readLn() |> map String.toLower
match answer with
| "y" -> IO.Return true
| "n" -> IO.Return false
| _ -> checkContinue name }
let rec gameLoop name = monad {
let! secret = random 5 |> map ((+) 1)
do! printLn ("Dear " + name + ", please guess a number from 1 to 5:")
let! input = readLn()
match parseInt input with
| None -> printLn "You did not enter a number!"
| Some x when x = secret -> printLn ("You guessed right, " + name + "!")
| Some _ -> printLn (sprintf "You guessed wrong, %s! The number was: %d" name secret)
let! shouldContinue = checkContinue name
if shouldContinue then gameLoop name
else IO.Return() }
let main = monad {
do! printLn "What is your name?"
let! name = readLn()
do! printLn ("Hello, " + name + " welcome to the game!")
do! gameLoop name
return() }
run main
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Those let and do is really noisy :(

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Unless you come from a Python background, let is just instead of e.g. var / val etc. in many other (non-ML) languages - not sure where the real noise there, it's just binding a value to a symbol :-) do! is how you explicitly execute some unit-returning monadic value - F# doesn't really do "implicit" execution / ignoring of values.

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Note that if we didn't have any effects - so removed the whole IO thing - then the do wouldn't be necessary, but that's the whole point here I thought - to explicitly reason about side-effects.

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Really nice implementation! Just wondering about FSharpPlus - have you ever used it in production? Or maybe do you know anyone that used it? Just being curious if F# can be easily leveraged to something similar as Scala can be turned into using libs like zio/scalaz/cats 😄

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@dpraimeyuu thank you :-) but I really just followed Jon's video step by step! I've never used FSharpPlus that much - it was just a time saver here instead of creating a full computation expression - but I know some developers who swear by it. You can get quite far in F# with such libraries which take advantage of SRTPs - kind of a hack in my opinion and there are sharp edges, but they work. Also there's FSharpX as well. But most F# developers and codebases that I've seen don't really use it.

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I think that the port of the second part corresponds to translating Scala "capabilities" into F# "effect handlers", as they are defined in this snippet
It is the most generic concept of a dsl.

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giuliohome commented Aug 17, 2018

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gusty commented May 28, 2019

Here's my simplified version

Using FSharpPlus tryParse and the async monad.

You probably know it already, you can use async instead of io (that's the reason why there's no IO monad in F#+).

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