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Last active August 11, 2020 20:37
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ICantSeeSharp
static class DateStream
public static IEnumerable<DateTime> AllDates
get {
var theDate = DateTime.MinValue;
while (theDate < DateTime.MaxValue.Date) {
yield return theDate;
theDate = theDate.AddDays(1);
public static Func<DateTime, bool> IsDayOfMonth(params int[] targets) => (DateTime actual) => targets.Contains(actual.Day);
public static Func<DateTime, bool> IsDay(params DayOfWeek[] targets) => (DateTime actual) => targets.Contains(actual.DayOfWeek);
public static Func<DateTime, bool> IsYear(params int[] target) => (DateTime actual) => target.Contains(actual.Year);
namespace App
using static ICantSeeSharp.DateStream;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var monOrWedStartOfMonth =
.Where(IsDay(DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Wednesday))
foreach (var date in monOrWedStartOfMonth)
System.Console.WriteLine($"{date} is {date.DayOfWeek}");
open System
module DateStream =
let allDates = seq {
let mutable theDate = DateTime.MinValue
while theDate < DateTime.MaxValue.Date do
theDate <- theDate.AddDays 1.
let isDayOfMonth targets (actual:DateTime) = targets |> Seq.contains actual.Day
let isDay targets (actual:DateTime) = targets |> Seq.contains actual.DayOfWeek
let isYear targets (actual:DateTime) = targets |> Seq.contains actual.Year
open System
let main argv =
|> Seq.filter (isYear [ 2020 ])
|> Seq.filter (isDay [ DayOfWeek.Monday; DayOfWeek.Wednesday ])
|> Seq.filter (isDayOfMonth [ 1 ])
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%O")
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