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Created May 4, 2022 14:32
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Keeping your code dry
// Let's have two creature classes,
// each of them with their own set of behaviours.
// The obvious solution would be to directly outline the methods
// for each class as we need them ...
class Alligator {
void swim() => print('Swimming');
void bite() => print('Biting');
void hunt() {
print('Alligator -------');
print('Eating Lunch');
class Crocodile {
void swim() => print('Swimming');
void bite() => print('Biting');
void hunt() {
print('Crocodile -------');
print('Eat Dinner');
// If we run our code, our output is
void main() {
// Output should be
// Crocodile -------
// Swimming
// Biting
// Eat Dinner
// Alligator -------
// Swimming
// Biting
// Eat Lunch
// But classes aren't going to be entirely unique and will share
// a lot of commonality with each other.
// We obviously want to find the most efficient structure
// for writing these classes in the most reusable way.
// As you can see, their diet may be different, but the methods
// are mostly the same and should ideally be broken out into
// something more reusable.
// As a mobile developer but familiar with design patterns and
// good practice,The most common option we have is extensions
// where we can take the properties and methods on one class
// and make them available in another, we wiil also need to use
// the mixin type to store our methods and use the with keyword
// on every class we want it included in. Unlike using only extends,
// we can add as many mixins as we want to a class.
// This will result to
// Create all mixing methods
mixin Swim {
void swim() => print('Swimming');
mixin Bite {
void bite() => print('Biting');
// Create an abstract class mixing with various methods
abstract class Reptile with Swim, Bite {}
// We break Hunt into its own mixin, using the on keyword
// to tell it that it will only be used on the Reptile class,
// which will give it access to all of its functionality,
// like our Swim and Bite mixins.
mixin Hunt on Reptile {
void hunt(food) {
print('${this.runtimeType} -------');
print('Eat $food');
// Extend the abstract class and with any mixing for the reptile class
class Alligator extends Reptile with Hunt {
// Alligator Specific stuff...
class Crocodile extends Reptile with Hunt {
// Crocodile Specific stuff...
// Now we can now use any other animal freely
class Fish with Swim, Bite {
void feed() {
print('Fish --------');
// With this we can easuly reuse dart classes and understand the
// concept of keep our code DRY
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