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Last active July 31, 2019 19:48
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Creating a web server on AWS using EC2
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Web servers on GCP, Azure Cloud.

Creating a web server on AWS using EC2 - Hands-on

Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept.

I'm currently preparing AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate certificate.
The following gist is intended to AWS users to learn more about Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
I performed this setup on my Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.
To check your OS version, execute $ lsb_release -a in your Terminal.


None. Just log into your AWS management console,
You'll need to perform several tasks in your CLI regarding SSH keygen, so make sure you check the following prerequisites.


First, make sure Oracle jdk is installed. I recommend java 1.8.0
To uninstall effectively your current jdk, perform this:
$ sudo apt-get remove openjdk*
$ sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove openjdk*
$ sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove openjdk*

To install java 1.8.0, open Terminal Ctrl+Alt+T and run the command:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java // adds PPA repository
$ sudo apt-get update // updates package list
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk // installs openjdk

$ javac -version // shows your new java version


  • Isaac Arnault - AWS Cloud series - Related tags: #EC2 #WebServer


  • $ // log into your AWS management console

I'm using MFA to secure my root account access coupled with Google Authenticator on my Android smartphone.

You can bypass this step and login normally.

πŸ”΄ See output


Go to Services > EC2

  • In Create Instance section, click on Launch Instance
πŸ”΄ See output


  • Select Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type

  • Instance type: choose t2.micro (Free tier eligible). Instance comes with 1vCPU and 1 GiB (memory).

  • Click on "Next: Configure instance details"

  • Configure instance details : leave all fields as they're by default, just Enable termination protection.

πŸ”΄ See output


Next : Add Storage

Leave default configuration.

Next: Add Tags

You can leave tags blanks, here I'm using some tags for my own needs.

πŸ”΄ See output


Next : Configure Security Group

Click on "Add rule" to allow Port 80 on Http. Ignore the warning and click on "Review and Launch" then "Launch".

πŸ”΄ See output


  • Now you are about to create a key pair to securely SSH into your instance. Select Create a new key pair, name it as you want then Download Key Pair. This should download a .pem file. Mine is MYKP1.pem.

  • Create a new folder named "SSH" on your "Desktop", then move the .pem file to the newly created folder.

  • Change the permissions to .pem file, ie: $ chmod 400 MYKP1.pem.

  • Connect to your EC2 instance using your IPv4 Public IP Address:

$ ssh ec2-user@myipv4.public.address -i MYKP1.pem

  • Then type "yes" when prompted by the CLI.

Now, you should be connected to your EC2 instance through SSH.

πŸ”΄ See output



  • If connection failed, you are probably blocked by a proxy (you are trying to connect from a Public Libraby for example) not allowing your device using Port 22, which is the default port used by the SSH.

Another method : Secure Shell App (Web)

  • Now we are going to use another method if you want to connect to your EC2 instance, if you can't / do not want to use your CLI. We are going to use Secure Shell App extension in our Chrome browser.

Search for "Secure Shell App" in your Search Engine and Download it as below :

πŸ”΄ See output


  • Once installed, you should see this. Then click on "Secure Shell App" icon.
πŸ”΄ See output


  • If everything goes well, enter the following information into your Secure Shall App as follows : your username (ec2-user) and your hostname (provided by your EC2 instance).

Go in the SSH folder where you stored the .pem file from your CLI and generate a public key from the .pem using $ ssh-keygen -y -f MYKP1.pem >

  • Now you should have 2 files, MYKP1.pem and Duplicate MYKP1.pem file and rename the new file to MYKP1 (just remove .pem extension). In the Identity section of the prompt, upload both the MYKP1.pem and MYKP1 file .
πŸ”΄ See output


  • There you go, if everything went fine you should be prompted by the Secure Shell App, type "yes" and you should see the same display as you would normally see in your CLI.
πŸ”΄ See output


  • Let's get back to your installation using your CLI. The following steps are not performed in Secure Shell App, but you can perform them there.

  • Elevate your privileges to root using $ sudo su and perform $ yum update -y to update your CLI with the latest available packages.

  • Install Apache HTTP Server from your CLI. This will basically turn your EC2 instance to a web server, use $ cd /var/www/html to make your web server's files accessible by Port 80.

  • Let's create a sample index.html file using $ nano index.html

πŸ”΄ See output


  • To start the httpd service, use $ service httpd start.
πŸ”΄ See output


  • There you go, type your IPv4 public address in your browser and you should see your Web Server online.
πŸ”΄ See output


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