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Last active June 3, 2021 00:01
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This method is used to calculate the idealTree, which satisfies dependencies, complies with the lockfile if one exists, and makes the changes to the tree that the user has requested.


  1. Init Tree Load the virtualTree or actualTree as a starting point. (The actualTree is used only if no lockfile exists, or if we have been instructed not to use it.)
  2. Inflate Ancient Lockfile If using a lockfile, and we detect that the lockfile is from npm v6 or npm v5, attempt to load missing metadata from the npm registry and/or from package.json files. Log a warning for any nodes that could not be inflated in this way.
  3. Apply User Requests If an add or rm action was specified, then update the dependencies in the root project (or in specified workspaces). For any node so modified, add it to the Deps Queue.
  4. Build Deps Enter the recursive buildDeps process described below.
  5. Fix Dep Flags Calculate dependency flags for all Node objects within the tree.
  6. Prune Failed Optional Any optional dependencies that failed to resolve are removed from the tree.
  7. Check Engine and Platform Ensure that any non-optional dependencies are compatible with the current environment.

Build Deps

Iterate over the queue of deps, placing them in the tree and resolving all of their missing dependencies, until all have been visited and placed.

  1. While the Deps Queue contains nodes:
    1. Sort Deps Queue by depth, and then alphabetically by node name.
    2. Set node to next item in Deps Queue
    3. If node has been seen, or has been removed from the tree, loop.
    4. Set hasShrinkwrap and hasBundle based on the node's node.hasShrinkwrap and node.package.bundleDependencies fields.
    5. If complete is true, and hasShrinkwrap or hasBundle are set,
      1. Extract node resolved value into a temp directory
      2. If hasBundle, call loadActual in the temp directory, rooted on the node
      3. Else, if hasShrinkwrap, call loadVirtual in the temp directory, rooted on the node
    6. Set peerSource to the peerSetSource for this node, or the node itself if none is found.
    7. Set tasks to empty list
    8. For each Problem Edges of the node:
      1. If the edge is marked as an overridden peer dependency, loop
      2. Set source to peerSource if edge.type is peer, otherwise the node being built.
      3. If a virtual root for the node exists, then:
        1. set virtualRoot to the node's virtual root
        2. set vrEdge to the edge from the virtual root by this edge name
        3. set vrDep to the resolution of the edge in the virtual root tree, if valid.
      4. If vrDep is set, and satisfies the edge, then set dep to vrDep
      5. Else, set dep to Node From Edge, requiring edge.from
      6. Push edge and dep onto the tasks list
    9. Sort tasks alphabetically by edge name.
    10. Attempt to Place Dep each dep/edge in the task list, returning list of placed nodes.
    11. For each placed node:
      1. Push node onto Deps Queue
      2. Pre-fetch manifests for all of the node's Problem Edges
    12. Loop
  2. Resolve Links For every Link node placed within the tree,
    1. If the link target is outside of the project root folder, and follow is not set, then do nothing.
    2. Else, if the link target was not already visited, push the link target onto the Deps Queue and restart loop.

Node From Edge (edge, parent, secondEdge, required)

This creates a new Node in a virtual root to satisfy the edge provided, and the secondEdge if provided, tracking which nodes along the journey are required (ie, not peerOptional dependencies or their deps).

The end result is a Node that lives within a Virtual Root, where all of its peer dependencies and transitive peer dependencies have been resolved as well, assigned with an appropriate peerSetSource so that we know why they are included.

  1. If parent is not set, then set to new Virtual Root based on edge.from
  2. Set first to Node From Spec based on edge.spec
  3. If secondEdge is provided, and not satisfied by first, then set second to Node From Spec based on secondEdge.spec
  4. If second is set, and the edge is valid, then set node to second. Else: set node to first
  5. If required contains edge.from, and edge.type is not peerOptional, add node to required
  6. If required contains secondEdge.from and secondEdge.type is not peerOptional, add node to required
  7. If a matching node can be found in the tree above the level of edge.from, then return a Link to the matching node, to prevent infinite recursion in a1->b2->a2->b1->... cases.
  8. Set parent.sourceReference as the peerSetSource for the node.
  9. Load Peer Set on the node

Load Peer Set

Load the set of nodes that need to be loaded as peerDependencies for the node being resolved. This builds up the peerSet within a Virtual Root, so that we can know which versions ought to be placed in the idealTree.

Note that this calls Node From Edge, which in turn calls back into Load Peer Set with the same parent, building up the set until it is complete.

  1. Get the list of peerEdges that are not currently resolved and valid, sorted by name.
  2. For each edge in peerEdges,
    1. If the edge is valid and has resolution, loop (this can happen because the function is re-entered for each node as it is resolved, and peerDep sets can overlap)
    2. Set parentEdge to the edge from node.parent by this name
    3. Set isMine if parent source reference is either the project root or a workspace.
    4. If force, or strictPeerDeps is not set and isMine is false, then Conflict is OK
    5. If no exists:
      1. If there is no parent edge, call Node From Edge with the edge, in node.parent, loop
      2. Else:
        1. set dep to Node From Edge with the parentEdge as edge, node.parent as the parent, and edge as secondEdge
        2. If the edge is now valid, loop
        3. Conflict is ok, or if the dep is not found in the required set, loop
        4. Throw ERESOLVE failure. (We do not warn for the "allowed" failures, because they may be resolvable later.)
    6. Else ( exists):
      1. Set current to the current value
      2. Set dep to Node From Edge with the edge and required list (do not provide parent or secondEdge)
      3. If dep can safely replace current
        1. call Node From Edge with edge, parent, and required
        2. loop
      4. If conflict is ok or edge.from is not required, loop
      5. Throw ERESOLVE

Place Dep (dep, node, edge, peerEntryEdge = null, peerPath = [])

Starting with the dependent node location (or its resolveParent if a peer dep), walk up the tree finding the shallowest location within the tree where it can be safely placed without violating any other dependency contracts.

This function recurses to place peer dependencies at or above the location where we are placing dep. When re-entering, peerEntryEdge is set to the non-peer edge that caused the inclusion of the peer set.

  1. If edge is resolved, and valid, and not within explicitRequests, and its name is not within updateNames, and the edge resolution is not a known vulnerability, return an empty list.
  2. Set start to node.resolveParent if edge is a peerDep and node is not the project root, otherwise set to node
  3. Set check to start
  4. Set source to the peerSetSource for dep
  5. While check is set, setting check to check.resolveParent at each step:
    1. Set isSource to true if check is source
    2. If check has an edge by that name, and check is not a top node, and the check edge is a peerDep, loop
    3. Set canPlace to Can Place Dep with (dep, check, edge, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)
    4. If canPlace is anything other than CONFLICT, then set target to check.
    5. Else: break loop
    6. If legacyBundling is set, break loop. (Accept first valid placement)
    7. If globalStyle is set, and check.resolveParent is the root of the tree, break loop. (Global style only includes direct deps in top level.)
  6. If no target was found, then we know there is a conflict
    1. if force is set,
      1. set target to (Ie, the parent of whichever unsatisfying version was found in the tree)
      2. set canPlace to KEEP (Keep the conflicting dependency)
    2. Else: throw ERESOLVE
  7. At this point, a target has been found, and canPlace is either KEEP, REPLACE, or OK
  8. If canPlace is KEEP,
    1. If edge is a peerDep and the placed node does not satisfy the edge, raise a peer dep conflict warning. If we got to this location, it's because either force was set, or the peerDep conflict comes from a transitive dependency. In either case, we warn and move on.
    2. Prune Dedupable on the target to remove any nodes that will become extraneous.
    3. Return empty list.
  9. Set virtualRoot to dep.parent
  10. Clone dep to newDep
  11. Set placed to a new list containing newDep
  12. If a child by the same name of dep exists in target.children
    1. Gather set of all deps that are solely depended upon by the current child or other deps within the set.
    2. Replace current child with newDep
    3. Prune all nodes in old dep set that are not valid resolutions within the set of dependencies of the new dep
    4. For each invalid edgeIn of newDep, where edgeIn is not the edge, re-evaluate the now-invalid resolution. We may need to re-resolve nodes that were previously visited, in this case.
      1. Add edgeIn.from to Deps Queue
      2. Remove edgeIn.from from Deps Seen
  13. Else: set newDep.parent to target
  14. If edge is a peerDep, and newDep does not satisfy edge, raise warning on peer conflict.
  15. If edge is valid, and edge is not resolving to newDep, Prune Dedupable on, but do not descend
  16. For each invalid edgeIn resolving to newDep, where edge.from is not within Deps Seen, add edgeIn.from to Deps Queue
  17. For each node by the same name as newDep, descending from target, call Prune Dedupable, not descending
  18. Place missing or invalid peer deps at or above this location as well. For each peer edge of newDep.edgesOut,
    1. If the is not set, then it's a non-required peerOptional, and can be skipped. Loop.
    2. Set peerPlaced to Place Dep with (peer, newDep, peerEdge, peerEntryEdge (or edge), peerPath)
    3. Add all peerPlaced nodes to placed
  19. Remove virtualRoot.sourceReference from virtualRoots map
  20. Return placed

Can Place Dep (dep, target, edge, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)

Answers the question: can we place dep in target safely, along with its peer deps?

This function is re-entered from Can Place Peers, with a peerEntryEdge and peerPath set in order to avoid infinite regress.

Placement return values:

  • OK It is ok to put the dep in this location, and there are no conflicting versions present.
  • KEEP There is a node present in this location, and we ought to keep it and use it to resolve the edge.
  • REPLACE There is a node present, but we ought to replace it with the new dependency.
  • CONFLICT There is a node present which does not meet the dependency, and we cannot safely replace it.
  1. set entryEdge to peerEntryEdge if set, otherwise edge
  2. set source to peerSetSource for dep
  3. If isSource is not true, set it to true if target is equal to source
  4. If isSource is true, then set effectiveSource to target. Otherwise, set effectiveSource to source.
  5. Set isProjectRoot and isWorkspace from effectiveSource
  6. Set isMine to isProjectRoot or isWorkspace
  7. If target has a child by the name of, then
    1. set current to target's child
    2. if the dep matches current, then we keep it unless the current doesn't match the edge and the new dep does. If current satisfies edge OR dep does NOT satisfy edge, return KEEP
    3. set curVer to current.version
    4. set newVer to dep.version
    5. set tryReplace to true if newVer is greater than curVer
    6. if tryReplace is true and dep can replace current, then:
      1. set result to Can Place Peers with (dep, target, edge, REPLACE, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)
      2. If res is not CONFLICT, return res
    7. if edge satisfied by current, return KEEP
    8. if preferDedupe is set or if the edge is a peer dep, and tryReplace is false, and dep can replace current, try to replace it anyway.
      1. set res to Can Place Peers with (dep, target, edge, REPLACE, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)
      2. if res is not CONFLICT return res
    9. If isSource is true, then Check for Conflict Override Cases If this is the only place the thing can go, and the current thing there can potentially be nested, we MAY opt to replace it anyway. The complexity arises when we are replacing a dep set, not merely one node.
      1. set canReplace to true
      2. If peerEntryEdge is set, then:
        1. set currentPeerSet to the peer set of the current node
        2. set targetEdges to new Set. This will be the set of all edges coming from the target to nodes within the currentPeerSet.
        3. for each peer of currentPeerSet
          1. for each edgeIn of peer.edgesIn
            1. if the currentPeerSet has edgeIn.from, loop
            2. if edgeIn.from is not the target, or is not valid, loop
            3. add edgeIn to targetEdges
        4. for each edge of targetEdges
          1. set rep to dep.parent.children( (That is, the replacement that will be placed, coming from the virtualRoot tree)
          2. set current to
          3. if rep is not set, then no replacement is intended. However, it was still included in the peerSet, so we need to make sure that it is ok with the other nodes coming in as part of the new peerSet.
            1. for each edge as curEdge of current's edgesOut,
              1. set newRepDep (new replacement dependency) to dep.parent.children.get( (Ie, the replacement node from the virtual root
              2. if curEdge is valid, and newRepDep exists, and does not satisfy curEdge, set canReplace to false, and break
            2. loop
          4. Check if the replacement is already an override of some sort. If any rep.edgesIn is not valid, set override to true.
          5. If rep satisfies edge, and is not an override, loop
          6. Else, we cannot replace. Set canReplace to false.
          7. break
        5. If canReplace is true, then we need to determine if we need nesting.
          1. set needNesting to `false
          2. OUTER: for each node of currentPeerSet
            1. set rep to dep.parent.children.get(
            2. if rep, continue (already addressed above)
            3. for each edge of node.edgesOut
              1. set repDep to dep.parent.children.get(
              2. if no repDep, loop
              3. if repDep satisfies edge, loop
              4. Otherwise, nesting is required. Set needNesting to true, and break OUTER
          3. If needNesting is true, then we delete everything in the current peerSet that does not have a corresponding target dep, and add their dependents to the Deps Queue. Some or all of them MAY end up in the same location, which is fine if allowed.
            1. set dependents to a new Set
            2. set reresolve to a new Set
            3. OUTER: for each node of currentPeerSet
              1. set rep to dep.parent.children.get(
              2. if rep, loop (already addressed)
              3. set deps to new Set
              4. for each edge of node.edgesIn
                1. if edge.from is target, loop OUTER (This is not one that we can replace)
                2. If currentPeerSet has edge.from, loop
                3. add edge.from to deps
              5. add node to reresolve
              6. add each dep in deps to dependents
            4. for each dependent in dependents,
              1. add dependent to Deps Queue
              2. remove dependent from Deps Seen
            5. for each node of reresolve, remove from tree
      3. If canReplace is true, then
        1. set ret to Can Place Peers with (dep, target, edge, REPLACE, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)
        2. if ret is not CONFLICT, return ret
      4. At this point, we know that it is not a deeper dependency that was deduped up to this location, and not something we can replace or accept. This is a peer conflict.
      5. If conflict is ok, then raise peer conflict warning, and return KEEP
    10. Conflicting node at this location, and no justification for overriding. Return CONFLICT
  8. No node by that name here. Check to see if the target perhaps doens't have a child by that name, but wants one, and will not be satisfied by this one.
  9. If target is not entryEdge.from and target has an edge for,
    1. if target edge is not satisfied by dep, return CONFLICT
  10. Check for deduping dependents that may be upset by the placement. If target is not entryEdge.from, then set current to target.resolve(
  11. If current, then for each edge of current.edgesIn
    1. if edge.from is a descendant of target, and the edge is valid, and the edge is not satisfied by dep, then return CONFLICT
  12. No objections! Return Can Place Peers (dep, target, edge, OK, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)

Can Place Peers (dep, target, edge, returnValue, peerEntryEdge, peerPath, isSource)

Answers the question: can we place the peers of dep at or above this target. If so, return the returnValue (the original return value of placing dep in the target without peers). If not, return CONFLICT.

This always operates on a dep in a virtual root, where its peers have been placed already. We check each one for placement within target. Note that they might not actually end up in target, but this establishes that they could, and thus have at least one valid resolution. If they cannot be placed in target, then it means something else is there which will prevent the valid placement of dep anyway.

  1. If dep.parent is not set (because the node was already removed or replaced in the peer set), return returnValue
  2. if a peerEntryEdge is set, and the peerPath includes the dep (cycle), return returnValue
  3. Set entryEdge to peerEntryEdge if set, otherwise edge
  4. Set peerPath to the concatenation of peerPath and dep
  5. For each peerEdge of dep.edgesOut
    1. If is not set, loop
    2. set peer to
    3. set canPlacePeer to Can Place Dep with (peer, target, peerEdge, entryEdge, peerPath, isSource). This re-enters the Can Place Dep flow with the peer, noting that it is part of a peer set, so only its un-checked peers will still be checked for placement.
    4. If canPlacePeer is CONFLICT, return CONFLICT
    5. Loop
  6. Return returnValue

Problem Edges

Figure out which edges of a node have to get some attention paid to them.

Return the set of node.edgesOut where:

  • The edge is not a bundled dependency (unless the bundling node is the project root)
  • The edge resolves to a module that is already a known load failure
  • The edge does not have a resolution, and either its type is not peerOptional or it is in the explicitRequests
  • One of the following are true:
    • The edge is not valid
    • The updateNames includes the edge name
    • The edge resolution is marked as vulnerable
    • The edge is present in explicitRequests

Prune Dedupable (node, descend = true)

  1. If node.canDedupe(), set node.root to null, and return
  2. If descend,
    1. For each node.children, sorted by location, call Prune Dedupable
    2. For each node.fsChildren, sorted by location, call Prune Dedupable

Virtual Root (node, reuse = false)

Create a virtual parent node based on the provided node, so that we have a safe space in which to resolve its set of dependencies and their peerDependencies, prior to moving into the idealTree.

This is a bit like growing a small bush that will be grafted onto the tree we are building.

  1. If reuse, and virtual root exists for node, return the virtual root previously created for node
  2. Set virtualRoot to a new Node using the source node's realpath and setting the source node as sourceReference
  3. For all children of node,
    1. if child is a link, create a new node at the child's realpath, rooted on virtualRoot. This ensures that subsequent resolutions of file: dependencies will be found within the virtual root tree.
  4. Save the virtualRoot as the virtual root for node, and return it
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